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5.1 Disciplinary-Based Divisions
5.2 Research Support Services
5.3 International Services

5.1 Disciplinary-Based Divisions

5.1.1 Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biochemistry
5.1.2 Agronomy, Physiology, and Agroecology
5.1.3 Entomology and Plant Pathology
5.1.4 Soil and Water Sciences
5.1.5 Agricultural Engineering
5.1.6 Social Sciences

IRRI established disciplinary-based divisions when it implemented its Research Matrix in 1992. The concept was to provide a mechanism by which each Programme could draw from a range of disciplines adjudged necessary to carry out its work. In IRRI's words, 'the programmes ensure the right research is done, while the divisions ensure the research is done right'. Within this concept, 'division leaders are responsible for maintaining and enhancing scientific quality and enriching the disciplinary knowledge base'. Division heads are responsible for implementing project activities within the division and helping in career development, recruitment, and performance evaluation of division scientists. Division heads also are expected to establish and maintain linkages with other research institutions, particularly those involved in basic research.

5.1.1 Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biochemistry

The Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biochemistry Division (PBGB) was formed in 1989, combining the plant breeding groups with biochemistry. In recent years the emphasis on biochemistry has declined in favour of the new biotechnology group. The eleven IRS staff and one affiliate scientist comprise eight plant breeders, three molecular biologists, and a cytogeneticist. In addition, the Division has seven project scientists, a visiting scientist, and 73 NRS The plant breeders work with staff in EPPD and APPA in each of the four ecosystem programmes while the strategic research is carried out in the Cross Ecosystems Programme.

PBGB is the hub of the successful irrigated rice pure line and hybrid rice breeding programmes, as well as the inspiration for the 'new plant type' programme. Although selection for grain quality continues, this is mainly restricted to consideration of aroma, grain shape, and amylose content. Work on protein and other nutrition aspects has declined due to the lack of specialized staff. The wide-cross programme continues to be a valuable adjunct to the breeding by supplying a stream of valuable new genes. The biotechnology group, which introduced molecular marker-aided selection (MAS) technology to IRRI's breeding, initially provided a MAS service but now provides a well-equipped user laboratory where breeders can carry out their own molecular screening. Use of this facility is restricted somewhat by lack of trained support staff, attached to IRS breeders, and in some quarters, a lack of familiarity by the IRS with the potential of the technology. The Division also houses the ARBN laboratory, office area, and teaching space (although this is jointly overseen by PBGB and EPPD), which appears to operate very effectively. Four well-founded containment glasshouses were available for the initial multiplication and testing of transgenics. The Panel was pleased to note that these facilities were being shared by staff from UPLB.


The Panel found the Division staff highly motivated and competent. The 12 IRS staff have published adequately in international journals (87 refereed and 55 conference and other professional publications) in addition to excellent breeding and training outputs. Divisional staff have a high international scientific standing and are sought as collaborators by rice scientists the world over. As a further measure of esteem, the Head of Division has, during the review period, been elected a fellow of the Royal Society in the UK, as well as being awarded the World Food Prize. Divisional staff have been awarded the Gold Medal for hybrid rice by ICAR and four honorary doctorates or professorships around the world.

In general, the Division was state-of-the-art equipped for cytogenetics and molecular biology. However, although the application of marker technology as a breeding aid was progressing at IRRI as rapidly as anywhere else in the public sector, the Panel did not see plans to scale up by employing automation or robotics. With the advent of PCR markers, automation is now becoming feasible, and indeed necessary, for routine large-scale, high through-put breeding applications.

The recent SRP appears to have bitten deeply into support staffing of the breeding programmes, and this will slow the flow of improved germplasm to the NARS and other outputs. The Panel also noted the continuing lack of a grain quality chemist or biochemist, an issue highlighted by the last EPMR.

5.1.2 Agronomy, Physiology, and Agroecology

The Agronomy, Physiology, and Agroecology Division (APPA) was formed in 1990 from the Department of Agronomy and Physiology and the Agroecology Unit, completing various organizational changes over the years that involved the Departments of Agronomy, Plant Physiology, and Multiple Cropping. The Division has 23 IRS in all (ten regular at Los Baños, four outreach, two affiliate, three project scientists, one visiting scientist, and three scientists seconded from other organizations), 44 NRS (research) and 48 NRS (research support).

In its early years. Agronomy emphasized maximum yield experiments, rotation crops and green manures, soil fertility and fertilizer management, land preparation, and influence of plant density in transplanted and direct-seeded rice. Later it added work on multiple cropping and intensification of irrigated and rainfed lowland systems. As part of that effort, a large network of experimental sites in different agroclimatic zones was established in tropical Asia; this work led to environmental characterization research. Between 1964 and 1968, long-term experiments were established at four sites in the Philippines; today, these experiments are invaluable in studying the sustainability of rice systems. Rice physiology research has a long history at IRRI. Physiologists have contributed to understanding plant growth and development, yield potential, mineral nutrition, photoperiodism, and tolerance of rice for flooding, drought, and temperature stresses.

Within the ecosystems programme structure, APPA operates under five research thrusts designed to underpin rice cropping in the 21st century; these are: (i) physiology of yield and stress tolerance, (ii) resource management, (iii) weed management, (iv) farming systems, and (v) systems analysis and simulation.

The Division is housed in modem facilities and is well equipped. Specialized equipment of note includes: an LI-6400 portable photosynthesis system with its own light source, PAM-2000 portable chlorophyll fluorometer, XL-100 ultracentrifuge, precision sprayer for herbicides, handheld HP computer for field data acquisition, setting for automatic data transfer from a weighing balance to a computer, and a time domain refractometer (TDR) for soil moisture measurement.


The Division and its antecedent departments and units have a long history of scientific innovation and high-quality research. That record appears to have continued. During the review period 1993-97, APPA scientists published 120 articles in refereed journals and 129 conference papers, book chapters, and other professional publications, a record which the Panel considers satisfactory.

