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(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
2.3.1 Fisheries Information 6 220 133 6 353 16%
2.3.2 Fisheries Resources and Aquaculture 10 852 85 10 937 27%
2.3.3 Fisheries Exploitation and Utilization 8 520 (346) 8 174 20%
2.3.4 Fisheries Policy 9 263 235 9 498 24%
2.3.9 Programme Management 5 214 56 5 270 13%
Total 40 069 163 40 232 100%

Medium-Term Objectives and Priorities

248. Giving effect to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other recent inter- national fishery instruments is the major challenge facing countries in their efforts to secure long-term sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development. Within the framework of FAO's strategic objectives of sustainable food security, the Major Programme has identified five objectives for the medium-term. These are:

Changes in Resources at Major Programme Level

249. The overall change in the programme of work related to the Major Programme amounts to an increase of US$ 163 000, which combined with a proposed increase in income of US$ 146 000, results in an increase in the net budget for work in this area of US$ 17 000. Since redistribution of the computer pool account increases the overall budget by US$ 446 000, while redistribution of staff time within the Management Support Unit (FFDX) results in a transfer of staff resources of US$ 260 000 from Programme 2.3.9. Programme Management to 2.4.9. Programme Management, the Regular Programme resources for substantive work within the Major Programme are therefore proposed to decline by US$ 169 000. The only major shift of resources proposed in the Major Programme is US$ 228 000 from Programme 2.3.3. Fisheries Exploitation and Utilization to Programme 2.3.2. Fisheries Resources and Aquaculture. Two new posts of Fisheries Industries Officer (trade analysis) and Fisheries Analyst (fishing capacity) have been proposed for establishment at Headquarters to expand assistance in these areas.

Programme 2.3.1: Fisheries Information

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
23110 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information 2 407 (2 407) 0
23120 Fishery Data and Statistics 3 813 (3 813) 0
231A1 Improved Access to and Dissemination of Information on Responsible Fisheries, Aquaculture and Trade 0 630 630
231P1 Provision of Fisheries Information and Statistical Services 0 4 738 4 738
231S1 Advice and Technical Support to Member Nations and Regional Fisheries Bodies 0 985 985
Total   6 220 133 6 353
231A1: Improved Access to and Dissemination of Information on Responsible Fisheries, Aquaculture and Trade
231P1: Provision of Fisheries Information and Statistical Services

250. Objective: Members and the international community have access to an integrated worldwide system of validated information on fishery and aquaculture resources and production systems.

251. Outputs: Databases created or improved and integrated into Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS). Methodologies, guidelines on information resource sharing and networking. Guidelines, software for information and data collection, exchange, dissemination and analysis. Publication of Yearbooks of Fishery Statistics (capture production, commodities, aquaculture production) and Bulletins of Fishery Statistics (fishing fleets, fish consumption, fishers). Updated Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts Database (ASFA).

231S1: Advice and Technical Support to Member Nations and Regional Fisheries Bodies

252. Objective: FAO advice on collection and processing of fishery information and statistics made available to Members and regional fisheries bodies.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

Minor increases totalling US$ 101 700 will cover the increased capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.3.2: Fisheries Resources and Aquaculture

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
23210 Marine Resources 4 935 (4 935) 0
23220 Inland Resources and Aquaculture 5 917 (5 917) 0
232A1 Promotion of Responsible Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture 0 1 440 1 440
232A2 Increased Contribution of Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Production to World Food Security 0 1 191 1 191
232A3 Marine Fisheries Resources Identification and Biodata 0 1 051 1 051
232A4 Monitoring/Reporting on Global Marine Resources and Relevant Environmental and Ecological Changes 0 1 479 1 479
232A5 Resources Assessment and Management of Marine Fisheries 0 1 118 1 118
232P1 Global Monitoring and Strategic Analysis of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture 0 1 874 1 874
232S1 Advice on Marine Resources and Environmental Issues and Aquaculture Development 0 2 784 2 784
Total   10 852 85 10 937
232A1: Promotion of Responsible Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

253. Objective: Improved management and sustainable use of fisheries resources including aquatic genetic resources, and reduction of negative environmental and biodiversity impacts from inland fisheries and aquaculture.

