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Proposal for New Standard for Soy Sauce
Future Work

Proposal for New Standard for Soy Sauce

73. The Delegation of Japan introduced the document, CX/PFV 98/9, which explained the history, characteristics, types, manufacturing and trade of soy sauce and rationale for the elaboration of a standard for fermented soy sauce. It was emphasized that as there were two types of soy sauce, fermented and non-fermented, it was extremely important to distinguish the fermented type from the non-fermented for consumer protection and fair trade. A number of countries supported the elaboration of the standard for fermented soy sauce was a traditional food commodity in the country, to protect the traditional mode of manufacture of fermented soy sauce, or in view of substantial international trade of the product.

74. It was pointed out that some of the terms used in the proposal attached to CX/PFV 98/9 either were not used commonly in the world or could be confusing to countries outside of South East Asia. It was stated that the decision of the Committee to elaborate more general standards should also be taken into consideration when elaborating a standard for soy sauce, for example by including soy-sauce like products.

75. The Committee agreed to seek approval of the Executive Committee to elaborate a standard for soy sauce to cover fermented soy sauce with the understanding that Japan in collaboration with the Republic of Korea would prepare a Proposed Draft Standard for government comments.

Future Work

76. The Committee would consider at its next and subsequent Sessions the following items:[26]

- Draft Standard for Canned Bamboo Shoots;
- Proposed Draft Standard for:

- Canned Applesauce;
- Canned Pears;
- Canned Stone Fruits *;
- Canned Citrus Fruits *;
- Canned Berry Fruits *;
- Canned Mangoes;
- Canned Pineapples;
- Canned Fruit Cocktails;
- Canned Tropical Fruit Salad;
- Canned Chestnuts and Chestnut Puree;
- Canned Vegetables *[27];
- Canned Tomatoes;
- Canned Mushrooms;
- Jam, Jellies and Marmalades *;
- Mango Chutney;
- Pickled Cucumbers (Cucumber Pickles);
- Table Olives:
- Processed Tomato Concentrates;
- Dried Apricots;
- Dates;
- Raisins;
- Grated Desiccated Coconuts;
- Unshelled Pistachio Nuts;
- Dried Edible Fungi;
- Edible Fungi and Fungus Products; and
- Soy Sauce *; and
- Proposed Draft Guidelines for:
- Packing Media for Canned Fruits *; and
- Packing Media for Canned Vegetables *.
* new work subject to approval.

77. The Committee noted that there would be two additional standards forthcoming from the Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia, namely, the Proposed Draft Standards for Pickles and for Kimchi.

[26] See also paras. 50-52, 63, 65, 66-68, & 75.
[27] This standard may include canned artichokes and canned potatoes and could include canned mushrooms and canned tomatoes.

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