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(All amounts in US$ 000)

Major Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
2.1 Agricultural Production and Support Systems 91 732 185 91 917 30%
2.2 Food and Agriculture Policy and Development 88 533 247 88 780 29%
2.3 Fisheries 40 069 163 40 232 13%
2.4 Forestry 31 592 59 31 651 10%
2.5 Contributions to Sustainable Development and Special Programme Thrusts 53 493 (31) 53 462 17%
Total 305 419 623 306 042 100%


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
2.1.1 Natural Resources 15 820 508 16 328 18%
2.1.2 Crops 25 515 87 25 602 28%
2.1.3 Livestock 17 992 (413) 17 579 19%
2.1.4 Agricultural Support Systems 15 730 (171) 15 559 17%
2.1.5 Agricultural Applications of Isotopes and Biotechnology 5 143 (94) 5 049 5%
2.1.9 Programme Management 11 532 268 11 800 13%
Total 91 732 185 91 917 100%

Medium-Term Objectives and Priorities

99. Against the background of the World Food Summit (WFS) target of reducing food insecurity at an accelerated pace, the following have been of particular significance in influencing the priorities for this Major Programme:

100. The trends and determining factors will, in turn, lead to changes in dietary and consumption patterns and increase public awareness of food and environmental issues. These changes are taking place against a background of continued globalization and the evolving role and functions of the state, in which it is anticipated that governments will continue to withdraw from areas where the private sector and markets can perform more efficiently. Furthermore, despite steady progress in research and technological development, and the growing impact of information and communication technology, there are increasing disparities in access to adequate food, productive resources, knowledge and technology.

101. Priorities have been identified in the context of the Major Programme's role to assist in improving agricultural production and post-production systems in support of national food security and sustainable development, addressing key areas in direct support to the implementation of the WFS Plan of Action, especially with respect to Commitment 3 relating to sustainable food and agriculture practices. The Major Programme also makes essential contributions to the Special Programme for Food Security and both components of the Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES). While striving for a holistic perspective based upon systems thinking and the primacy of human welfare, the Major Programme provides technical services related to crops and livestock, production economics and the commercial aspects of small-scale post-production activities.

102. Seven priorities are formulated as medium-term objectives to support the Major Programme's overall goal of "improved production and transformation of bio-physical resources into safe, sufficient and affordable food and other agricultural products contributing to food security, economic development, poverty alleviation and conservation of natural resources":

Changes in Resources at Major Programme Level

103. The overall change in the programme of work related to the major programme amounts to US$ 185 000, which combined with a proposed decrease in income of US$ 936 000 primarily for technical support services, results in an increase in the net budget for work in this area of US$ 1 121 000. However, US$ 938 000 of the increase reflects a redistribution of the IT Pool Account. Therefore, the actual increase of Regular Programme resources proposed for substantive work within the major programme is US$ 183 000 mainly related to additional resources for the International Programme for Technology and Research Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) in Programme 2.1.1 and for an Expert Panel on Bioethics in Programme 2.1.2. While there are no major shifts of resources proposed between programmes, the transfer of a water resources officer post and associated non-staff resources from the Regional Office for the Near East (RNE) to the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) results in a US$ 240 000 reduction in RNE and corresponding increase in RAP.

Programme 2.1.1: Natural Resources

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
211A1 Agricultural Water Use Efficiency and Conservation 0 2 771 2 771
211A2 Land Resources, Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Policies, Planning and Management 0 2 456 2 456
211A3 Integrated Land, Water and Plant Nutrient Management 0 1 429 1 429
211A4 Waterlogging and Salinity Control, Environmental Effects of Irrigation and Reclamation of Problem Soils 0 813 813
211C1 Global and National Land and Water Resources Databases 959 (959) 0
211P1 Soil Water and Plant Nutrition Management at the Farm Level 1 582 (1 582) 0
211P2 Sustainable Management of Land, Water and Plant Nutrition at Community Level 1 261 (1 261) 0
211P3 Management and Reclamation of Problem Lands, Salinity Control and Water and Soil Quality Management 1 479 (1 479) 0
211P4 National Policies and Strategies for Land, Water and Plant Nutrition 2 046 (2 046) 0
211P5 Development of Information and Decision Support Systems on Integrated Land and Water Resources 1 031 (1 031) 0
211P6 Improving the Performance of Irrigation Systems 854 (854) 0
211P7 Land and Water Information Systems, Databases and Statistics 0 1 408 1 408
211P8 Knowledge Management and Partnership Activities 0 1 440 1 440
211S1 Direct Support to Member Nations and to the Field Programme including SPFS 0 5 463 5 463
211S2 International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) 0 548 548
211T1 Support to the Field Programme and Direct Services to Member Nations 5 917 (5 917) 0
211T2 Coordination, Partnerships and Services to Statutory Bodies 691 (691) 0
Total   15 820 508 16 328
211A1: Agricultural Water Use Efficiency and Conservation

104. Objective: Policies and practices introduced for efficient use and conservation of water in agriculture through appropriate water policies, improved irrigation technology and management, institutional reforms and promotion of water harvesting and moisture conservation.

105. Outputs: Training material and courses, manuals and guidelines, diagnostic tools, demonstration sites, pilot projects on women in irrigation, network support. Website for information exchange on: farm water use, deficit irrigation, water harvesting, local manufacture of irrigation equipment, irrigation scheme improvement and devolved management. Also, enhancement of the Computer Programme for Irrigation Planning and Management (CROPWAT) for irrigation scheduling, user friendly version of the Scheme for Irrigation Management (SIMIS) for integrated irrigation scheme management, policy packages and methods for assessment of socio-economic and environmental value of water.

211A2: Land Resources, Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Policies, Planning and Management

106. Objective: Application of appropriate methods for assessment of land productivity decline and introduction of policies and plans for sustaining productivity through soil conservation and management.

107. Outputs: For Soil Fertility Initiative (SFI) participating countries, support in developing action plans and assessment of soil fertility and plant nutrition in two countries. Methodologies, sources, pilot activities and network support for assessment of soil fertility and integrated plant nutrition systems (IPNS) management options. Characterization of degraded soils, integrated land evaluation and valuation (including decision support system and framework for fertilizer strategies) and participatory methods for assessing and introducing management options including curriculum development for Farmers' Field Schools.

211A3: Integrated Land, Water and Plant Nutrient Management

108. Objective: Methods and policies for integrated development and management of land, water and plant nutrients developed and applied.

109. Outputs: Procedures and indicators on desertification control. Code of conduct, guidelines and training material on conservation tillage. Guidelines and decision support systems for integrated land and water management in rural watersheds with emphasis on upstream/downstream linkages. Methods and criteria for the assessment of productivity increases through joint water and fertilizer application.

211A4: Waterlogging and Salinity Control, Environmental Effects of Irrigation and Reclamation of Problem Soils

110. Objectives: Application of appropriate management systems and methods in irrigated lands for control of waterlogging and salinization, reclamation of problem soils and safe use of wastewater.

111. Outputs: Guidelines for construction and operation of drainage systems, guidelines and decision support system for safe use of drainage and waste water with emphasis on reduction of health risks in peri-urban irrigated agriculture. Guidelines and workshops on management approaches for reclamation of salt affected, acid, gypsiferous and polluted soils based on trials in four countries; network support in Southern Africa.