254. Outputs: Methodologies and guidelines for prevention of habitat degradation and rehabilitation of inland fish habitats. Guidelines for sustainable intensification of freshwater aquaculture production. Studies on aquatic animal quarantine and health certification.

232A2: Increased Contribution of Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Production to World Food Security

255. Objective: Increased sustainable production from inland fisheries and aquaculture (both in inland and coastal areas).

256. Outputs: Methodologies, guidelines, case studies on aspects of aquaculture and inland fishery production (genetic improvement, marine ranching, seed production). Coordination of regional cooperation in rural aquaculture in Asia, Africa, Latin America. Methodologies, guidelines on health management (trans-boundary species movement, primary health care, evaluation of economic losses due to disease).

232A3: Marine Fisheries Resources Identification and Biodata

257. Objective: Members and the international community have access to reliable information on biology and ecology of marine exploited species.

258. Outputs: Archives of scientific drawings, photographs, distribution maps and species data on FAO Website. Encyclopaedia, guides, catalogues and Atlas of Living Marine Resources.

232A4: Monitoring/Reporting on Global Marine Resources and Relevant Environmental and Ecological Changes

259. Objective: Availability to Members and the international community of a broadened information base on the state of world fishery resources, including effects of environmental and ecological changes on resources and the marine habitat.

260. Outputs: Development of advanced forecasting methodologies, and analysis of regional ocean climate. Publication of Review of World Marine Fishery Resources.

232A5: Resource Assessment and Management of Marine Fisheries

261. Objective: Improve capacity of Members to undertake stock assessment and implement appropriate fishery management practices.

262. Outputs: Methodologies on appropriate methods for cost-effective resource assessment, and management in various situations and application of methodologies in at least 8 countries. Manuals, case studies on influence of ecological and environmental conditions on fisheries performance.

232P1: Global Monitoring and Strategic Analysis of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

263. Objective: Members and the international community have access to analysis of current trends in inland fisheries and aquaculture development.

264. Outputs: Regional computerized aquaculture information systems and database on species introductions and stock enhancement. Reviews of state of inland fisheries and aquaculture and related topics (rehabilitation and conservation efforts, accessibility and consumption of aquaculture products).

232S1: Advice on Marine Resources and Environmental Issues and Aquaculture Development

265. Objective: Advice made available as direct assistance to Members and to field projects.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

Of the increase of US$ 757 400 included under the growth scenario, US$ 335 000 relates to more appropriate ecosystem approaches to fisheries development and work on the English Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) listing criteria and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) programme. In addition, this programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.3.3 Fisheries Exploitation and Utilization

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
23310 Fish Production 3 949 (3 949) 0
23320 Fish Utilization and Marketing 4 571 (4 571) 0
233A1 Reduction of Discards and Environmental Impact from Fisheries 0 922 922
233A2 Sustainable Development of Small-scale Fisheries 0 1 049 1 049
233A3 Increased Production from Under-utilized Aquatic Resources and Low-value Catches 0 1 075 1 075
233A4 Consumption, Safety and Quality of Fish Products 0 935 935
233A5 Promotion of International Fish Trade 0 1 268 1 268
233S1 Support and Advice in Fishing Technology, Fish Utilization and Trade 0 2 925 2 925
Total   8 520 (346) 8 174
233A1: Reduction of Discards and Environmental Impact from Fisheries

266. Objective: Make existing fisheries more sustainable by reducing discards, capture of juveniles and negative environmental impact of fishing operation.

267. Outputs: Updated figures on global discards. Environmental impact of tropical shrimp fisheries assessed in 10 countries. A global review of environmental impact from fishing operations. Technology for onboard handling of unavoidable bycatch including technologies effective in waste preservation. Market opportunities assessed for such bycatch.

233A2: Sustainable Development of Small-scale Fisheries

268. Objective: Maintain and enhance the contribution of the small-scale fisheries sector to food security and employment.

269. Outputs: Distance learning course on management of small-scale fisheries ports and landing sites. Methodology for local identification of artisanal sea safety problems. Manuals, guidelines, studies on improved fish storage, fishing boat design and construction and fishing gear. Database on demographic/population characteristics of coastal fishing communities. Studies and pilot testing of micro-credit programmes for small-scale fishers. Manual on traditional and improved small-scale fish handling, processing and storage techniques.

