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Codex Standard for Dried Figs

75. The Delegation of Algeria proposed the elaboration of a Codex Standard for Dried Figs. The Delegation reminded the Committee of its country’s contribution towards the elaboration of the Standard for Couscous, which had been published in the Codex Alimentarius - Cereals, Pulses (Legumes) and Derived Products, Volume 7, Rev 2, Second Edition. The Committee was informed that dried figs was an important crop for the North of Africa. There was appreciable international trade in dried figs, and the Delegation requested the Committee to consider the elaboration of a Codex Standard for Dried Figs.

76. The Committee was reminded that there existed a European standard for Dried Figs elaborated by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). It was also noted that procedures were in place that allowed the conversion of UNECE standards to Codex Standards with appropriate modifications as necessary.

77. The Committee agreed to request the Commission to approve the elaboration of a standard for Dried Figs. It was suggested that the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables could undertake the elaboration of the standard.

Other Matters

78. The Committee also agreed with the proposal by the Delegate of Egypt to request the Commission to consider Risk Communication needs in Developing Countries, as future work for the Committee.

79. The Delegation had requested clarification with regard to the status of Codex final texts (standards, guidelines and recommendations). The Committee was informed that the WTO did not distinguish between Codex final texts. What was considered to be most important by the WTO was the contents of the texts, and not their titles (see also Agenda Item 2 and CX/AFRICA 98/2).

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