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Summary and conclusions

The summary and conclusions of the 14th Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles are as follows:

Matters for consideration by the Commission:

The Committee:

- recommended the amendment of Rule X of the Rules of Procedure to extend its scope to the adoption of standards and stress the importance of adopting standards by consensus (para. 46, Appendix II)

- agreed to revise the Definitions for Risk Management and Risk Communication in the Definitions of Risk Analysis Terms Related to Food Safety (para. 15, Appendix III)

- agreed on Draft Principles Concerning the Participation of INGOs in the Work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, for inclusion as an additional section in the Procedural Manual (para. 90, Appendix IV)

- agreed on Core Functions of Codex Contact Points, for inclusion as an additional section in the Procedural Manual (para. 95, Appendix V)

- agreed to inform the Commission that consensus could not be reached on the Role of Science and Other Factors - Application in the Case of BST (para. 85)

- agreed to inform the Commission that consensus could not be reached on the revision of the Acceptance Procedure (para. 57)

Other Matters of Interest to the Commission

The Committee:

- agreed to return to Step 3 for further comments the Working Principles for Risk Analysis (para. 37)

- agreed to consider further the following questions at its next session:

- measures intended to facilitate consensus (para. 51)
- food safety objectives (para. 9)
- the role of science and other legitimate factors in relation to risk analysis (para. 74)

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