Physiology and agronomy at IRRI have enjoyed high international standing. At present, physiology research aimed at improving problems of grain filling and other productivity factors in NPT and hybrid rice is important, as is work with direct seeding involving tillage, and soil, water, and weed management. The systems analysis work is respected and gaining attention as sustainability concerns have raised interest in studies relating natural resource management with crop productivity and production efficiency.

The APPA Division has much to offer the research programmes. Studies of yield potential and of factors involved in this are important in view of an urgent need to increase rice production. Questions of yield performance and sustainability must be answered through relevant APPA research with partner institutions, using long-term experiments, and consortia sites in NARS research stations and farmers' fields, plus systems analysis and modelling to understand what is happening, and what might happen. The SysNet network is helping to train NARS scientists to apply new techniques in their work. Agroecological analysis and mapping help to delineate management domains ranging from mega to micro levels.

Recognition of Division staff during the review period include: the 1996 CGIAR Chairman's Excellence in Science Award (Promising Young Scientist); and the 1997 Special Award by the Japanese Society of Root Science for a paper, "Root and Nitrogen in Cropping Systems/or the Semi-Arid Tropics".

Concerning Division expertise, the weed science group has gained strength in several areas - weed ecology, weed management (including interactions with water management and tillage in direct seeding), and biological control. Physiology research shows continuing strength.

5.1.3 Entomology and Plant Pathology

The Entomology and Plant Pathology Division (EPPD) combines entomological and plant pathological research. EPPD comprises eight full-time IRRI IRS staff, (three entomologists, four plant pathologists, and one virologist), 40 NRS (research), and 41 NRS (research support). Collaboration with ORSTOM provides one full time scientist, a part-time nematology expert, and an affiliate scientist. EPPD has been successful in attracting additional research fellows for thesis research or on-the-job training, and by developing collaboration with NARS and ARI has substantially increased its research capacity. Three IRS (plant pathologists) have considerable research management responsibilities; two act as programme leaders and another is head of a service unit.

Major research efforts are directed to durable resistance, pest characterization and ecology, and formulation and verification of IPM. Biotechnology tools are used to develop novel resistances to pests, improve screening methodology to deploy host-plant resistance, and analyze diversity of pests and beneficial organisms. Research is focused largely on insect pests and diseases in irrigated rice, and on diseases in rainfed rice. EPPD coordinates the IPM Net and one component of the ARBN, and administers the SHU.

Since the founding of IRRI, systematics and biological studies of pests and beneficial organisms have been continued to identify key rice diseases, insect pests and their associated arthropods, and beneficial organisms in tropical rice ecosystems. These studies have become a great asset in new research aimed at understanding and utilizing the biodiversity of rice ecosystems for better pest management. In collaboration with NARS, a pest database management system is being developed through surveys and experiments, and the diversity of rice pests and related beneficial organisms such as parasites, predators, and microbial antagonists is studied to incorporate as many components of biodiversity as possible into IPM strategies. Farmers' perceptions of pest control measures are studied to promote the widespread adoption of IPM. In the Philippines and Vietnam, using an IPM strategy, insecticide applications were reduced significantly with no yield loss. Screening of rice germplasm and varietal lines examines resistance to key pests.


The overall international standing of the division is high, thanks to the outstanding leadership and scientific creativity of several of its staff members. During the review period, EPPD scientists have been associated with 143 refereed publications, a high proportion of them in high standard journals which the Panel judges to be very good. Recognition received by the division or its scientists during 1993-97 included a fellow of the American Phytopathological Society (1994), an associate fellow of the Third World Academy of Science (1996), and the Medal for Agricultural Development in Vietnam (1996). One scientist serves as senior editor of the journal Phytopathology, another is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Pest Management.

The Panel considers the range of expertise covered by IRS and affiliated scientists 'and input from joint ventures and shuttle research to be appropriate for the proposed research agenda Nevertheless, research on still unresolved pest problems such as snails and rats, traditionally not within the scope of entomology, is weak and is handled through working groups and inputs from ARIs.

The basic equipment and facilities are satisfactory. However, most of the equipment for biotechnology work was purchased ten years ago; with time, the risk of breakdown increases. Provision of funds in case of emergency replacement may be required.

5.1.4 Soil and Water Sciences

The Soil and Water Sciences Division (SWSD) was created in 1990 by bringing together soil and water scientists who formerly were administered independently The Analytical Services Laboratory (ASL), which was formed in 1977 to provide plant, soil, and other analytical services, joined SWSD in 1997. Today, the Division consists of eight IRS, one outreach scientist (Cambodia), two visiting scientists, five postdoctoral fellows, 14 postgraduate scholars, and 34 NRS (research).

Expertise in the Division is grouped in six research thrusts which contribute to IRRI's research programmes, and in which the scientists aim to become recognized authorities. Soil chemists and soil fertility specialists in the Division's work on the effects of flooding on soil chemical properties and adverse soil conditions (e.g., iron toxicity, salinity, and zinc and phosphorus deficiencies), on nutrient management, and on the effects of rice production on the environment. Soil microbiologists work on the microbial ecology of flooded soils, biological nitrogen fixation, and the environmental effects of pesticides and herbicides. Water scientists work on the effects of water stress on rice production and on improving the productivity of water in rice systems. All staff are concerned with the effects of rice production on the environment, both local and global. The Division has research partnerships with various NARS and ARIs.

Strategic concerns include nutrient management, soil and water management relating to direct seeding, understanding the causes of greenhouse gas emissions, and the causes of productivity decline in long-term trials, and improving the efficiency of water and nutrients in crop growth.

Service functions of SWSD include the Analytical Service Laboratory, which includes radio-isotope and mass spectroscopy facilities, the Biofertilizer Germplasm Collection, and a section for screening germplasm for problem soils.


