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The authors hereby acknowledge the important contribution of the authors of the studies carried out at the national level, i.e.: Prof. Dr. Kofi N. Afful, University of Cape Coast, Ghana; Dr. Kebe Moustapha, Director of Bureau d'Analyses Macro-Economiques, Senegal; Ms. Aurora Zugarramurdi, Ms. María Amelia Parín and Ms. Liliana Gadaleta of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, Centro de Investigaciones de Tecnología Pesquera y Alimentos Regionales, Argentina; Eng. Marceliano Segura, Eng. Carlos Salazar and Bach. Roberto Vargas of the Instituto del Mar, Peru; Messrs. Djoko Soegiarto, Bambang Wahyudi, Saut P. Hutagalung and Purwano of the Directorate-General of Fisheries, Indonesia; Mr. M.A. Upare, Deputy General Manager, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, India; Mr. Mohari B. Mohamad Tamin, Fisheries Development Authority, Malaysia; Dr. Chin Hwa Sun and Dr. Fu-Sung Chiang, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan Province of China; Prof. Dr. Ying-Qi Zhou, Shanghai Fisheries University, People's Republic of China; Mr. Eui-Cheol Jeong, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Korea, Mr. R. Lasch, Institute for Agricultural Market Research, Federal Agricultural Research Center, Braunschweig, Germany and Dr. Javier Varona, Consultores y Comisarios Pesqueros, Spain.

The authors also wish to express their gratitude to the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia and to its chairperson Y.B. Dato' Hj. Zakaria B. Said, for generously hosting the concluding interregional workshop. They also wish to express their gratitude to all workshop participants for their participation in the discussion of the findings of the study and in the drafting of recommendations. Thanks are due to Ms. Kathy Ellis-Festagallo for the considerable time and effort invested in proof reading and final formatting of the document. We would also like to acknowledge the assistance given by Ms. Rosemary Allison in editing this report.

Cover: Purse seine, Senegal


Participants of Workshop
FAO fisheries field projects
International Development Banks and Funds
Directors of Fisheries
Fisheries Research Institutes - English speaking
Bilateral and Multilateral Development Agencies

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