211P7: Land and Water Information Systems, Databases and Statistics

112. Objectives: Availability of up-to-date information on the global status of land and water resources, water development, and land and fertilizer use to the international community.

113. Outputs: Improved global agro-ecological zones information system linked to land use and population data bases accessible via Internet. National inventories for land use (2), fertilizer application (4), land degradation (2), soil conservation approaches. Finalization of global Soils and Terrain Database (SOTER) and Aquastat database and databases for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Pacific Islands and support for initiation of Aquastat maintenance networks.

211P8: Knowledge Management and Partnership Activities

114. Objectives: The Land and Water Development Division (AGL) established as a centre of knowledge for sustainable land, plant nutrient and water resource use for food security and environmental conservation and active participation in partnerships arrangements with other UN agencies

115. Outputs: Establishment of a knowledge management system on key issues of natural resource management, strengthened Websites for land and water; AGL newsletter and issues papers. Inputs to other international bodies - e.g. International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) Sub-committee on Freshwater.

211S1: Direct Support to Member Nations and the Field Programme including SPFS

116. Objective: Through provision of FAO expertise, effective FAO Field Programme, including the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS), SFI and emergencies, and strengthened national and international programmes in development.

117. Outputs: Technical services in the fields of land, water and plant nutrient development to Members and their institutions

211S2: International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID)

118. Objective: Strengthened national research and development (R&D), technology transfer and dissemination programmes in irrigation and drainage.

119. Outputs: For irrigation and drainage - assistance in formulating and obtaining funding for R&D, analysis of the impact of R&D, regional programme for the Mediterranean Basin, support to regional networks (including newsletter and support to Asian Humid Drainage Centre), task manager of externally financed projects.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

The growth scenario (US$ 674 400 additional) would allow the speeding up of work on the basic data collection and development and maintenance of the database on land and freshwater resources. It would also strengthen our technical capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.1.2 Crops

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
21210 Conservation and Management of Plant Genetic Resources 4 090 (4 090) 0
21220 Crop Management and Diversification 6 240 (6 240) 0
21230 Seed and Planting Material Development 2 351 (2 351) 0
21240 Crop Protection 11 166 (11 166) 0
21250 Development and Management of Grasslands and Forage Crops 1 668 (1 668) 0
212A1 Development of Improved Crops and Cropping Systems 0 4 083 4 083
212A2 Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture 0 715 715
212A3 Grassland-based Production Systems 0 1 220 1 220
212A4 EMPRES - Plant Pests Component 0 1 643 1 643
212A5 Mainstreaming IPM to Attain Food Security by Enhancing Essential Ecological Processes 0 1 954 1 954
212A6 Conservation, Management and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 0 1 905 1 905
212A7 Sustainable Seed Production and Seed Security 0 2 001 2 001
212A8 Information for Plant Production and Protection Decision Making 0 1 124 1 124
212P1 Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 0 2 743 2 743
212P2 Pesticide Management 0 2 056 2 056
212P3 Migratory Pest Management 0 1 774 1 774
212P4 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) Policy Support 0 2 579 2 579
212S1 Technical Services to Members on Crop Production 0 1 805 1 805
Total 25 515 87 25 602
212A1: Development of Improved Crops and Cropping Systems

120. Objective: Improvement of livelihoods and incomes of farm families through intensified crop production and improved cropping systems.

121. Outputs: Yields increased through improved crop and cropping system management, with particular emphasis on rice and maize; databases for the main field food crops developed. Facilitation of information exchange on industrial and new crops (newsletters, etc.). Workshops, training and guidelines on horticultural crop diversification with emphasis on mushrooms, cassava, potatoes and specialized crops such as fruit, cashew-nuts, cactus pear, guava, papaya and date palms. Guidance on policy and strategy for rice research and development through the International Rice Commission (IRC). Establishing a network on genetic base broadening examining 6 crops and initiating pilot projects for 3.

212A2: Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture

122. Objective: Intensification and diversification of urban and peri-urban agriculture as a contribution to improved food security and better livelihoods.

123. Outputs: Development of a knowledge base on crops suitable for urban and peri-urban environments, including case studies and training modules.

212A3: Grassland-based Production Systems

124. Objective: The uptake of technologies for sustainable grassland utilization in various production systems with the overall aim of maintaining and increasing income and food security.

125. Outputs: Knowledge-based outputs on grassland systems including guidelines (e.g., on resource assessment), data bases (e.g., on legumes), related training material and networks for enhanced information exchange.

212A4: EMPRES - Plant Pests Component

126. Objective: Members minimize the risk of transboundary plant pest emergencies through early warning systems, early reaction and research.

127. Outputs: Support to enhance early warning capacity, improve communication among locust-affected countries and between locust-affected countries and the Locust Information Service. Improved methodology and capacity for early control operations, including enhanced effectiveness and safety to human health and the environment. Better coordination of research. Identification of extrabudgetary resources to provide for some 75% of these outputs.

212A5: Mainstreaming IPM to Attain Food Security by Enhancing Essential Ecological Processes

128. Objective: Inter-generation food security through identification, analysis and enhancement of critical agro-ecological processes (e.g. predation, competition, pollination, co-evolution, mutualism, herbivory, etc.), particularly in relation to plant protection, based on local community level decision making that includes policy and institutional changes.

129. Outputs: Application of practical weed population ecology with collegial participation by trained Farmers Field School groups in a range of representative agro-ecosystems. Training of plant protection and regulatory personnel on Herbicide Resistant Crops and Pilot Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for major weeds. Improved biological control in practical IPM systems. Code of Conduct for Exotic Biocontrol applied. Methyl Bromide alternatives based on participatory IPM. Guidance to conventions and protocols through participatory IPM. Population dynamics and pathosystem analyses; area-wide pest suppression; pest risk analyses, plant health certification, and applications of biotechnology to plant protection; studies on evolution in IPM; organic pest management with IPM. Improved IPM field programmes for intensified food production; case studies on successful community IPM programmes and methodologies . (Extrabudgetary resources through the IPM facility provide for some 70% of the outputs.)

212A6: Conservation, Management and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

130. Objective: To develop the Global System on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), under the guidance of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) and its International Technical Working Group (ITWG)/plant genetic resources (PGR), and to implement priority activities of the Plan of Action with a view to the conservation and use of such resources in line with the International Undertaking.

131. Outputs: Enhanced information exchange through the availability of the World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS) and Seed Information System (SIS) on the World Agriculture Information Centre (WAICENT). Second report on the State of the World's PGRFA. Strengthening of the global, regional and crop-related networks including International Network on the Ex-situ Collections/on-farm management of genetic resources and training and capacity building.

212A7: Sustainable Seed Production and Seed Security

132. Objective: Definition and adoption of appropriate seed policies and programmes with a view to developing national seed production and supply sectors thus contributing to sustainable agricultural production.

133. Outputs: Through a series of consultations, develop seed policy programmes and related networks in Africa, Near East and North Africa, and Asia and the Pacific. Publish manuals on modern seed technology, training manuals on laboratory seed testing and update FAO's Quality Declared Seed Scheme. Establish Seed Security Consultative Group and make operational Southern African Development Community (SADC) Seed Security Network.

212A8: Information on Plant Production and Protection Decision Making

134. Objective: Crop production and protection decision making tools accessible to all FAO Members via the Internet.

135. Outputs: An interactive database and decision support tools supported by a network developed through partnerships.

212P1: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)

136. Objective: Secure common and effective action to prevent the spread and introduction of plant pests and to promote measures for their control, while limiting effects on international trade and traffic.