233A3: Increased Production from Under-utilized Aquatic Resources and Low-value Catches

270. Objective: Increase production from new or under-utilized aquatic resources and low-value catches.

271. Outputs: Identification of potential resources from which the production can be increased. Review and advise on cost effective technologies for capture, handling and processing of under-utilized resources.

233A4: Consumption, Safety and Quality of Fish Products

272. Objective: Increase consumption of fish oil and improve safety and quality of fish products

273. Outputs: Identify and produce to pilot plant scale suitable food products containing fish oil. International meeting on hazards and risks associated with tropical and sub-tropical fish products.

233A5: Promotion of International Fish Trade

274. Objective: Increase participation of developing countries in international fish trade

275. Outputs: Maintenance and expansion of the Computerized System of Fish Marketing Information (GLOBEFISH) database and its publications. Coordination of the Fish Marketing Information Services (INFONetwork). Conferences on fish trade and commodities.

233S1: Support and Advice in Fishing Technology, Fish Utilization and Trade

276. Objective: FAO advice made available as direct assistance to Members and to field projects.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

The growth scenario includes US$ 412 400 to cover additional work on the SIDS programme and to cover the increased capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.3.4: Fisheries Policy

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
23410 Fisheries Policy and Planning 4 139 (4 139) 0
23420 International Coordination and Liaison 5 124 (5 124) 0
234A1 Coordination and Monitoring the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries 0 1 247 1 247
234A2 Support to Strengthening Coordination in Fisheries Management in the Adriatic 0 81 81
234A4 Promotion of Fisheries Management in Coastal Fisheries 0 847 847
234A5 Promotion of Appropriate National/Regional Policies for Sustainable Aquaculture Development 0 651 651
234P2 Global Analysis of Economic and Social Trends in Fisheries and Aquaculture 0 1 153 1 153
234P3 Economic and Social Analysis of Fishery and Aquaculture Policy and Management 0 877 877
234S1 Promotion and Strengthening of Regional Fisheries Bodies and Arrangements 0 4 431 4 431
234S2 Field Support for Fisheries and Aquaculture Planning, Management and Development 0 211 211
Total   9 263 235 9 498
234A1: Coordination and Monitoring the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

277. Objective: Members implement the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, resulting in a long-term sustainable footing for the fisheries industry.

278. Outputs: Reporting on implementation of the Code. Two workshops on Code adaptation. Promotion of network of fisheries training institutions and trained country teams on implementation of the Code (TRAINFISH).

234A2: Support to Strengthening Coordination in Fisheries Management in the Adriatic

279. Objective: Formulation and implementation of fishery management plans based on coordinated scientific investigations and data gathering.

280. Outputs: Databases on fisheries management and a common software package. Training courses on subjects of common regional interest. Technical assistance on request of Members.

234A4: Promotion of Fisheries Management in Coastal Fisheries

281. Objective: Fisher communities achieve a balanced equilibrium between the need to engage in capture fisheries and the need to preserve aquatic resources.

282. Outputs: Review of policies, planning procedures and management strategies of potential use in Africa and South Asia. Field tests of participatory methodologies. Guidelines for community-level fish stock assessment and determination of fishing capacities. Report on national/regional policy frameworks conducive to local management of fishing effort.

234A5: Promotion of Appropriate National/Regional Policies for Sustainable Aquaculture Development

283. Objective: An increase in the culture and consumption of, and trade in, cultured fish, crustaceans and molluscs in developing countries.

284. Outputs: Market and production feasibility studies, draft policy and development strategies (tilapia in sub-Saharan Africa, catfish in Central Africa, selected species in South Asia).

234P2: Global Analysis of Economic and Social Trends in Fisheries and Aquaculture
234P3: Economic and Social Analysis of Fishery and Aquaculture Policy and Management

285. Objective: Decision-makers have access to global current, accurate and neutral analysis of major trends and likely developments in world fisheries and aquaculture.

286. Outputs: Publication of State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2000. Technical reports including Asian Financial and Economic Crises: Their Impact on World Fisheries and Exploratory Calculations on Demand and Supply of Fish in 2015. Development of medium and long-term fisheries and aquaculture performance data and indicators. Guidelines on economic and social implications of alternative fisheries management policies and institutional arrangements. Studies on economic performance and role of economic incentives/disincentives for marine capture fisheries.

