Written Statement submitted by Greece in exercise of its Right of Reply under Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Food Summit.

The Distinguished President of the Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia referred in his speech repeatedly and incorrectly to his country as "the Republic of Macedonia".

Nevertheless, Resolution 817/93 of the Security Council of the United Nations states in a crystal-clear way that the new state admitted in the UN System should "...for all UN purposes be referred to as "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", pending negotiations between the two parties about the issue of the name...". Such negotiations are still going on.

On the other hand, it is universally accepted that no country can invoke internal constitutional arrangements to avoid its international obligations. So, since this is a meeting under the auspices of the UN, Greece protests the use of the name "Macedonia" because it is not in conformity with the above - said UN Security Council Resolution.

Ambassador George Konstas
Head of the Direction for
International Economic Organisations
Greek Foreign Ministry

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