SWSD appears to be well equipped and has good facilities to handle the research for which it is responsible. Its work appears to be of high quality. Over the review period, 1993-97, SWSD staff published 134 refereed journal articles and 68 conference papers, book chapters, and other professional articles, a good publication record for a Division which also includes a service laboratory (ASL).

Expertise in the Division includes several areas of soil science (e.g., soil fertility, chemistry, microbiology, soil management), and some of its research has attracted international attention. Soil science at IRRI has a long history, particularly in the chemistry of flooded soils, management of problem and toxic soils, and fertilizer management in submerged soils. The SWSD is well known for its research in water management; in particular it has received increasing recognition for its collaborative work with NARS in reclaiming and managing acid sulfate soils in Vietnam.

Recognition of Division scientists during 1993-97 included five scientists who were elected to the editorial boards of five international journals.

Because the Panel considers water availability and management to be one of the most pressing problems for IRRI and rice-growing countries in the next decade, the Panel strongly suggests that the vacant water management position be filled with a world-class scientist as soon as possible.

5.1.5 Agricultural Engineering

IRRI's Agricultural Engineering Division has a rich history in small-scale machinery development and manufacture suited for Asia's rice farmers. In its early work, it sought to support the rapid gains in productivity and agricultural development that were taking place during Asia's 'green revolution' in rice. In particular, it sought to reduce drudgery and raise productivity of labour in all phases of rice production and postproduction, and to that end prototype machines were designed and made available to small-scale, rural fabricators. Many small factories began in this way and continue to produce machines for small-scale farmers. Noteworthy machines designed and/or modified by the Division include: the axial flow thresher, a unique innovation which revolutionized rice threshing around the world; stripper-header; various low lift pumps; drum seeder; transplanters; and the rolling injection planter designed at IITA for sowing in mulched or stubble fields. The Division holds patents on its machines (39 in 1993), which were protected in the public interest for production by small manufacturers, without license.

There is one IRS position in the Division, currently occupied by the Acting Head. The SRP reduced NRS staff positions from 28 to 15. Plans for the future include hiring a project scientist and an affiliate scientist. The Division is now in the midst of a study and review process to determine what its future might be. At present, the scientific staff consists of a (half-time) Division Head, who is a soil scientist and is also Head of the IRRI Experiment Station, plus a half-time engineer. An outreach engineer works in Cambodia on matters relating to labour-intensive operations and machinery needs.

The Division has facilities and equipment sufficient for a much larger programme that once included design and fabrication of a wide range of machines and tools.


During the review period, the Division published 18 articles in refereed journals and 22 conference papers and other professional articles, which the Panel considers outstanding for a small Division which has gone through significant downsizing and restructuring.

As mentioned, over the past two years the Division has studied what its future should be. In this process it developed the following mission statement: "Increase the efficiency of the production to consumption continuum; be a catalyst for system change". Several factors will influence the final decision, including a peer review at the end of February 1998, by a panel of public and private engineers from national and international organizations and firms. The Panel was told the possible future focus may include key problems such as direct seeding, precision levelling of land, precision farming, systems analysis, and post-production problems. The Division aims to assess and modify machines produced by others rather than produce new designs itself. Feedback from CREMNET and NARS leaders might help to determine what demand might be for different research and development approaches for the Agricultural Engineering Division.

It is still too early to know what direction the Division will take; that will be decided after the peer review. The Division's future relationships with the private sector must be decided soon. The Panel believes such relationships are needed, especially in a proposed new operational mode in which existing machines from elsewhere are introduced for possible use in Asian rice-fanning systems. An example of this is the laser levelling machine which has been modified by the Division to suit land management needs in wet ricelands.

Whatever the focus will be in the future, the reorganized Division is likely to be small, with two engineers and a small support staff, and it will need to plan carefully what work is necessary, wanted, and possible.

5.1.6 Social Sciences

The Agricultural Economics Department (AED) was established in 1966 to undertake impact assessment of technological changes brought about by the introduction of IRS and succeeding varieties, and to identify the constraints in the adoption of new technology in various regions and by various categories of farmers. In response to the research agenda which over time became multidisciplinary, the AED was converted into the Social Science Division (SSD) in 1990. The purpose was to put together economists, rural sociologists, anthropologists, gender specialists, and geographers to deal with processes and problems of technology transfer. In this regard, establishment of GIS capability has helped strengthen the database, and improved mapping and understanding of regional problems and developments.

The staff comprises four IRS, with an anthropologist to be recruited in 1998, three affiliate scientists, and two project scientists to be added, according to the MTP. The core staff consists of scholars from economics, anthropology, and geography. There are 21 NRS technical staff.

In addition to studying the constraints to the adoption of improved technologies, the Division's work focused on understanding socioeconomic characteristics of different agroecosystems including farmers' current practices, knowledge, and technology needs; their implications for research prioritization, and identification and evaluation of technologies. More recently, the Division has paid more attention to sustaining the natural resource base and the impact of rice technology on understanding the dynamics of the rural household economy; assuring the livelihood and risk management strategies of farmers in rainfed areas; analyzing the dynamic of land use changes in uplands; identifying factors influencing the sustainability of the natural resource base and evaluating the impact of rice technology on people, and other welfare issues including equity in distribution of gains; and gender issues and the participation of various groups, including women, in the decision-making process. Division scientists have also studied the differential impact of new varieties among different ecosystems; irrigated, rainfed lowland, upland, and flood-prone.


SSD scientists are doing commendable research on the identification of constraints, the planning and prioritization of research, and studies on the impact of new technology on numerous socioeconomic areas including poverty, welfare of women, environment, and various ecosystems.

Over time, SSD research has become interdisciplinary, and the Division interacts with scientists in other divisions across the programmes and coordinates activities with them. The SSD also provides scientists and Management with statistical information on rice production, area, and yield in different parts of the world, classified by agroecological regions. GIS capability has further strengthened the database, including mapping and understanding of regional problems and developments and priority-setting. The database is available and used by all IRRI scientists. The database and SSD staff have also helped in formulating IRRI's strategies by preparing key documents (e.g., MTP) and resource prioritization. In the future, the Division may strengthen its work on gender issues, policy, and labour market conditions.