234S1: Promotion and Strengthening of Regional Fisheries Bodies and Arrangements
234S2: Field Support for Fisheries and Aquaculture Planning, Management and Development

287. Objective: Advice and support to meetings of regional fisheries bodies and support to field projects and direct advice to Members.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

A major addition totalling US$ 4.5 million includes US$ 3.2 million for implementation of the plans of action on sharks, sea birds and capacity. It also provides support for additional meetings (i.e. Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Sub-committee on Aquaculture, Working parties and sessions of the Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research (ACFR), and an open-ended Technical Consultation on Eco-Labelling) at an estimated cost of US$ 367 000. The total amount includes resources to cover additional work on the SIDS programme and to cover the increased capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.3.9 Programme Management

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
23910 Departmental Direction 2 968 (2 968) 0
23920 Divisional Direction 1 482 (1 482) 0
23930 Regional and Sub-regional Offices 764 (764) 0
239S1 Departmental Direction 0 2 614 2 614
239S2 Divisional Direction 0 1 916 1 916
239S3 Regional and Sub-regional Direction 0 740 740
Total   5 214 56 5 270

288. This programme covers the immediate office of the Assistant Director-General (FID), including the Management Support Unit, the offices of the Division Directors and those parts of Regional Office direction attributable to fisheries programmes.


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
2.4.1 Forest Resources 8 717 (184) 8 533 27%
2.4.2 Forest Products 4 782 28 4 810 15%
2.4.3 Forestry Policy and Planning 12 776 (4 138) 8 638 27%
2.4.4 Forest Programmes Coordination and Information 0 4 108 4 108 13%
2.4.9 Programme Management 5 317 245 5 562 18%
Total 31 592 59 31 651 100%

Medium-Term Objectives and Priorities

289. The forestry sector is going through rapid evolution. International concern over forest degradation and loss continues. Complex political, technological and institutional changes are taking place, with greater public commitment to forest conservation and public involvement in forest management decisions. More organizations are becoming involved in forestry matters and issues are increasingly viewed as regional or global in nature.

290. The greatest challenge in the coming years is to balance conflicting demands on forests for goods (both wood and non-wood products) against provision of a wide array of services, including environmental, social and cultural. Appreciation of the role of forests in food security, mitigating climate changes and conservation of biological diversity has grown. A concerted effort to reconcile competing claims, underpinned by a comprehensive policy framework, is required to resolve this conflict.

291. FAO has an important role to play in providing substantially improved information, particularly on forest resources where FAO has the lead responsibility at international level.

292. While sustainable management is recognized as fundamental for forestry development, there is a lack of implementation in many countries. Thus, an important priority for FAO will be development and dissemination of best practices and institutional approaches related to the sustainable management of all types of forests.

293. The increased involvement of all stakeholders means that a key priority for FAO in the coming years will be institutional dialogue and strengthening of partnerships to develop pluralistic approaches to sustainable forest management.

294. As the sustainable management of forests becomes increasingly a global concern, FAO will be called upon to facilitate and give support to national, regional and international processes related to forests, including consideration of international arrangements and mechanisms, and to continue to serve as a neutral forum for forest policy discussions.

Changes in Resources at Major Programme Level

295. The overall change in the programme of work related to the Major Programme amounts to an increase of US$ 59 000, which combined with a proposed decrease in income of US$ 340 000, results in an increase in the net budget for work in this area of US$ 399 000. However, this is entirely offset by a computer pool account increase of US$ 147 000 and the redistribution of staff time within the Management Support Unit (FFDX) which results in a transfer of staff resources of US$ 260 000 from Programme 2.3.9 Programme Management to 2.4.9. Programme Management. Creation of the new Programme 2.4.4. Forest Programmes Coordination and Information has led to a shift of US$ 3.8 million from Programme 2.4.3. Forestry Policy and Planning. The transfer of a statistical clerk post from the Forestry Department (FO) to the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) results in a counterbalanced increase of US$ 45 000 in the resources of the Regional Office. The work on Forest Programme Coordination and Information will be strengthened through the establishment of a P-4 Electronic Information Storage and Dissemination Systems Manager post.