137. Outputs: Drafting and negotiation of International Phyto-sanitary measures for facilitating coordinated actions of protection organizations. Assistance to information exchange with all partners and facilitation of technical assistance to Members to enable them to meet their obligations under the IPPC and the Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Agreement under the World Trade Organization (WTO).

212P2: Pesticide Management

138. Objective: Reduction of risk associated with the use of pesticides and protection of human health and the environment.

139. Outputs: Draft revised version of the Code of Conduct and preparation of FAO pesticide specifications for management of pesticide products. Development of recommendations for international standards for maximum pesticide residue levels in agricultural produce. Together with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), provision of the Interim Secretariat to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade. Providing a forum to decide on the inclusion of chemicals and pesticides in the Prior Informed Consent procedure and for the management of an information system to help implement the Convention. (Extrabudgetary resources sought for pesticide disposal and for part of the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention.)

212P3: Migratory Pest Management

140. Objective: Facilitation of regional and inter-regional cooperation and coordination on the management of migratory pests, to reduce crop losses caused by such pests, in particular, locusts.

141. Outputs: Provision of information and forecasting services including monthly bulletins, special alerts, maintenance of database and information exchange. Technical support to countries and the provision of guidelines and methodologies on migratory pest management. Provision of regional and sub-regional fora for discussions and decisions on common action on migratory pest control through the Desert Locust Control Committee and sub-regional locust control commissions.

212P4: Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) Policy Support

142. Objective: Guiding, monitoring and facilitating the implementation of the Global Plan of Action through CGRFA and its ITWG/PGRFA. Support countries in developing policy frameworks for genetic resources for food and agriculture and related technologies; the negotiation of relevant international agreements and instruments; and the adoption implementation and monitoring of specific action strategies and programmes.

143. Outputs: Support to ITWG/PGRFA and monitoring the implementation of Global Plan of Action (GPA) and related policy documents, and support to PGRFA element of joint FAO/Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) programme and support to countries in developing national policies and programmes. Organization of regular and extraordinary sessions of the CGRFA; sessions of its Intergovernmental Technical Working Groups, on PGRFA, and on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; and negotiations of agreements on plant and on animal genetic resources.

212S1: Technical Services to Members on Crop Production

144.Objective:Through provision of FAO expertise on plant production and protection, effective FAO Field Programme, including SPFS and emergencies, and strengthened national and international programmes in development.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

Under the growth scenario (US$ 2 126 600 additional), this programme would receive major increases firstly for the Interim Secretariat to the Rotterdam Convention on the PIC Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, secondly to strengthen FAO's biotechnology activities both in the establishment of international norms and methods of biosafety and thirdly to build capacity in developing countries in a number of related areas. It would also strengthen our technical capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.1.3 Livestock

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
21310 Livestock Information Systems, Policy and Planning 4 291 (4 291) 0
21320 Peri-Urban and Intensive Production and Supply Systems 2 224 (2 224) 0
21330 Mixed Farming Systems 3 808 (3 808) 0
21340 Pastoral and Extensive Grazing Systems 1 727 (1 727) 0
21350 Domestic Animal Genetic Diversity 2 408 (2 408) 0
21360 Transboundary Animal Diseases 3 534 (3 534) 0
213A2 Contribution of Livestock to Food Production and Security 0 2 126 2 126
213A3 Contribution of Livestock to Poverty Alleviation 0 1 576 1 576
213A4 Protect and Enhance Natural Resources in Livestock Systems 0 1 432 1 432
213A5 Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources 0 2 468 2 468
213A6 Monitoring and Control of Production Limiting and Zoonotic Diseases 0 3 305 3 305
213A7 EMPRES - Livestock 0 2 679 2 679
213P1 Global Livestock Information 0 1 486 1 486
213S1 Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme 0 2 507 2 507
Total   17 992 (413) 17 579
213A2: Contribution of Livestock to Food Production and Security

145. Objective: Strengthened technical and institutional capacity of governmental extension services and Non-governmental Organization (NGO) user groups to strengthen market oriented rural livestock development.

146. Outputs: Analysis of potential to produce significant market surpluses from backyard production in Asia and silvo-pastoral systems in Latin America. Guidelines for modernized crop/livestock planning in East Africa. Guidelines for livestock components in investment projects, feeds and feeding systems, herd recording, draught animal power, cattle/buffalo systems in Asia. Training and development of training materials in dairy management and processing.

213A3: Contribution of Livestock to Poverty Alleviation

147. Objective: Increased contribution of short-cycle species (poultry, sheep, pigs, etc,) and small-scale livestock product processing to income earning by poor households in general and women in particular.

148. Outputs: Preliminary round of studies and resulting strategies for short cycle species and small-scale processing. Guidelines for livestock components in emergency projects.

213A4: Protect and Enhance Natural Resources in Livestock Systems

149. Objective: Development and application of strategies which reduce conflicts over scarce feed and water resources and conserve land and bio-diversity.

150. Outputs: Analysis of socio-economic and technical factors, strategy development and validation procedures to ameliorate resource degradation and reduce conflict in fragile environment (areas of high livestock concentration, tropical and arid lands). Preparation of training materials, and organization of country consultations on improved processing plants and better waste management. Networking on pastoral and silvo-pastoral systems and on livestock environment issues.

213A5: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources

151. Objective: Enhanced country capacity and global framework for increased use and sustainable development of livestock breeds adapted to differing production environments, and for conserving unique breeds at risk in concert with the CGRFA and its ITWG/Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR).

152. Outputs: CGRFA and its ITWG-AnGR in further developing the Global Strategy and its constituents, and to the AnGR element of joint FAO/CBD programme. Coordination and mobilization of global AnGR effort, including training of focal points for a further 35 countries. Guidelines and support structures for preparation of the State of the World's AnGR; AnGR Information Bulletin (6); edition of the World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity. The Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) maintained and expanded to all official languages and national reporting module. Development of agreed criteria for and global monitoring of the measurement of domestic animal diversity (MoDAD). Preliminary comprehensive guidelines and decision support system on AnGR for in-country use and global AnGR surveying and monitoring system and emergency response system drafted and negotiated with countries. National conservation strategies and training kits for two FAO Regions and pilot breed development schemes and training kits for higher (2) and lower (3) potential production systems. Identification of extra-budgetary resources to provide for a substantial portion of these outputs.

213A6: Monitoring and Control of Production Limiting and Zoonotic Diseases

153. Objective: Strengthened national capacity and international coordination for disease intelligence, animal disease strategy development and management.

154. Outputs: Testing and cost-benefit analysis of a negotiating framework for restructuring veterinary services (3 countries); guidebook and training for disease related aspects of livestock trade negotiations; coordination and training for national trypanosomiasis programmes. Inventory of epidemiology and economics of parasitic diseases in selected production systems and support to international network of regional reference centres for parasitic resistance. Meetings of FAO Working Group and Industry Contact Group (2) and development of standards for parasite resistance testing. Assessment of economics of control strategies and testing of new vaccines for endemic diseases of small ruminants in extensive grazing systems. Analysis of relationship between feeding antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. Dissemination of information on Foot and Mouth Disease and characterization of virus isolates.