During 1993-97, the scientists in the Division published five books, 38 papers in refereed journals, 24 chapters in edited books, and 26 articles in conference proceedings.

The IRS in the Division are sometimes invited to write keynote papers for various international conferences and meetings and act as referees for contributed papers to international congresses. The Division Head was invited to address the first plenary session in the Rockefeller Biotechnology meeting in Bali, Indonesia in 1994, and the Third International Genetics Symposium held in Manila in 1995, and was appointed as Adviser to the National Agriculture Commission set up by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Eminent economists visit the Division frequently for collaborative research.

Recognition of Division scientists during the review period (1993-97) include: an NRS scientist received two awards: the 1996 CGIAR Excellence in Science Award (outstanding local professional) and the Medal of Recognition given by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhom of Thailand; the M.S. Swaminathan Award (social sciences) was given to the authors of the book Pesticides, Productivity and Farmers' Health; and a Division scientist with a co-author shared the Policy Article Prize of the University of Minnesota's International Center for Food and Agricultural Policy.

In addition to research, SSD is called upon by Management to prepare information for presentations to donors or other organizations. This can sometimes be a burden. The productivity of the IRS in the Division, compared to their social sciences colleagues elsewhere, is in part due to high-quality supporting NRS. The effect of the SRP caused the Division to lose some of its most skilled researchers, creating an incipient bottleneck in research. The impending addition of a sociologist and a gender specialist will round off the strength of the Division. However, the Division believes it needs an IRS policy economist, a post promised in the MTP.

5.2 Research Support Services

5.2.1 Genetic Resources
5.2.2 Seed Health
5.2.3. Analytical Service Laboratories
5.2.4 Biometrics
5.2.5 Central Research Farm
5.2.6 Information Centre
5.2.7 Computer Services

An international research institution such as IRRI depends on persons and units who support and help ensure research productivity and quality. Often under-recognized, such persons and units underpin the entire effort. This subsection of the chapter discusses seven such units and their work.

5.2.1 Genetic Resources

The Genetic Resources Centre (GRC) was established in 1989 to bring together two important components of IRRI's work - the long-term conservation of rice genetic resources, which IRRI began in 1962, and the international exchange and testing of elite germplasm (INGER), which began life as the International Rice Testing Programme (IRTP) in 1975. GRC has a staff of five IRS, including a vacant position for the INGER coordinator.

GRC is the world's main repository of rice germplasm, which complements and shares holdings with other CGIAR collections at IITA and WARDA and with major collections in India and China. In a recent initiative, to ensure its safety, the collection has been duplicated at the USDA's National Seed Storage Laboratory, Fort Collins, USA, where it is maintained in 'black box' storage. GRC's primary goal is to ensure the long-term preservation of the natural diversity harboured in the world's rice varieties, landraces, and wild relatives, and to make this diversity available to all users. Users include IRRI breeders and researchers, NARS and other public breeding operations, private sector breeders, NGOs, and scientists and farmers the world over. A related goal is to add value to the materials by further characterization through research.

The collection is still growing. Some 14,000 new accessions were added during the review period within the total of around 82,000. Some 84,000 samples have been dispatched individually; 32,000 to non-CGIAR researchers and breeders. Other GRC activities include the development and maintenance of the International Rice Genebank Collection Information System (IRGCIS), which was completed within the review period, and which facilitates day-to-day management of data from characterization and germplasm transactions.

As of January 1998, genetic conservation research - hitherto conducted within the CE Programme - will be carried out in a separate Genetic Resources Programme, including the conservation of rice and biofertilizer genetic resources. The new Programme will include 56% of GRC's budget, and includes collection, conservation and dissemination, and a new effort in plant genetic resources (PGR) research. Research in biosystematics and diversity of the wild rices will include molecular marker characterization, farmer-managed rice cultivation as a strategy for conservation, and methodologies of dynamic conservation of cultivated and wild rices. INGER, a concentrated attack on Genotype x Environment (GxE) interactions, and the development of IRIS, will all be in the new GC Programme.

The Genebank, built in 1977, has been well maintained, with major renovations taking place during 1993 and 1994, including the replacement of all the cooling compressors. During that time, the seed-drying room was added; also, the screenhouse facility for the wild rices has been upgraded. GRC holds some 82,000 accessions of wild and cultivated rice.


In the Panel's view, GRC's conservation and characterization activities are carried out professionally and effectively. The Panel highly commends the continued acquisition of new accessions, the progress achieved in developing the wild rice collections, the 'black box storage' initiative, and the completion of the IRGCIS catalogue of the GRC holdings. The Panel also endorses the move towards a plant genetic resources research role for GRC, particularly that relating to the wild relatives and molecular germplasm characterization.

The five GRC senior staff have grasped the new research responsibilities, and have published well in international journals. GRC is well regarded internationally, not only for its well managed collections, but increasingly for innovations in the underlying theory and philosophy of ex- and in-situ plant germplasm conservation.

The Panel questioned the move to establish GRC as a separate programme as outlined in the 1998-2000 MTP. The Panel was concerned that this move would isolate GRC from ongoing science in the other programmes at a time when improved collaboration is needed, particularly with breeders in germplasm characterization. For example, such collaboration includes identification of heterotic groups to aid hybrid parent identification, and DNA marker-aided germplasm discrimination with molecular biologists. In addition, the new arrangement would further increase the administrative load on yet another key senior staff member. The Panel suggests that rather than being a programme, a solely divisional status would be preferable, allowing collection, maintenance, and PGR research to be carried out in the existing research programmes and in INGER in the new Impact Programme.