Programme 2.4.1: Forest Resources

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
24110 Forest Resources Assessment and Management 3 628 (3 628) 0
24120 Plantations, Protection and Forest Genetic Resources 1 785 (1 785) 0
24130 Forest Conservation, Wildlife and Contribution to Food Security 3 304 (3 304) 0
241A1 Sustainable Management of Natural Forests 0 1 444 1 444
241A2 Trees Outside Forests 0 918 918
241A3 Sustainable Mountain Development and Watershed Management 0 760 760
241A4 Biological Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Wildlife Utilization 0 647 647
241A5 Forest Plantations and Planted Tree Resources 0 1 007 1 007
241P1 Assessment and Monitoring of Forests and Wood Land Resources 0 1 992 1 992
241S1 Technical Support and Advisory Services 0 1 765 1 765
Total   8 717 (184) 8 533
241A1: Sustainable Management of Natural Forests

296. Objective: Members increase their capacity to manage natural forests for the conservation and sustainable use of their wood and non-wood products and services.

297. Outputs: Development of model managed forests. Sub-regional workshops on the conservation and management of forest genetic resources. Studies/guidelines on: effects of forest fragmentation on management and integrity of forest genetic resources; management of secondary forests; fire prevention and management in natural forests; extension aspects of sustainable forest management and collaborative development of forest management plans; state of the art and progress in sustainable multipurpose natural forest management in the arid and semi-arid tropical zones of Asia and Latin America and support to cooperative networks in Africa. Development and implementation of criteria and indicators at national level in semi-arid and arid Africa and Near East regions; status and trends in silviculture and management of natural forests in all regions.

241A2: Trees Outside Forests

298. Objective: Increase contribution of trees outside forests (TOF) in rural, urban and peri-urban environments to sustainable livelihoods and food security.

299. Outputs: Publication of cost-effective TOF assessment methodologies. Assistance to regional networks to carry out TOF assessments and in agroforestry. Development of local strategies and technical agroforestry packages, particularly through the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). Studies on urban forestry in coastal areas and small islands, and on linkages between forest and tree degradation and impoverishment around cities. Demonstrations and training on transfer of urban forestry techniques.

241A3: Sustainable Mountain Development and Watershed Management

300. Objective: Enhance capacity at national level to plan and implement sustainable mountain development and watershed management activities.

301. Outputs: Publications on ecological role and management considerations of high altitude forests and the role of forests in sustainable mountain development. Databases on national mountain profiles and institutions active in sustainable mountain development. Regional preparatory meetings for Global Mountain Conference. Coordination and preparation of materials, including brochures, case studies, films, exhibitions for International Year of Mountains (2002). Guidelines and training modules for policy formulation and programme planning in sustainable mountain development.

241A4: Biological Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Wildlife Utilization

302. Objective: Identification and uptake of improved methods of biodiversity conservation, including sustainable use of wildland animal resources.

303. Outputs: Guidelines, criteria and indicators for effective biodiversity conservation and constraints on utilization. Criteria and indicators of sustainable use of wildlife resources and analysis of sustainability of wildlife use in key areas.

241A5: Forest Plantations and Planted Tree Resources

304. Objective: Facilitate land use and policy decisions to meet requirements for forest goods and services from forest plantations.

305. Outputs: Technical advice on appropriate technologies to Members for the development of economically viable and environmentally sound plantations. Guidelines on safe movement of germplasm. Case studies on the environmental, social and economic impacts of plantations. Development of database for plantations .

241P1: Assessment and Monitoring of Forests and Wood Land Resources

306. Objective: Members have available accurate information on the state of forest resources and innovative methodologies and mechanisms are applied for forest inventory, analysis, assessment and monitoring.

307. Outputs: Global reports on the state and changes over time in forest cover and condition, coordinated with partners world-wide. Country capacity building on forest inventory and forest resources information analysis. Assessments and analysis of deforestation and changes in forest resources. Assessment of the biological diversity of forests, state of the forest component of protected areas, assessment of forest fires. Forest inventory methodologies for supporting national forestry inventory systems.