213A7: EMPRES - Livestock

155. Objective: Establishment of effective national and regional control and eradication strategies, early warning systems, contingency planning and global information for prevention and control of major epidemic livestock diseases.

156. Outputs: Coordination of and expert meetings and information dissemination for EMPRES including a Website. For Global Rinderpest Eradication Campaign - secretariat support, monitoring disease in key countries, technical information. For national early warning - development of disease data analysis and Geographic Information System (GIS) software and initiation of disease mapping and risk analysis and support to training and regional network establishment. For early reaction - two regional workshops, software development and guidelines. Support to research on novel diagnostic techniques and vaccines; development of the Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) control strategy for Africa; and support for new Southern Africa Epizootics Commission.

213P1: Global Livestock Information

157. Objective: Widespread use of up-to-date information and analysis of animal agriculture to facilitate socially, environmentally and ethically appropriate growth in supply of animal protein.

158. Outputs: Digital atlas and analysis of global animal agriculture and land-livestock-food systems, including risks and impact of animal diseases. Electronic knowledge-base on livestock production systems and feed resources; global participatory communication package and World Animal Review. Assessment of the interaction of global animal agriculture with food security, equity, environment and public health.

213S1: Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme

159. Objective: Through provision of FAO livestock expertise, effective FAO Field Programme, including SPFS and emergencies, and strengthened national and international programmes in development.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

This programme would receive US$ 1 050 000 under the growth scenario and includes the further development of the programme for the management of farm animal genetic resources. It would also strengthen our technical capacity in this field in the both the Regional and Sub-regional Offices in Africa. Finally, the programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.1.4: Agricultural Support Systems

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
21410 Farming Systems Development 3 816 (3 816) 0
21420 Agricultural Engineering 2 042 (2 042) 0
21430 Post-Harvest Management 1 560 (1 560) 0
21440 Food and Agricultural Industries 3 555 (3 555) 0
21450 Marketing 2 847 (2 847) 0
21460 Rural Finance 1 910 (1 910) 0
214A1 Small Farm Competitiveness 0 1 541 1 541
214A2 Meeting Urban Food Needs 0 1 400 1 400
214A3 Increasing the Efficiency of Services to Producers 0 1 414 1 414
214A4 Agri-business Development 0 1 004 1 004
214A5 Database Development and Information Systems 0 1 095 1 095
214A6 Farm Economics and Decision Support 0 864 864
214A7 Agricultural Engineering, Ergonomics and the Environment 0 422 422
214A8 Agricultural Marketing and Rural Finance Support Products and Outreach 0 1 489 1 489
214P1 Small-scale Agro-industries and Post-harvest Systems Analysis 0 1 138 1 138
214S1 Technical Support to Field Projects and Direct Support to Member Nations 0 5 192 5 192
Total   15 730 (171) 15 559
214A1: Small Farm Competitiveness

160. Objective: Small farmer income increased through improved farm planning and investments relating to market-oriented farm production.

161. Outputs: Studies of small farm opportunities in specific agro-ecological zones and regions, contract farming, commercialization and women farmers, village level processing and farm power development. Guides and training materials for marketing extension, farm diversification versus specialization, household money management, and farm storage of staples.

214A2: Meeting Urban Food Needs

162. Objective: Improved decisions by government and municipal authorities to address urban food security as well as enhanced responses by rural producers to improve food supplies to cities.

163. Outputs: Economic and policy studies concerning urban agriculture, rural-urban linkages, farmer incentives to supply staple foods and convenience foods. Guidelines on urban food marketing planning, investment decision making for marketing infrastructure and waste management. Training material for food processing; sensitization and training workshops. Development of a Website on food into cities.

214A3: Increasing the Efficiency of Services to Producers

164. Objective: Strengthened government frameworks and private sectors for more efficient agricultural input supply and produce marketing with initial emphasis on selected African countries.

165. Outputs: Studies on the extent and impact of privatization, constraints to service provision at farm level, potential for farmer and trader and processor associations. Guidelines on the role of government and the private sector in farm input supplies, marketing, mechanization and banking services. Advice to governments on mechanization, marketing support services and infrastructure. Workshops on privatization and training material for entrepreneurs.

214A4: Agri-business Development

166. Objective: Development of agri-business entrepreneurship and integration of the production, processing and supply chain.

167. Outputs: Guidelines, studies and consultations on rural agri-business opportunities, farm-agri-business linkages, and the development, financing and management of small and medium-scale enterprises.

214A5: Database Development and Information Systems

168. Objective: Availability to Members of networked up-to-date information resources relating to agricultural support services and agri-business.

169. Outputs: Post-harvest network (INPhO), farm and farming systems (InFarm), agricultural engineering, farm power, equipment (INTDIR), and financial services in rural areas (AgriBank Stat) Websites providing access via the internet to various papers, case studies, data-bases, institutions, etc. Chapter on mechanization for Agriculture Towards 2015/30 and design of farm data systems for selected African countries.

214A6: Farm Economics and Decision Support

170. Objective: Improved farm-level analysis, planning and decision making by farmers and in governments and other organizations providing support to farmers.

171. Outputs: Studies on farmer typologies, farm-level benefits of participation, and farmer record keeping. Handbooks and training materials on farm-level environmental accounting, technology evaluation, farm survey data analysis, farm business planning, community planning, and farm management extension.

214A7: Agricultural Engineering, Ergonomics and the Environment

172. Objective: Introduction of appropriate machinery and equipment standards and practices by developing countries including greater attention to gender aspects in equipment, safe application of pesticides, conservation tillage, and appropriate tillage practices.

173. Outputs: Standards and legislation for selected machines. Guidelines and code of practice for environmentally sound tillage practices. Information on safe pesticide application and on gender issues in agricultural engineering. Training programmes and material for conservation tillage and tillage practices.

214A8: Agricultural Marketing and Rural Finance Support Products and Outreach

174. Objective: Strengthened marketing and improved rural financial services for agriculture.

175. Outputs: For MicroBanker - a Windows version and 50 newly trained support staff and FAO Agrimarket II Market Information software promoted and supported. Regional associations for rural finance and marketing strengthened. Meetings of Scheme for Agricultural Credit Development (SACRED). Information and training materials on agricultural marketing and rural finance.

214P1: Small-scale Agro-industries and Post-harvest Systems Analysis

176. Objective: Promote and facilitate the introduction of commercially viable post-production systems focused on appropriate post-harvest and agro-industrial developments.

177. Outputs: Information and guidelines to assist decision making relating to: selected industrial activities for small- and medium-scale enterprises, compendium of post-harvest technologies, functional properties of selected commodities and utilization of agro-industrial residues. Development and use of natural bio-active agents for conservation/processing, and enhanced socio-economic welfare of rural and peri-urban communities.

214S1: Technical Support to Field Projects and Direct Support to Member Nations

178. Objective: Through provision of FAO expertise on farm management mechanization, agroindustries, marketing and rural finance, effective FAO Field Programme, including SPFS and emergencies, and strengthened national and international programmes in development.

