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64. The Committee noted that this standard had been proposed by the Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia at its 8th Session based on trade information and marketing aspects of canned bamboo shoots. The proposal had been approved by the Executive Committee at its 39th Session.[16] The Executive Committee at its 43rd Session had adopted the Proposed Draft Standard at Step 5.

65. The Committee agreed that this standard should be a stand-alone standard and returned the Draft Standard to Step 6. It requested Thailand, in collaboration with the Codex Secretariat, to redraft the standard in the current Codex format incorporating all the pertinent decisions made at this Session. The Committee noted that the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling had recommended the use of AOAC 968.30 for the determination of net weight and drained weight. The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene had felt it unnecessary to include a method for microbiological safety because such safety would be assured by the use of the Codes of Practice referred to in the Standard.

[15] CX/PFV 98/5 (comments from France, Indonesia, Poland and United Kingdom), CL 1996/26-PFV, ASIA, and Appendix II of ALINORM 97/15.
[16] ALINORM 93/3, para. 80.

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