5.2.2 Seed Health

In 1986, the Seed Health Unit (SHU) was created as a service unit to assure that all rice seed sent from and coming to IRRI meets the high standards of international plant quarantine regulations. SHU comprises one Assistant Scientist (NRS), three other NRS (research) and five NRS (research support), and is administered by the Head of the Entomology and Plant Pathology Division. To some extent, the work is seasonal, using contract labour hired for peak periods. The Philippine Plant Quarantine Service (PPQS) supervises the analyses through a Plant Quarantine Officer based at the SHU.

Procedures for seed health include: macroscopic inspection of dry seed for assessment of physical condition and presence of contaminants; routine laboratory seed testing according to International Seed Testing Association rules to reveal any contamination by pathogens; seed cleaning and treatment by chemicals or hot water, and crop health inspection, especially of germplasm introductions and seed multiplication plots. ASEAN Plant Quarantine Regulations are enforced for incoming seed. On the basis of seed testing results provided by IRRI, the PPQS clears imported seed for post-entry and issues phytosanitary certificates for SHU seed lots shipped worldwide.

The activity levels of SHU are impressive. During the review period, SHU and PPQS received and cleared 349 shipments containing a total of 39,052 seed lots. Phytosanitary-certified seed lots shipped by the SHU totalled 458,291 in 2,482 shipments. The main sources of exported seed were INGER (54% of the seed lots in 1995), PBGB (33%), and IRG (12%). The results are stored in a database that allows statistical analyses of seed health trends. SHU has also developed new methods for rice seed health testing and is defining international standards as a member of the ISTA Plant Disease Committee. Training courses in rice seed health testing are offered, and at least two persons from each rice-growing country in Asia plus some in Africa have been trained. A spin-off of this service activity is research on antagonistic seed-borne bacteria, and on ways to improve farmer seed health management for IPM. Half of the activity is devoted to the theme of "saving biodiversity", a part of the CGIAR research agenda.


SHU plays a key role in assuring the healthy and safe transfer of rice germplasm - a crucial component of IRRI's activities - and which in all cases must meet stringent standards. Rigorous testing minimizes the risk of introducing exotic organisms and the spread of rice pests through germplasm exchange, and strengthens confidence in partnerships with the NARS. The Panel believes that the quality of SHU's service is excellent.

Tests are performed according to international standards in well equipped facilities suited to presently used routine methods. Nevertheless, such routine methods allow detection mainly of fungal pathogens. Special laboratory tests to detect (rice) seed-borne, plant pathogenic bacteria are not yet required, despite demonstrated seed transmission risk for such bacteria. Serological or PCR-based detection tools are available or can be developed, but currently are not included in rules for routine testing for reasons of cost and difficulty of enforcement by most seed-testing laboratories. For research purposes, IRRI is developing such tools for pathogens. Such expertise could be used to develop more efficient, rapid methods for routine testing of seed health, especially for pathogens that otherwise would escape detection. The Panel commends SHU and advises IRRI to continue to stay ahead in this fast-moving field where it has a comparative advantage.

5.2.3. Analytical Service Laboratories

The ASLs provide analytical services to IRRI's programmes and projects, facilities for the use of radioactive tracers including the handling of radioactive waste, and advice on analytical techniques. They are part of the SWS Division. They standardize new techniques, and over recent years have worked on the analysis for acetaldehyde, stable isotope measurements, and the use of Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy for analyses for N and starch in rice shoot tissue. N was determined with acceptable accuracy as compared to Kjeldahl and Dumas methods, but requires careful calibrations for different ages of plant tissue.

The Laboratories have several items of advanced analytical equipment, including the NIR spectrophotometer. A mass spectrometer is used for mass isotope analyses of C and N only. Simultaneous analyses of C and N, C and C13, and N and N15 are available. The Laboratories' main routine analyses are on soils and plant materials, and they can offer all the normally expected techniques. They have an Inductively Coupled Plasma spectrometer, but this is a sequential machine that is not really suitable for mass analyses, and a simultaneous analysis instrument is now on order. With a flame atomic absorption spectrometer, autoanalyzers, a liquid scintillation counter and others, the laboratories are well equipped to offer an analytical service. Because N analyses are still done by the Kjeldahl method of nitrogen, this analysis is a bottleneck which slows high throughput.

The ASLs maintain contact with the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, and via this arrange training, licensing, material inventory, waste monitoring, decontamination, leak testing, and commissioning or decommissioning of radioactive laboratories. Much of this work has related to the use of P32 in molecular biological work, and of C14 in methane studies.

There are in total 11 NRS staff, of whom four are graduates. The number of analyses has varied between 78,000 and 35,000 over the last four years. There is currently a small backlog of 1-2 weeks' work, and the unit is working at 90-100% of capacity. Several papers have been published on the analytical research studies, but these have been included in the SWS Division total, and are not considered further here. It is intended to convert the ASLs to the Modem Science Laboratory for tropical rice, according to the 1998-2000 MTP. The range of analyses will then be extended and much of the equipment upgraded.


A modified internal market operates in the ASLs' operations, with a scale of standard charges for their work. The Panel supports such arrangements. However, the charges have not been revised since 1990, and on a rough calculation cover well under 50% of the true costs. Scientists with very large analytical programmes may set up their own analytical systems outside the ASL and not be subjected to charges, and this appears to inhibit the setting of economic prices.

The Unit appears to offer a useful and professional service, but management should reassess the system of charging to see if efficiency and throughput can be raised to a point where it covers more of the total costs. Management should also consider whether it is cost-effective for alternative analytical centres to be set up elsewhere in IRRI.

5.2.4 Biometrics

The Biometrics Unit (BU) has evolved from the original Statistics Department, and was renamed in 1992. The Unit no longer provides computational services for scientists but provides consultation, training, software, and computer information and oversees IRRI's quality assurance (QA) activities. BU is staffed by one IRS supported by four Senior Research Assistants and three Research Assistants.