Programme 2.1.5: Agricultural Applications of Isotopes and Biotechnology

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
21510 Contribution to Improvement of Crop and Livestock Productivity 1 696 (1 696) 0
21520 Contribution to Crop Protection and Control of Animal Diseases 2 178 (2 178) 0
21530 Contribution to Consumer and Environmental Protection and Reduction of Food Losses 1 269 (1 269) 0
215A1 Sustainable Improvements in Crop Productivity and Resource Management 0 2 056 2 056
215A2 Sustainable Improvements in Livestock Productivity 0 1 400 1 400
215P1 Training and Reference Services for Food and Pesticide Control 0 1 593 1 593
Total   5 143 (94) 5 049
215A1: Sustainable Improvements in Crop Productivity and Resource Management

179. Objective: Application of nuclear techniques and biotechnology for sustainable intensification and diversification of cropping systems and conservation of natural resources.

180. Outputs: Guidelines on scheduling deficit irrigation and optimising the use of locally available organic nutrient sources. Methods for measuring soil erosion at watershed level. Methods to identify and isolate genes for salinity tolerance in rice and to increase diversity in Musa using mutation and tissue culture techniques. Databases on DNA markers and marker techniques for analysis of plant genomes. Decision-support for analysing commercial feasibility and ecological benefits of area-wide pest management involving Sterile Insect Training (SIT). Training of soil scientists, plant breeders and insect pest control personnel through courses and fellowships.

215A2: Sustainable Improvements in Livestock Productivity

181. Objective: Application of nuclear techniques and biotechnology for improved livestock productivity and disease and insect pest management.

182. Outputs: Strategies for monitoring microbial protein production from local feed resources. Validated protocols for diagnosis and surveillance of EMPRES diseases using immunoassay and molecular methods. Guidelines for international veterinary laboratory accreditation. Improved methods for upscaling mass-rearing processes for tsetse flies; economic and environmental decision models for application of SIT against tsetse; training of veterinary personnel in diagnostic methods for EMPRES diseases and of tsetse/trypanosomiasis control personnel on tsetse rearing and suppression.

215P1: Training and Reference Services for Food and Pesticide Control

183. Objective: Strengthened national capacities for compliance with Codex Standards on food contaminants and residues, the Codex General Standard on Food Irradiation and the International Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

184. Outputs: Databases and information systems on sampling procedures, validated analytical methods and reference materials for contaminants and residues covered by Codex. Development of simpler and lower-cost analytical methods; harmonized regulations on irradiation as quarantine treatment for fruit and vegetables and enhancing the hygienic quality of animal products. Training of food and pesticide control personnel on analytical methods through courses, workshops and fellowships.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

The growth scenario, which requires an additional US$ 1 242 000, strengthens biotechnology activities particularly in the area of the training programmes provided by the Seibersdorf Laboratory in DNA finger printing, etc. It also allows the laboratory to add the issue of animal drug residues in food to its work programme and to train analysts from developing countries in their detection.

Programme 2.1.9: Programme Management

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
21910 Departmental Direction 4 998 (4 998) 0
21920 Divisional Direction 3 157 (3 157) 0
21930 Regional and Sub-regional Offices 3 377 (3 377) 0
219S1 Departmental Direction 0 5 072 5 072
219S2 Divisional Direction 0 3 185 3 185
219S3 Regional and Sub-regional Direction 0 3 543 3 543
Total   11 532 268 11 800

185. This programme covers the immediate office of the Assistant Director-General (AGD), including the Management Support Unit (MSU), the offices of the Division Directors and those parts of Regional Office direction attributable to agricultural programmes.


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
2.2.1 Nutrition 17 572 75 17 647 20%
2.2.2 Food and Agricultural Information 41 004 (8 694) 32 310 36%
2.2.3 Food and Agricultural Monitoring, Assessments and Outlooks 7 529 6 173 13 702 15%
2.2.4 Agriculture, Food Security and Trade Policy 12 015 2 945 14 960 17%
2.2.9 Programme Management 10 413 (252) 10 161 11%
Total 88 533 247 88 780 100%

Medium-Term Objectives and Priorities

186. This Major Programme continues to be central to FAO's mandate related to food and agricultural policy and development and to agricultural information management and dissemination. It is shaped as a response to the recommendations arising from major international conferences, including the World Food Summit (WFS) Plan of Action, the International Conference on Nutrition, Agenda 21 of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) and the new multilateral trade arrangements, World Trade Organization (WTO). It also takes into account pressing issues arising from trends towards globalization and trade liberalization, from the need to ensure sustainable agricultural development, food security and adequate nutrition, and from natural disasters and man-made emergencies.

187. Key priorities have been reflected in the following domains of medium-term objectives to guide the work of the Major Programme:

(i) international and national information and statistical systems, including agricultural information management and decision support systems;

(ii) world food, nutrition and agriculture assessments, outlooks and perspectives for the provision of situation and outlook analyses at national, regional and global levels, as well as long-term perspective;

(iii) monitoring the implementation of the WFS Plan of Action;

(iv) Joint FAO/World Health Organization (WHO) Food Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) for international science-based food standards to protect consumer health and ensure fair practices in food trade;

(v) food quality, safety and consumer protection for effective quality and safety of food and for facilitating international trade in food;

(vi) international agricultural trade and food security through commodity intelligence and support to agricultural commodity market development;

(vii) reform in the international agricultural trading environment for the establishment of a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading system for all Members;

(viii) food nutrition and agricultural policies for sustainable economic and social development, including policies and programmes to improve nutrition and household food security;

(ix) policies and programmes for emergency prevention and response.

188. For the Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) 2000-01, a number of functional priority work areas were identified:

189. The Major Programme structure was amended to better reflect the above priority areas and respond to the Programme Evaluation Report finding that Programme 2.2.4 lacked coherence. The changes affected the following two programmes:

Changes in Resources at Major Programme Level

190. The overall change in the programme of work related to the major programme amounts to US$ 247 000, which combined with a proposed increase in income of US$ 357 000 primarily for technical support services, results in a decrease of US$ 110 000 in the net budget for work in this area. However, since redistribution of the IT Pool increases the overall budget by US$ 593 000, the Regular Programme resources for substantive work within the major programme are therefore proposed to decline by US$ 703 000. As a result of the modification of the programme structure discussed earlier, US$ 8.7 million in net resources is proposed to be transferred from Programme 2.2.2. Food and Agricultural Information to Programme 2.2.3. Food and Agricultural Monitoring, Assessments and Outlooks and Programme 2.2.4. Agriculture, Food Security and Trade Policy. A shift of US$ 979 000 resources from the Library and Documentation Systems Division (GIL) to the Regional Offices within Programme 2.2.2. is proposed, in order to establish a post of information management specialist and provide operational resources for the Regional Office for Africa (RAF), the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP), the Regional Office for Latin America (RLC) and the Regional Office for the Near East (RNE). In addition, US$ 402 000 is being transferred from the Economic and Social Department (ES) technical divisions to the Global Perspectives Studies Unit (ESDG) to establish a new FIVIMS Coordinator post and provide it with operational funds.

Programme 2.2.1: Nutrition

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
22110 Food and Nutrition Assessment 1 131 (1 131) 0
22120 Nutrition Programmes 4 019 (4 019) 0
22130 Food Control and Consumer Protection 4 078 (4 078) 0
22140 Nutrition Policy at Country Level 2 779 (2 779) 0
22150 Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) 5 565 (5 565) 0
221A1 Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) 0 5 752 5 752
221P1 Food and Nutrition Assessment 0 1 218 1 218
221P2 Nutrition Policy at Country Level 0 2 598 2 598
221P3 Nutrition Programmes 0 3 693 3 693
221P5 Food Quality Control and Consumer Protection 0 3 127 3 127
221S1 Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme 0 1 259 1 259
Total   17 572 75 17 647
221A1: Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius)

191. Objective: Development of international science-based food standards and related instruments for use by governments to protect consumers and ensure fair trade practices.

