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70. The Committee was informed that Mr David B. Nhari had been appointed by the 21st and the 22nd Sessions of the Commission. By the Rules of Procedure of the Commission, Mr. Nhari was no longer eligible for election as Coordinator, having served for two terms.

71. The Delegation of Morocco proposed to deal with Items 9 and 11 together since the appointment of Coordinator was linked to the date and place of the next session.

72. The Delegate of Morocco proposed that the 14th Session of the Committee be held in Morocco, and noted that the Codex Secretariat had been so informed of his proposal in writing. The Codex Secretariat confirmed the statement made by the Delegate of Morocco and confirmed that recently the Government of Uganda had also declared in writing its intention to provide the next Coordinator for Africa. The Committee noted that there were two proposals for candidature. The Committee was invited by the Secretariat to consider presenting the two candidates to the Commission at its 23rd Session and allowing the Commission to decide. However, the Committee noted that sessions of the Committee were held in the country of the Coordinator, and that Morocco had not nominated a specific candidate.

73. The Delegation of Botswana nominated Dr Eve Kasirye-Alemu (Uganda) to succeed Mr. Nhari as Coordinator for Africa. The proposal was seconded by the Delegations of Kenya, Swaziland, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

74. The Committee agreed that the nomination of Dr. Eve Kasirye-Alemu be submitted to the Commission for appointment as Coordinator by the Commission’s 23rd Session. The Delegation of Morocco expressed its reservation concerning the nomination and the procedures followed.

[14] CX/AFRICA 98/9

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