His Excellency Kalevi Hemilä, Minister for Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Finland

Let me begin by congratulating you personally, as well as your colleagues, on your election to the Presidency. At the same time, I wish to thank the Director-General of FAO, Dr. Jacques Diouf, for all the work he and his colleagues have done to prepare the Summit. Finally, I would also like to thank Italy for hosting the Conference.

Finland is convinced that this Conference will be a success and above all, that it will lead to a process that substantially improves food security, particularly in developing countries.

I associate myself with the statement that the Prime Minister of Ireland will present here on behalf of the European Union.

The World Food Summit is a landmark in the series of recent United Nations conferences that will guide global, economic, social and human development in the years to come. We are facing an immense challenge. But Finland firmly believes that through our joint and sincere commitments sustainable food security can be achieved.

Food security is about people. Sustainable progress can be made only through empowerment of people, through people's participation and by enhancing their social and economic development. Women play a crucial role in food production and in food security generally. Actions that raise women's socio-economic position should be stressed; easing of women's workload is already a major step towards increased agricultural production and thereby a step towards better food security. It is also important that women have an equal right to the ownership of land, property inheritance and credit. Gender aspects should also be integrated into macro-economic policies and programmes.

Food is mostly produced and consumed locally. It is therefore important to find local solutions and to employ local resources in enhancing food security. In this connection, I would like to point out that Finland has a long and highly positive experience of family farming. This system has been able to supply the people of Finland with food under changing conditions, and it is our firm belief that it will continue to do so in the future as well. On the global level, farmers and their organizations should be given a fundamental role in supplying Food for All.

Ultimately, it is the primary responsibility of each country to take the necessary steps to improve food security. It is important that implementation of the Plan of Action begin at all levels immediately.

As with other United Nations conferences, the World Food Summit too needs active and integrated follow-up throughout the United Nations system. In the follow-up of the World Food Summit, the role of ECOSOC as part of the overall follow-up of the major international United Nations conferences is crucial for the efficient implementation of the Plan of Action. In systemwide coordination, FAO, within its mandate, plays a major role in food security.

Food security can be achieved only in peaceful and stable circumstances. Therefore, when we discuss food security we ought to talk about human security in general.

The human tragedy we are facing in the Great Lakes region of Africa is a dramatic proof of the total failure of the international community to address the root causes of the conflict.

True international security begins with the security of the individual. Attention should be paid to respect for human rights, including women's rights. Sustainable human development and human security can only be achieved through the empowerment of individuals and a strong civic society under law and democracy.

Finland also wants to bring up the special needs of countries in transition as they strive to develop their food production at the same time as they privatize their economies in general. Fruitful cooperation in partnership with other countries and with international organizations will make the adjustment process much easier.

We wish to give high priority to the sustainable use of natural resources including the maintenance of biodiversity. Finland has traditionally attached great importance to forestry. I am glad to note that the role of forestry in the sustainable use of natural resources, as well as the direct impact of forestry on food security, are properly reflected in the Plan of Action.

I would also like to stress the use of appropriate modern technology for local needs. Finland has, for example, encouraging experience of meteorological services made available for local farmers. Here I should like to emphasize the importance of early warning systems which should result in early actions. Also, our experience in quality control systems of agricultural production is very promising.

My Government is determined to continue to work for improved food security. The security of the food supply in the developing countries and promotion of environmentally-sustainable food production are central areas of priority in Finnish development cooperation.

I am pleased to announce that the Finnish Government is prepared to increase the contributions for organizations working in the field of food security. The additional funding will be channelled to a World Food Programme Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research and to the Women and Population activities of FAO.

This Summit is a timely and important step towards a more food-secure world. I sincerely hope that the World Food Summit can contribute to ensuring Food for All and thus guarantee that future generations of the world's population need not experience hunger.

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