BU provides services and has a research function. The services include walk-in or online consultations on statistics and statistical interpretation, experimental design, data management, database development, appropriate software, and publication review. BU also provides information on, and customizes, available software for both IRRI staff and NARS collaborators. BU staff also work with other scientists in research projects which require significant statistical input and develop special biometrical software and analyses for IRRI data which require special treatment. Recently, BU has spearheaded a QA initiative to ensure maintenance of reliability, accuracy, and documentation of research data. The QA Taskforce, chaired by the Head of BU, coordinates and promotes QA activities, including study plans, data quality objectives, standard operating procedures, data ownership, storage, and access through the divisions, centres, and units. The Division, Centre, and Unit heads oversee quality issues within their units.

The Unit is well equipped, relying on the powerful PCSs available today. The Panel noted that the move to larger UNIX workstations had correctly been resisted because such machines were unlikely to be available to partner NARS.


The Panel is convinced of the continued need for strong statistical support and training at IRRI, and found this small, well managed group to be very effective. At present, the Unit is well equipped; however, the shelf-life of PCs is probably shorter than that of any other scientific equipment, and machines may need replacing about every three years.

The publication rate was reasonable for the small group. However, the Panel encourages management to ensure, during internal publication review, that the statisticians receive recognition by authorship on research papers where their input warrants. IRRI-trained biomathematicians are highly sought after by industry and a valuable Institute resource, so career progression and motivation are particularly important for them.

The Panel noted that the biometrical emphasis at IRRI may change again as bioinformatics, the manipulation of rice genome data alongside the other 35 databases maintained at IRRI, begins to play a greater role in IRRI's science. This development is discussed at greater length below.

The first databases to emerge from the wave of molecular biology research contained DNA sequence information. Now there are many databases holding published genes, proteins, and both random and contiguous plant and animal genomic sequences. About eight years ago, USDA began to invest in several crop plant databases, including rice, to maintain and make accessible the vast bodies of information generated in, particularly, plant genome projects. Later, other national research funding bodies in Japan and the UK recognized the importance of bioinformatics as the key to future application of past research results. The recently discovered, remarkable conservation of genes and their organization in the genomes of related groups of plants, such as the cereals, have hastened international efforts to cross-link the individual species databases so that information gained in one crop may be used to predict gene location and function in another.

As yet, use of all such databases is free, although calls for means to recover infrastructure costs, such as charging for access, are increasingly raised on both sides of the Atlantic. IRRI scientists use these international facilities regularly. However, as yet IRRI has no plans to develop and distribute its own molecular information either through existing databases or through new databases maintained on-site.

IRRI has good reason to develop expertise in bioinformatics: (i) to make the best use of the information already available on trial results, pedigrees, germplasm accessions, DNA sequences, traits, genetic maps, and more; (ii) to facilitate and make future data collection and analysis more efficient; and (iii) to establish a position in the international bioinformatics community and establish some collateral against possible future moves to restrict access to other databases. The establishment of IRGCIS and the system-wide ICIS project are a significant start to this end, but cannot substitute for an active presence in the bioinformatics community. Discussions between the Panel and IRRI scientists in GRC, BU, EPPD, and PBGB during this review have indicated a clear appreciation of the position and a plan to build a limited capability in bioinformatics at IRRI.

The Panel recommends that IRRI evaluate carefully the developments in bioinformatics with a view to determining IRRI's future in this area.

5.2.5 Central Research Farm

The Central Research Farm (CRF) is administered by its Head, a soil scientist who is also Acting Head of the Agricultural Engineering Division. The CRF Head reports to the Deputy Director General for Research, as was suggested by the previous EPMR. The CRF manages all lands, roads, and farm irrigation systems, plus the phytotron, glass houses, screen houses, farm buildings and farm, and research plot equipment. Most of the farm operations are centralized, and CRF carries out tillage and land preparation and other routine non-experimental operations. Most specialized research operations within the plots are done by the researchers and their staff. Almost all farm operations have now been mechanized, and drainage systems have been improved. A new system of rat control has been introduced, with live trapping and other measures to reduce rat populations.

The CRF now has 95 staff members, down by more than half from the 225 positions before the SRP. Of the 95, 25 are assigned to work on the grounds, phytotron, greenhouses, screen houses, etc. The other 70 work on the farm in field activities.

The land area used for research during the dry season amounts to about 120 ha of the total 156 ha of paddy. Less land is planted in the wet season when solar radiation is low and typhoons are frequent. At present (i.e., January 1998), about 100 ha were in use. Of course, even when the fields are not planted to experiments, it is still necessary for the CRF staff to maintain fallow or closed season fields as part of the field management programme. This fallow rotation and management system is a cost-effective mechanism to (a) reduce unwanted volunteers of rice, and (b) to provide a cycle on non-flooded conditions (aerobic) for the longer term sustainability of high yields in the research plots.

The opportunity to begin to manage the farm with a fallow rotation is the result of less pressure on land because of the decentralization of research, particularly for the rainfed system which increasingly is conducted in partnership with NARS at the Consortia sites. The farm is also being used for breeder and certified seed production.

5.2.6 Information Centre

Since the last EPMR, the library has been transformed. Management followed up the Review recommendation that upon the retirement of the librarian a professional with demonstrated competence in library and information services management be appointed. At the same time, a capital grant enabled IRRI to renovate and refurbish the building. The library has now enhanced the usefulness of its collection of over 166,000 entries with computerized, state-of-the-art systems.

The library gives essential access to researchers through on-line catalogues, electronic journals, and leading agricultural and patent databases. Document delivery is speeded by scanning and electronic delivery as well as normal means. Delivery access is available through IRRI's World Wide Web site. The Panel found it surprising that while IRRI does have on-line, pay-as-you-go access to patent databases, these have not yet been accessed by IRRI scientists.