241S1: Technical Support and Advisory Services

308. Objective: FAO's forestry expertise available to member countries both as support to field projects and as direct advisory services.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

The growth scenario includes US$ 305 800 to cover the increased capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.4.2: Forest Products

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
24210 Wood and Non-Wood Products Utilization 2 355 (2 355) 0
24220 Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing 2 427 (2 427) 0
242A1 Socio-economic Aspects of Forest Products 0 1 009 1 009
242A2 Increasing Productivity in Sustainable Forest Raw Material Utilization 0 1 055 1 055
242P1 Forest Raw Material Information 0 239 239
242P2 Forest Products Information and Networking 0 834 834
242P3 Forest Products Utilization Issues 0 495 495
242S1 Support to Statutory Bodies, Committees, International Organizations and Field Projects 0 1 178 1 178
Total   4 782 28 4 810
242A1: Socio-economic Aspects of Forest Products

309. Objective: Sustainable management and use of trees through improved access to forestland and trees.

310. Outputs: Report on socio-economic role of the forest products industry. Manuals on road survey and construction. Studies and a database on forest products marketing. Study on role of non-wood forest products in food security. Studies on various aspects of wood energy, including economics of using wood fuels and other forest products to combat climate change.

242A2: Increasing Productivity in Sustainable Forest Raw Material Utilization

311. Objective: Greater productivity in forest goods and services by reducing wastes, increased use of residues, recycling and improved methods, technologies and practices of harvesting, processing and marketing.

312. Outputs: Studies on marketing of wood and non-wood forest products. Compendium of sawnwood grading rules. Studies on improved harvesting systems and techniques for selected non-wood forest products. Regional code and training workshops on forest harvesting in Africa. Reports on processing technologies (recovered paper, veneer and plywood). Surveys on wood wastes for fuel production and calculation of carbon inventories in forest and wood energy initiatives.

242P1: Forest Raw Material Information

313. Objective: Provision of accurate information about resources available for industrial and household-level use as well as on their harvesting intensity.

314. Outputs: Database, case studies on environmental impact on forest resource in relation to forest utilization in tropical forests. Updated database on forests available for wood supply.

242P2: Forest Products Information and Networking

315. Objective: Improve availability and access to information on forest products.

316. Outputs: Updated forest products marketing database, information on forest equipment and manufacturers and statistics on recovered paper. Analysis of information on reduced impact forest harvesting and engineering operations. Wood Energy Information System on production and consumption of wood-based fuels and on non-wood forest products.

242P3: Forest Products Utilization Issues

317. Objective: Information package on trade in wood, non-wood and wood energy products and factors influencing their utilization.

318. Outputs: Analysis, advice to Members on trade trends and trade policy issues in forest products, non-wood forest products and wood-based fuels.

242S1: Support to Statutory Bodies, Committees, International Organizations and Field Projects

319. Objective: FAO expertise on forest utilization made available to Statutory Bodies, Committees, International Organizations, and as technical support to projects.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

The growth scenario includes US$ 87 000 to cover the increased capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.4.3: Forestry Policy and Planning

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
24310 Institutions and Policy 3 041 (3 041) 0
24320 Statistics and Sector Analysis 3 981 (3 981) 0
24330 Community Forestry Development 1 587 (1 587) 0
24340 Follow-up to UNCED in Forestry 2 120 (2 120) 0
24350 International Liaison and Information 2 047 (2 047) 0
243A1 Forestry Outlook Study for Africa 0 854 854
243A2 Forests, Trees and People Programme 0 142 142
243A3 Strengthening Forestry Research, Education and Extension Systems 0 1 137 1 137
243P1 Improving Country Capacity on Forestry Policy and Institutions and Support to National Forest Programmes 0 896 896
243P2 Economic Analysis of the Forestry Sector 0 1 465 1 465
243P3 Forest Products Production and Trade Statistics 0 994 994
243P4 Participatory Forestry Development 0 978 978
243P5 State of the World's Forests 0 228 228
243S1 Technical Support and Advisory Services 0 1 944 1 944
Total   12 776 (4 138) 8 638
243A1: Forestry Outlook Study for Africa

320. Objective: African countries are better able to undertake long-term strategic forestry planning and policy reform.

321. Outputs: Consolidated forestry outlook study for Africa, including socio-economic and land use baseline studies, thematic studies, forest products production and consumption patterns.

243A2: Forests, Trees and People Programme
243P4: Participatory Forestry Development

322. Objective: Creation or strengthening of an enabling environment for collaborative management of trees, forests and other natural resources to maintain or enhance those resources and improve local people's well-being.