192. Outputs: Elaboration of Codex standards, guidelines and related texts on matters general to all food and specific to certain foods. Principles, procedures, administrative guidelines issued for their elaboration, publication, acceptance and monitoring. Regional concerns identified and debated. Technical and scientific reports prepared on specific issues relating to food quality, safety and trade. Advice to Members on the application and use of Codex Standards and related instruments, including, on request, establishment of national Codex Contact Points and national Codex Committees.

221P1: Food and Nutrition Assessment

193. Objective: Better knowledge of the composition of food, of human nutrient requirements, and nutrition surveillance methodology to assist Members and the international community in assessing and monitoring the food and nutrition situation.

194. Outputs: Updated national and regional food composition tables and databases. Manuals, guidelines and training to assist countries in updating food composition databases, including direct support for producing national databases. Interpretation and dissemination of information on human energy and nutrient requirements, including a publication on nutrition requirements. Studies on issues related to energy calculation and support to the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Nutritional Requirements. Training manuals and software. Production and utilization of improved nutrition surveillance methodology and nutrition country profile documents as nutritional inputs into FIVIMS.

221P2: Nutrition Policy at Country Level

195. Objective: Implementation of national plans of action and regional programmes for improving nutritional status as a follow-up to the International Conference on Nutrition (ICN) and WFS.

196. Outputs: Support to Members for implementing plans of action for improving nutrition. Comparative analysis of experiences in improving nutrition. Studies of the main constraints to improving nutrition and identification/testing of strategies to overcome them, including targeting of nutrition interventions for improved effectiveness. Methodology development for introduction of nutrition safety nets into poverty alleviation programmes and support to Members and selected national agriculture research institutions for incorporation of nutrition objectives into their programmes.

221P3: Nutrition Programmes

197. Objective: Sustained access to and consumption of nutritionally adequate and balanced diets, with specific attention to nutritionally vulnerable households and population groups.

198. Outputs: Household food security and community nutrition programmes designed and promoted through methodologies, workshops, use of Internet and direct advice to FAO Members. Support to improving nutrition during emergency relief and rehabilitation. Methodologies, training and direct advice for the prevention of micronutrient deficiencies. Materials produced and information, training and advice provided in nutrition education and nutrition programme evaluation. Five issues of Food, Nutrition and Agriculture (published) and Website updated.

221P5: Food Quality Control and Consumer Protection

199. Objective: Establishment and operation of food control systems and programmes at national and local levels to ensure food quality and safety and support international food trade. Risk evaluation of food production and processing methods and provision of scientific advice on appropriate food quality and safety measures.

200. Outputs: Technical guidance on the planning, establishment and operation of national food control and quality assurance systems including studies, guidelines, workshops, updating of the directory of food control institutions and establishment of four regional training centres. Direct assistance to Members in evaluating and enhancing the efficiency of their food control systems, to food control institutions in upgrading technical capacities and management and to food industries in food quality assurance systems - good manufacturing practices(GMP)/Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). Science-based assessments of food additives. FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. FAO/WHO Expert Consultations on risks associated with new technologies and with biological contaminants as well as development and dissemination of related risk analysis methodologies and training materials.

221S1: Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme

201. Objective: Provision of direct advisory services to Members and technical support to the field programme in the area of food and nutrition.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

An increase of US$ 656 000 is proposed under the growth scenario aimed at a combined effort with the Joint FAO/IAEA Division (AGE) (see programme 2.1.5 above) to strengthen Codex standards on veterinary drug residues in foods including guidelines and standard references. The addition would also cover a study of the economic impact for developing countries of the application of the WTO agreement on sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures in the international food and agricultural trade. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.2.2: Food and Agricultural Information

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
22210 Statistical Processing and Analysis 8 111 (8 111) 0
22220 Statistical Development 3 624 (3 624) 0
22230 WAICENT/FAOSTAT 3 514 (3 514) 0
22240 Commodity Market Analysis and Food Security Assessment 3 309 (3 309) 0
22250 Food Information and Early Warning Systems 6 321 (6 321) 0
22260 WAICENT/FAOINFO 7 330 (7 330) 0
22270 Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System 2 637 (2 637) 0
22280 Information Resources and Virtual Library 6 158 (6 158) 0
222A1 Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System (FIVIMS) 0 3 754 3 754
222A2 FAO/World Bank/USDA Initiative for Agricultural Statistics in Africa (Phase I) 0 476 476
222A3 WAICENT Country Profiles and Mapping Information System 0 208 208
222A5 Development of Information and Communication Technologies in Support of Food Security and Agricultural Development 0 190 190
222P1 Agricultural Resources, Inputs and Income Statistics, including Gender Profiles 0 3 205 3 205
222P2 Agricultural Production, Trade Statistics and Food Balance Sheets 0 5 365 5 365
222P3 Agricultural Statistics Development 0 2 087 2 087
222P6 WAICENT Corporate Information Systems 0 8 219 8 219
222P7 Virtual Library Support and Information Management 0 6 145 6 145
222S1 Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme 0 1 213 1 213
222S2 Assistance to Countries in Capacity Building for Agriculture and Food Information through WAICENT (including AGRIS and CARIS) 0 1 448 1 448
Total   41 004 (8 694) 32 310
222A1: Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS)

202. Objective: Accurate and timely information (including mapping) on the incidence, nature and causes of food insecurity and vulnerability to assist Members and the international community in formulating and implementing policies and programmes to achieve WFS goals.

203. Outputs: National FIVIMS programmes established in a minimum of 15 countries, giving priority to countries with recurrent food insecurity. International FIVIMS database established with links to major relevant databases in participating organizations. Annual Reports on the State of Food Insecurity and Vulnerability in the World. Provision of access to all GIEWS digital data, database development and data collection/conversion. Support to national FIVIMS information dissemination and mapping system. Support to food consumption and nutrition surveys at national/sub-national level through direct advice, preparation of guidelines and information dissemination. Food and agricultural data collection, processing and analysis in support of FIVIMS. Development of Secretariat functions for the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on FIVIMS, currently composed of 23 members. Development and management of the different components of FIVIMS Information System in support of the international programmes on food insecurity and mapping systems through WAICENT.

222A2: FAO/World Bank/USDA Initiative for Agricultural Statistics in Africa (Phase I)

204. Objective: Availability of timely food and agricultural data for improved sectoral planning and monitoring and for evaluating the performance of the agricultural sector in Africa through the development of integrated and sustainable statistical information systems.

205. Outputs: Reports on country data needs assessments. Project documents prepared for development assistance. Establishment of national food and agricultural statistics information systems. Formulation of the framework documents for the development of integrated statistical systems. Provision of technical, supervisory and evaluation services.

222A3: WAICENT Country Profiles and Mapping Information System

206. Objective: Enhancement of FAO capacities to disseminate information through corporate information systems.

207. Outputs: High quality textual, hypermedia and specialized information systems developed and maintained to disseminate information to Members, including development of the World Agriculture Information Resource Database (WAIR) and World Agricultural Information Policy Development. Preparation of tools, standards and guidelines for integrating the different thematic databases of country-based information available in FAO. Development and maintenance of a corporate visualization and mapping framework for geo-referenced information systems, for use by FIVIMS and the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). Support to Members in improving their information management capacities, with assistance in obtaining the tools necessary to access FAO knowledge and information systems.