During the period of the review, the Communication and Publications Services (CPS) published 64 scientific books and 15 issues of the International Rice Research Notes, as well as other serials such as the IRRI Hotline and Rice Literature Update. The impact of IRRI publications is clearly seen in the libraries of many developing country institutions where IRRI books and journals are often the only published information on rice. In the past few years, the CPS has creatively used the World Wide Web and has received several distinctions for its Web site.

IRRI's public awareness materials are used for a growing number of stories in the international print and broadcast news media. The IRRI Riceworld museum has a steady stream of visitors, ranging from schoolchildren to visiting dignitaries. IRRI's public awareness programmes were judged to be excellent by the external committee auditing the CGIAR public awareness programme.


The Panel finds the overall work of this unit to be excellent. The Panel was impressed by the facilities and their operation. The Information Centre at IRRI plays a crucial role in supporting IRRI's efforts in international research cooperation and in educating policymakers and the public about IRRI's activities.

5.2.7 Computer Services

The Computer Services Unit (CS) is currently part of Administration and Finance, but the policies, priorities, and work plans are discussed and approved by the Computer and Database Advisory Committee (CDAC), co-chaired by the DDG Research and the DDG for International Services. Computer Services operates and manages the central computers (IBM ES/9000 being decommissioned, two DEC VAX, and Five HP Netservers running Windows NT) and network infrastructure. A local area network of almost 600 nodes provides network connection throughout the IRRI campus. External access is through the 64kb IVDN direct leased line. CS provides desktop support, technical assistance and advice, and oversees database and application developments.

CS coordinates and approves the purchasing of new and replacement computer equipment, using three standard configurations which are updated regularly to keep pace with new developments in hardware technology. New computers are configured by CS with standard software packages before going to the users. CS negotiates for institutional discounts on all widely used software.


The Panel was impressed with the service provided by the Computer Services function. Technology and computer equipment were reasonably up-to-date at IRRI, with a range of older equipment due for replacement through the latest models. No one seemed to mention computer equipment or computer services as an area for complaint - in computer services, this is high praise.

5.3 International Services

5.3.1 International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER)
5.3.2 Crop and Resource Management Network (CREMNET)
5.3.3 Training

5.3.1 International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER)

INGER, formerly the International Rice Testing Programme (IRTP), has been in operation since 1975 and is acknowledged by IRRI, WARDA, CIAT, and NARS as being the single most effective pathway for sharing and distributing both IRRI and NARS breeders' lines worldwide. Today, a majority of the indica varieties grown in the world have been acquired through INGER directly or have been bred from parents obtained from INGER. The multi-locational trials, which now contain more NARS breeders' than IRRI breeders' lines, are coordinated by IRRI in Asia, in Africa by IRRI and WARDA (operations at IITA ceased in 1996), and in Latin America by CIAT, with support from IRRI.

Over the years, INGER has been remarkably successful and popular with NARS breeders. Of the 42,000 lines evaluated, 5,300 have been used as parents by NARS breeders and 429 have been released directly as 618 varieties in 66 countries. In the past, this success has enabled IRRI to attract external funding for INGER, initially by UNDP and latterly by BMZ. However, since 1985, the numbers of entries and the numbers of trials have declined (Figure 5.1) due both to funding constraints and attempts to streamline and make the operation more effective. Trials in Africa have almost ceased. The role of INGER in Latin America has been taken over to some extent by the Fundación Latinoamericana para el Arroz de Riego (FLAR). However, FLAR does not serve all ecosystems or countries in Latin America. Moreover, the position of INGER coordinator at IRRI remains vacant.

The 1992 EPMR, while commending INGER's 'sharper focus', noted the decline in the activities of INGER and encouraged IRRI to "mobilize required resources to protect the integrity and effectiveness of INGER". In response, IRRI has endeavoured to seek new donors for INGER. IRRI has provided some core support for INGER at the level of funding for one IRS and US$ 100,000 operational funds in 1998, In the last three years, IRRI has provided US$ 50,000 per year to FLAR, to support INGER activities in Latin America. However, this level of support from IRRI core does restrict INGER activities, particularly in the monitoring tours for young scientists from NARS and the steering committee meetings. IRRI has been encouraged, by discussions with members of the Council for Partnership in Rice Research in Asia (CORRA), to explore opportunities of cost sharing with NARS for the services provided by INGER, and to work toward a goal of the NARS assuming greater responsibility for in-country distribution and trials. Also, together with WARDA, IRRI has developed a proposal submitted to DFID, which is currently under consideration, to restart trials in Africa. However, in the meantime, nurseries, trials, and entries have continued to decrease in number.


INGER is an emotional issue. The continued need for INGER is undisputed, but its current strategy and mode of operation are viewed very differently by IRRI and the NARS. The Panel agrees that IRRI's vision of INGER's future (i.e., new designs to facilitate GxE analysis, reductions in multiple site nurseries within countries, reduction in data needed from all trials, greater screening of entries to INGER by NARS and IRRI breeders, database restructuring and upgrading) is rational. However, the reduced role for the Steering Committee, which last met in 1995, and still fewer monitoring tours, which had already been reduced in recent years, appear to be an unfortunate consequence of funding constraints. It is clear to the Panel that the arguments for change have not been fully discussed with and accepted by administrators in the NARS whose opinions were sought by Panel members during field visits. These NARS see only a reduction in trials activity and a reduction in opportunities for young NARS breeders and assume this is driven by inappropriate funding considerations or is the result of an insufficiently responsive IRRI management,

The Panel recommends that: (a) a meeting of CORRA be convened with a specific agenda to design a high-quality INGER which meets NARS and IRRI's breeders' needs and achieves scientific ends of value to all; (b) IRRI give the highest priority to running INGER according to this agreed programme; and (c) the vacant position of INGER coordinator be filled as a matter of urgency with an energetic and respected rice scientist.