323. Outputs: Manuals, case studies, methodologies on participatory natural resource management topics (market analysis and development, gender analysis and forestry training, participatory processes, conflict management, nutrition and forestry). Guidelines on creating enabling environments for community involvement in forest management, case studies on decentralization.

243A3: Strengthening Forestry Research, Education and Extension Systems

324. Objective: Enhancement of capacity for forestry research, education and extension at national and regional levels.

325. Outputs: Guidelines, information systems and databases on forestry education and extension systems. Guidelines on developing learning networks. Development of new institutional approaches to forestry research and networking of forestry research institutions. Curriculum development and teaching methodologies for forestry education. Publications on forestry extension (approaches, methodologies, institutional arrangements, communication support) including for non-wood forest products.

243P1: Improving Country Capacity on Forestry Policy and Institutions and Support to National Forest Programmes

326. Objective: Application of methodologies and techniques for developing effective national forest policies and programmes.

327. Outputs: Analysis of cross-sectoral linkages between forestry policy and other policies. Studies, training courses, development of information systems on specific forest policy and institutional issues.

243P2: Economic Analysis of the Forestry Sector

328. Objective: Improved decision-making on policy choices in the forestry sector through availability of economic analysis.

329. Outputs: Publications, workshops on fiscal, administrative, institutional and tenure arrangements to pursue sustainable forest management and capture revenue associated with forest sector outputs, particularly in Africa. Forest sector outlook studies, with emphasis on Latin America. Publications on investment in forestry.

243P3: Forest Products Production and Trade Statistics
243P5: State of the World's Forests

330. Objective: Members to have accurate information about state of the world's forests, their production and trade in forest products.

331. Outputs: Annual Yearbook of Forest Products and database on the World Agriculture Information Centre (WAICENT). Workshops, development of network of national correspondents. Publication of State of the World's Forests 2001.

243S1: Technical Support and Advisory Services

332. Objective: FAO's forestry expertise available to Members both as technical support to field projects and as direct advisory services.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

An amount of US$ 400 000 is included under the growth scenario to allow FAO to enhance its role as an international policy forum hosting an annual global meeting on post-United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) forestry issues. It also includes resources to cover the increased capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.4.4: Forest Programmes Coordination and Information

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
244P1 Forestry Information System 0 1 768 1 768
244P2 Support to Initiatives in the Follow-up to UNCED 0 1 342 1 342
244S1 Support to Statutory Bodies and Liaison with the Regional Offices 0 998 998
Total   0 4 108 4 108
244P1: Forestry Information System

333. Objective: Users have available information on all technical areas covered by the Forestry Department in a fully interactive and geo-referenced system on the FAO Website.

334. Outputs: New modules and enhancements for information on the Website, training for enhancement of databases, programming and management of information on the Website. Quarterly publication of Unasylva.

244P2: Support to Initiatives in the Follow-up to UNCED

335. Objective: Availability of forestry-related technical and analytical information in areas of UNCED follow-up entrusted to FAO

336. Outputs: Information and analytical studies, particularly relating to the Mountain Agenda, Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management, the Kyoto Protocol.

244S1: Support to Statutory Bodies and Liaison with the Regional Offices

337. Objective: FAO expertise made available to support meetings of forestry statutory bodies and for coordination with Regional Offices.

Adjustments arising from the Growth Scenario:

An amount of US$ 400 000 is included under the growth scenario to fund the building of new modules of the Forestry Information System. It also includes resources to cover the increased capacity in this field in the Sub-regional Offices of Central Asia and Central America. The programme would also benefit from improved language coverage.

Programme 2.4.9: Programme Management

(All amounts in US$ 000)

Sub Programme/ Project Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work
24910 Departmental Direction 3 125 (3 125) 0
24920 Divisional Direction 1 391 (1 391) 0
24930 Regional and Sub-regional Offices 801 (801) 0
249S1 Departmental Direction 0 3 161 3 161
249S2 Divisional Direction 0 1 574 1 574
249S3 Regional and Sub-regional Direction 0 827 827
Total   5 317 245 5 562

338. This programme covers the immediate office of the Assistant Director-General (FOD), including the Management Support Unit, the offices of the division directors and those parts of Regional Office direction attributable to forestry programmes.

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