222A5: Development of Information and Communication Technologies in Support of Food Security and Agricultural Development

208. Objective: To facilitate the dissemination of FAO's information to a wider range of target users around the world.

209. Outputs: Information systems components developed to enable FAO, in cooperation with the relevant international agencies, to make full use of information and communications technologies.

222P1: Agricultural Resources, Inputs and Income Statistics, including Gender Profiles
222P2: Agricultural Production, Trade Statistics and Food Balance Sheets

210. Objective: Consistent and up-to-date data series and indicators on land use, agricultural inputs, prices, income, economic accounts and related environmental concerns as well as agricultural production, trade and food balance sheets, for the purpose of assessing, analyzing and monitoring the food and agricultural situation.

211. Outputs: Updated databases on agricultural resources and inputs including two volumes of the Fertilizer Yearbook. Regular updates of Summary of World Food and Agriculture Statistics and related country profiles. Demographic estimates and projections in collaboration with the UN, International Labour Office (ILO) and other UN agencies and gender profiles of agricultural households. Updated databases on agricultural income and investment statistics. Preparation of guidelines and training in collaboration with the UN, WB, Eurostat and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Updated agricultural production statistics including two volumes of the FAO Production Yearbook and two volumes of FAO Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics. Updated data on international trade statistics including two volumes of the Trade Yearbook, and index numbers for Internet dissemination. Updated Supply Utilization Accounts (SUAs) and Food Balance Sheets (FBs) and related methodological development of SUAs and FBs.

222P3: Agricultural Statistics Development

212. Objective: Development and promotion of methodologies and technical tools for data collection to assist Members in producing harmonized and improved basic data, including appropriate disaggregation by gender.

213. Outputs: Methodological work on agricultural censuses and probability sampling including gender issues. Review of the World Census of Agriculture publications and preparation of a database on census methodologies and key results. Production of training materials on applied survey methods. Methodological support for national systems of agricultural statistics including preparation of guidelines, studies of integrated systems and training to upgrade statistical capacity at national level. Support to Agricultural Statistics Commission sessions in Asia and the Pacific and Africa and meetings of Statistical Statutory Bodies in Europe and Latin America.

222P6: WAICENT Corporate Information Systems

214. Objective: Enhance capacities to collect, analyze and disseminate scientific, technical and economic information to assist in the achievement of food security and promotion of agricultural development.

215. Outputs: Development and maintenance of the high quality statistical and textual information systems within WAICENT including the Corporate Database for Substantive Statistical Data (FAOSTAT), FAO Information Database (FAOINFO), the International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology (AGRIS) and Current Agricultural Research Information System (CARIS). Improvement and enhancement of indexing systems, corporate data definitions and classification standards and the Multilingual Thesaurus of Agricultural Terminology (AGROVOC) multilingual agricultural thesaurus. Preparation of guidelines and discussion documents and organization of an expert consultation on information system strategies, priorities and plans. Production of CD-ROM versions of the FAO Website content including multi-lingual versions of FAOSTAT and the FAO Library catalogue.

222P7: Virtual Library Support and Information Management

216. Objective: Enhance FAO information resources and facilitate access to world-wide information sources through the provision of the necessary tools, training and guidance on access to and retrieval of agricultural information.

217. Outputs: Establishment of a corporate on-line technical document repository and maintenance of a master archival collection for internal reference and external access. Publishing standards and guidelines. Management of FAO's multi-media resource collection. Establishment of agreements with other UN Organizations, Worldwide Network of Agricultural Libraries (AGLINET) members and national institutions to ensure access to information. Support, technical advice and training to information services in Members. Development of the WAIR database.

222S1: Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme

218. Objective: Provision of direct advisory services to Members and technical support to the field programme in the area of food and agricultural information.

222S2: Assistance to Countries in Capacity Building for Agriculture and Food Information through WAICENT (including AGRIS and CARIS)

219. Objective: Improve information exchange capabilities and activities among stakeholders in Members and support the establishment of national information networks including AGRIS and CARIS centres to ensure their contribution to and participatory efforts in FAO information related activities.

220. Outputs: Production of guidelines, case studies and training materials for agricultural 5information management and for establishment of national information networks. Implementation of a training programme for Internet use and content production and publishing. Training programmes in the use of AGRIS/CARIS tools and guidelines. Preparation of Internet resource guides on agricultural development and food security. Advisory services and field programme support in the area of information.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

A major increase (US$ 3 153 900) is proposed with a view to improving the language coverage of WAICENT (US$ 1.7 million) , to strengthen national systems for food and agricultural statistics including training and capacity building (US$ 0.8 million). The balance relates to enhancing the implementation process of FIVIMS and producing added outputs in the biennium.

Programme 2.2.3: Food and Agricultural Monitoring, Assessments and Outlooks

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
22310 Comparative Agricultural Development 2 364 (2 364) 0
22320 Agriculture in Economic Development 2 609 (2 609) 0
22330 Agricultural Projects Analysis 2 556 (2 556) 0
223A1 Global Perspective Studies 0 1 438 1 438
223P2 The State of Food and Agriculture 0 1 277 1 277
223P3 Market Intelligence and Assessments for Basic Food Commodities 0 1 290 1 290
223P4 Projections and Global Commodity Analyses 0 1 097 1 097
223P5 Market Intelligence and Assessments for Tropical, Horticultural and Raw Material Commodities 0 1 707 1 707
223P6 Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture 0 6 371 6 371
223S1 Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme 0 522 522
Total   7 529 6 173 13 702
223A1: Global Perspective Studies

221. Objective: Provision of a well-informed knowledge-based long term perspective on world food, nutrition and agriculture, including issues of technology and natural resource use in agriculture.

222. Outputs: Updated tools for global perspective analysis. Technical reports on long-term perspectives for world food and agriculture. FAO contributions to non-FAO long term assessments as required (UN and non-UN).

223P2: The State of Food and Agriculture

223. Objective: Timely review of major events, trends and issues in food, agriculture and food security to raise awareness of the problems of agriculture and food security and provide policy makers with required information.

224. Outputs: Annual publication of The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

223P3: Market Intelligence and Assessments for Basic Food Commodities

225. Objective: Updated and high quality information on basic food commodities, including analysis of short and medium term prospects and resulting trade developments on global food security, to support informed decision-making and planning.

226. Outputs: Commodity market analyses, forecasting and dissemination of country/regional supply and demand balance sheets for food commodities and current situation and short-term market forecasts and outlooks. Two editions of the Cereal Policies Review and three/four Intergovernmental Groups (IGGs) intersessional market analyses. Market-based global food security indicators for the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and for FIVIMS. Monitoring of food import bills of food deficit developing countries and analysis of food aid flows and information provided to the Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal. Regular consultations with the WB, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and WFP on the world food situation. Training on market monitoring of key food commodities.

223P4: Projections and Global Commodity Analyses

227. Objective: Authoritative overview of the current commodity market developments, short-term outlook and medium-term prospects for agricultural commodities, including analysis of cross-cutting issues and related policy implications, with particular reference to the food security problems of the developing countries.