Figure 5.1 INGER Activities, 1975 to 1990

5.3.2 Crop and Resource Management Network (CREMNET)

CREMNET was begun in 1994 to bridge knowledge of scientists and farmers in optimizing crop and resource productivity. CREMNET was initiated to incorporate technology transfer aspects of two former IRRI networks, the Asian Rice Farming Systems Network (ARFSN) and the International Network on Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). The Fourth EPMR had recommended that IRRI study the future of these networks; the final result was that ARFSN and INSURF were phased out and CREMNET was begun.

The goal of CREMNET is 'to facilitate exchange, evaluation, and adaptation of emerging technologies, methods, and tools for higher and sustainable productivity of rice farming systems'. The network comprises eleven Asian NARS, plus IRRI, and aims to strengthen linkages between members, other lARCs, NGOs, and the cooperative and private sectors in implementing its activities. A senior IRRI scientist serves as CREMNET Coordinator, and each member country has a national coordinator. It has developed a comprehensive framework for R & D, including identification of constraints and opportunities, priority setting, technology/knowledge generation, synthesis, and distillation, product or process development, packaging and marketing, and impact assessment. By going through this process, network members can decide what to work on and how to bring new products or ideas from research to farmers.

CREMNET uses a farming systems perspective in its work, which includes three types of on-farm trials (farmer-participatory, on-farm testing and adaptation; researcher-managed trials for emerging technologies, and farmer-participatory technology adoption tests or demonstrations). Technologies tested include new machines (drum seeder, stripper harvester, dryers), new tools (leaf colour scale for N, chlorophyll meter for N), new practices (deep N placement), or novel technologies (rice micromill, rice hull stove).


CREMNET appears to be a practical, focused network aimed at planning for, and achieving field production technology transfer for promising new ideas, tools, or machines. The relationships with NARS collaborators appear to be excellent, and NARS leaders appear to have a sense of ownership in the network. Training is a key part of the CREMNET programme and is planned to ensure transfer of the targeted technology.

5.3.3 Training Current programme and achievements Future direction

The mission of IRRI's training programme is to enhance NARS capability for rice and rice-related research through collaboration of IRRI with national research systems. The Training Centre is responsible for two regular courses produced and delivered by its own staff and assists in instructional design, preparing course materials and delivering training courses designed in collaboration with other divisions or programmes. The Centre's activities, previously classified as a programme under International Services, is now classified in the MTP as a project 'Human Capital Development (IM4)'. It has a complement of one IRS and 14 NRS. Current programme and achievements

Since IRRI started its training and professional advancement programme in 1962, over 8,000 scientists and technicians from 96 countries have received training at IRRI. Almost 90 % of these trainees were from rice-growing countries in Asia and over 10% of them have attended more than one training course. In the last five-year period, 3,605 scientists and technicians have participated in the training at IRRI or in in-country training programmes (see Table 5.1).

IRRI's Training Programme has undergone considerable changes during the review period: (i) 17 new training courses related to strategic research areas were initiated, (ii) Many in-country training courses were launched for international and national audiences. IRRI has assisted the host countries in training material development and revision, and in logistics to set up the in-country training courses. Six regional (international) in-country training courses were held with 191 trainees - one in India, three in the Philippines, and two in Thailand. The courses were for irrigation water management; integrated pest management; gender analysis in agriculture, forestry, and natural resources; engineering for rice agriculture; and farming systems research. Also, in 1993-97, 1,990 scientists participated in national (in-country) training that involved 59 training courses in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Additionally, 440 scientists had training in country programmes through consortia/networks/ lARCs. The number of participants in these country training programmes increased from 949 in the period 1987-92 to 2,421 during 1993-97. The number of participants in group training courses at IRRI was therefore reduced, (iii) The core-funded MS scholarship was closed and the Ph.D programme was limited to thesis research only for students from Bangladesh, China, India, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, where higher education programmes have been well established, (iv) The proportion of Ph.D holders coming to IRRI for the group training has increased over the years, with a dramatic increase in 1993-97. (v) More women are receiving training, reflecting probably the increase of women scientists in national rice research programmes, as shown in Table 5.2.

Table 5.1 Trainees at IRRI: 1993-97

Category *
























Hqs. Group Training






In-country Group Training






* These figures reflect the number of participants in these categories in each year. Thus the same trainees may be included in more than one year.

Table 5.2 Participation of Women in IRRI Training


Hqs-Based Group Training

Non-Degree (On-the-job) Training




























The in-country training for an international audience was conducted by expert scientists. However, some NARS found difficulty in continuously offering such courses, due to a shortage in funding. In addition, trainees themselves from neighbouring countries were not very enthusiastic about participating in these programmes. Strong support from the host countries or donors is required to support the NARS initiatives. This is also true for in-country training for national scientists. Future direction

The opportunity for Ph.D candidates in the degree programme to work in on-site programmes will be expanded by accepting more thesis research at consortia sites or NARS institutions. Additionally, 150 NARS scientists will be trained annually in 8-10 training courses in strategic research areas. In collaboration with NARS, appropriate courseware will be developed for NARS to support in-country training for international or national audiences. The possibility of distance education using electronic communication systems is being explored to support NARS in-country training.


The Panel commends the dedication of the scientists and staff in the Training Centre in developing the training courses and courseware, and in helping NARS to initiate in-country training. This has been done even though the Centre lost 12 NRS in the recent SRP.

The Panel recognizes the problems of decentralizing the training programme, developing specialized "upstream" programmes, and devolving basic production-oriented courses to NARS. It is crucial for IRRI to support NARS in increasing their capacity in rice and rice-based cropping systems research. This is especially needed for NARS whose capacity is still limited, and measures must be taken to make the in-country training more attractive.

The Panel has also been informed about difficulties faced by scholars and trainees with regard to access to the library and health insurance for family members. The Panel hopes that IRRI will carefully re-assess the facilities and terms of conditions of trainees to make their stay in The Philippines as productive as possible.

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