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1. The Fourteenth Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles was held from 19-23 April 1999 in Paris at the kind invitation of the Government of France. The Session was chaired by Professor Pierre Louisot and was attended by 178 delegates and representatives from 47 Member governments and one Observer nation and 57 representatives of 6 international governmental organizations and 26 international non-governmental organizations. A complete list of participants including members of the Secretariat but not including members of the press and public is attached as Appendix I to this report.

2. The Session was opened by Mme Marion Guillou, Directeur Général de l’Alimentation of the Ministry of Agriculture, on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, M. Jean Glavany. Her opening address underlined the importance of risk analysis for authorities responsible for taking decisions in food safety. But such decisions took into account other factors, such as the concerns of consumers, animal health or socio-economic consequences. Mme Guillou noted that the role of Codex Standards as reference points for the World Trade Organization (WTO) conferred upon Codex a significant responsibility. It was essential that such standards took into account all of the concerns expressed, including those that did not relate directly to food safety and that they should be adopted on the basis of the largest consensus possible. Obtaining such a consensus at the level of the Codex Committees or the Commission would facilitate the harmonization of national standards and the development of international trade.

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