228. Outputs: Two issues of the Commodity Market Review (CMR) and publication of selected analytical studies on trade policy issues. Preparation for a Study on Medium-Term Agricultural Commodity Projections to 2010. Preparation of software and manuals on the revised FAO World Food Model and of documentation for the Inter-Agency Meeting on World Food Outlook. Training on projection methodology.

223P5: Market Intelligence and Assessments for Tropical, Horticultural and Raw Material Commodities

229. Objective: Updated and high quality information on tropical, horticultural and raw materials commodities, including analysis of the short and medium term prospects and of the impact of trade developments on food security, to support informed decision making and planning.

230. Outputs: Support to commodity market intelligence systems for tropical, horticultural and raw materials commodities including electronic collection and disseminaiton. Commodity market analyses and short- and medium-term forecasts. General studies on the Uruguay Round (UR) follow-up, environment and trade, biotechnology and trade and regular market information notes on hard fibres, jute, bananas, citrus and tea. One edition of the Hides and Skins Compendium and development of an electronic price monitor for tropical, horticultural and raw material commodities. Establishment of key indicators for analyzing the impact of export price changes on food security and development of a system to monitor the impact of export earnings on food security. Analytical studies and contributions to FIVIMS and to interagency consultations, including with the World Bank and IMF.

223P6: Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture

231. Objective: Provision to Members and the international community of information on the current food supply and demand situation and alerting them to impending serious food shortages so that timely action can be taken to avoid or minimize human suffering.

232. Outputs: Ten issues of Food Outlook and Foodcrops and Shortages. Six issues of Food Supply Situation and Crop Prospects in Sub-Saharan Africa and 12 issues of the Sahel Weather and Crop Situation Reports. Special Reports and Alerts and country-level assessments of foodcrop and food supply and demand situations. Analyses of emergency food aid requests from governments. Improvements in the electronic dissemination of GIEWS reports and extension of data coverage in GIEWS to sub-national level. Development and maintenance of an integrated food supply and demand database.

223S1: Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme

233. Objective: Provision of direct advisory services to Members and technical support to the field programme in the area of food and agricultural monitoring assessments and outlooks.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

An increase of US$ 806 200 has been included under the growth scenario targeted at increasing the number of assessment missions fielded in a biennium. It would also allow locally organized crop assessments, an improved flow of country level data and broader language coverage in reports and documents.

Programme 2.2.4: Agriculture, Food Security and Trade Policy

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
22410 Global Perspective Studies 1 421 (1 421) 0
22420 Commodity Market Development, Commodity and Trade Policy Advice and Intergovernmental Action 8 844 (8 844) 0
22430 World Food Security Analysis 1 750 (1 750) 0
224A1 World Food Summit Monitoring and Follow-up 0 815 815
224P1 Agricultural Adjustment and Policy Reforms 0 1 828 1 828
224P2 Contribution of Agriculture to Poverty Alleviation, Rural Development and Food Security 0 2 037 2 037
224P3 Economics of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability 0 467 467
224P4 Commodity and Trade Policy Support 0 6 112 6 112
224P5 Commodity and Market Development 0 1 622 1 622
224S1 Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme 0 2 079 2 079
Total   12 015 2 945 14 960
224A1: World Food Summit Monitoring and Follow-up

234. Objective: Support monitoring of the WFS Follow-up and the analysis of key policy issues identified as requiring attention by the international community.

235. Outputs: Monitoring and follow-up of WFS Plan of Action through biennial progress reports, source materials database including information exchange, and technical materials and briefing notes for use by Thematic Groups on Rural Development and Food Security.

224P1: Agricultural Adjustment and Policy Reforms

236. Objective: Enhancement of the capacity of Members to analyze, develop, implement and adjust agricultural policies in response to changing international and national conditions.

237. Outputs: Comparative studies on policy experiences and issues of importance for agricultural development. Identification and analysis of current and emerging issues in agricultural policy and economic analysis of development. Analysis of agricultural reform and policies in developing and transition economies and publication of reports on the role of agriculture in the development and transition process and the role of policies in a changing economic environment. Workshop on European Community (EC) agro-food policies.

224P2: Contribution of Agriculture to Poverty Alleviation , Rural Development and Food Security

238. Objective: Identification of anti-poverty and food security policies and enhancement of the capacity of Members to analyze and maximize the contribution of agriculture to rural development, poverty alleviation and food security.

239. Outputs: Comparative studies on the role of agriculture in rural development and poverty alleviation. Analyses, case studies and methodologies related to the inter-relationship between agriculture, rural development and poverty. Methodological work, case studies and guidelines on targeted food assistance schemes using participatory methods for improving macro and sector policy work. Preparation of guidelines on food security information in complex emergencies, disaster preparedness and humanitarian action planning.

224P3: Economics of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability

240. Objective: Enhancement of the capacity of Members to analyse environmental and resource problems and assess resources and environment-related benefits and costs of agricultural and environmental policies.

241. Outputs: Methodologies and empirical applications of valuations of natural resource use in agriculture and related policy impact assessments. Support to the FAO follow-up to Agenda 21 and related conventions.

224P4: Commodity and Trade Policy Support

242. Objective: Strengthening the agricultural trade performance of Members through international cooperation and action in commodities and supporting expanding commodity trade and trade policy advice to benefit developing countries and strengthen their capacity to prepare for Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTNs).

243. Outputs: Servicing international commodity meetings of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP); Consultative Sub-committee on Surplus Disposal (CSSD); IGGs (citrus fruit; bananas and tropical fruits; hard fibres and jute; meat and hides and skins; grains and rice; tea; oilseeds, oils and fats). Basic studies of the impact of policy changes on agricultural commodity markets and trade and intergovernmental consultations on raw materials; horticulture; dairy products; feed and livestock relationships; feed ingredients. Support to Economic Cooperation among Development Countries (ECDC) in expanding commodity trade. Trade policy advice to developing countries concerning Multilateral Trade Negotiations. Training and capacity building in trade policy analysis.

224P5: Commodity and Market Development

244. Objective: Enhancing the competitiveness of agricultural commodities through technical and financial assistance in order to increase productivity, improve quality and achieve product development, in particular through IGGs acting as International Commodity Bodies for the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) funding of projects for commodity development programmes.

245. Outputs: Monitoring and assessing the effect of new technologies/scientific developments on the competitiveness of agricultural commodities. Preparation of projects for commodity development programmes on behalf of 10 CFC-designated International Commodity Bodies. Provision of commodity expertise to countries and support to national capacity building in commodity policy formulation.

224S1: Technical Support Services to Member Nations and the Field Programme

246. Objective: Provision of direct advisory services to Members and technical support to the field programme in the area of agriculture, food security and trade policy.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

A small additional amount of US$ 360 000 is aimed at increasing the technical assistance and training for developing countries involved in the next round of multi-lateral trade negotiations. In addition, the programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.2.9: Programme Management

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
22910 Departmental Direction 4 892 (4 892) 0
22920 Divisional Direction 3 933 (3 933) 0
22930 Regional and Sub-regional Offices 1 588 (1 588) 0
229S1 Departmental Direction 0 5 185 5 185
229S2 Divisional Direction 0 3 585 3 585
229S3 Regional and Sub-regional Direction 0 1 391 1 391
Total   10 413 (252) 10 161

247. This programme covers the immediate office of the Assistant Director-General (ESD), including the Management Support Unit (MSU), the offices of the Division Directors and those parts of Regional Office direction attributable to the programmes on food and agriculture policy and development.

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