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66. The Committee was unable to consider these standards due to time constraints. However, the Committee agreed to elaborate a standard for jam, jellies and marmalades, pending approval by the Executive Committee, which would replace the existing Standards for Jam (Fruit Preserves) and Jellies[18] and for Citrus Marmalade.[19] The Committee requested the Codex Secretariat to prepare a draft of the standard.

67. Noting the long-standing cooperation between the Committee and the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) in the elaboration of the Standard for Table Olives[20], the Committee requested the Secretariat to advise the IOOC of the proposals to revise the present standard and to cooperate with the IOOC in the preparation of an appropriate draft.

68. The Committee agreed to request the Executive Committee to consider transferring the work on converting the European Regional Standard for Fresh Fungus “Chanterelle”[21] into a worldwide standard from this Committee to the Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. All other Proposed Draft Standards were returned to Step 3.

69. Concerning the standards for dried fruits and pistachio nuts, the Committee noted the ongoing work by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in this area and the previous close cooperation between this Committee and UNECE and the current cooperation in the field of fresh fruits and vegetables. It was stressed that duplication of work should be avoided.

[17] CL 1997/1-PFV, CX/PFV 98/6 (comments from Australia, Brazil, Cube, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, OEITFL and IPPA), CX/PFV 98/6-Add.1 (comments from Australia, Cuba, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, United States, OEITFL and IPPA), CX/PFV 98/6-Add.2 (Proposed Draft Standard for Chutney), CRD 1 (list of food additives) and CRD 2 (comments from AIFLV).
[18] CODEX STAN 79-1981.
[19] CODEX STAN 80-1981.
[20] CODEX STAN 66-1981, Rev.1 1987.
[21] CODEX STAN 40-1981.

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