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8.1 Private forest
8.2 National Forest

Regarding multiple use of forests, the "Basic Plan on Forest Resources" makes the following clear statement: "forest resources should be developed so that nearby forest space can be utilized in various ways as a place for providing easily accessible forest, a place for forest bathing, a place for healthy activities, a place for cultivating spiritual affluence, a place where volunteers can participate in forestry activities and a place for urban and rural exchange." The present situation in promoting multiple use of forests is as follows.

8.1 Private forest

8.1.1 Promotion of utilization and forest improvement corresponding with multiple use
8.1.2 Instructor training of and information provision for promoting multiple use of forests

8.1.1 Promotion of utilization and forest improvement corresponding with multiple use

Given the global prominence of environmental issues, it is essential for the forestry sector to have people understand sufficiently that it is important to maintain and use forest resources effectively for attaining sustainable forest management. In order to understand sufficiently forest ecosystems and the way of their management, Japan uses actual practice through both action programmes and manuals by fully experienced instructors. Projects are being implemented for corresponding with people's needs with each project having a software programme (which provides programme development and necessary manuals, training for instructor, diffusion and education) and at the same time, a hardware programme that provides improvement of forests and facilities. The projects underway include:

· Project for promoting urban and rural exchange through activities in forests;

· Project for establishing places in order to maintain and strengthen a public health through utilization of forests;

· Project for establishing places which can participate directly to forestry activities for urban people such as volunteer groups.

Besides, in order to stimulate better public awareness of coexistence between forests and human beings as well as promoting better forest management, there are projects which involve people in forest management from the planning phase and aim to use forests as a place for practical learning on forest environment.

8.1.2 Instructor training of and information provision for promoting multiple use of forests

Training for instructors and provision of various information suitable for activities of instructors are available in order to promote multiple use of forests.

· Training for instructors

Qualification and certification examinations for Forest Instructors (the person who can guide and instruct outdoor activities in forests as well as provide proper information to people who use forests) are administered by Japan Forest Recreation Association authorized by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Additionally, the projects for human resource development for instruction of forest use and planning events suitable for multiple use of forests are also being implemented.

· Provide information

Various information is now available through internet on forests available for multiple use and information on various events in forests is provided by The Federation of Forest Owner's Cooperative Associations subsidized by Forestry Agency.

8.2 National Forest

National forest is managed for performing functions for public benefit, for planned and sustainable production of forest products and for contribution to regional development of mountain regions: these are the main objectives of its management.

In national forest management, the following are among various services including establishment of forests for recreation or designating of forest as a Forest for Rest (this has been under implementation since around 1970 to provide a place for relaxing for people):

· Service which selects forest areas with a excellent scenery or suitable for field athletics and makes them available as places for recreation, at the same time implementing improvement of forests and facilities such as promenades and sign boards.

· Service for provision of places that provides opportunities for families to stay or spend their leisure time in such widely accessible forests.

· Service which implements forest improvement and total area improvement such as places for field athletics, recreation, etc. with private sector.

· Service which develops bases for outdoor educational facilities such as outdoor school, forest for actual experience, etc. with private sector.

· Service for instruction of outdoor activities and provision of information on forest and forestry in various national forest by staff who grasp situations of forests including front-line rangers working on their management.

· Service for provision of information on forest and forestry or various events implemented in national forest through internet and various publications.

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