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Draft Guidelines at Step 6 of the Procedure

5. Draft Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods (Livestock) (para. 33, Appendix IV)

Governments wishing to submit comments should do so in writing to the Secretary, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, with a copy to the Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Ron B. Burke, Director, Bureau of Food Regulatory International and Interagency Affairs, Health Protection Branch, Health Canada, HPB Bldg, Room 200, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa K1A OL2, Canada (Telefax N° 613.941.3537), before 15 September 1999.

Draft Guidelines at Step 3 of the Procedure

6. Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Use of Health Claims (para. 66, Appendix VII)

Governments wishing to submit comments should do so in writing to the Secretary, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, with a copy to the Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Ron B. Burke, Director, Bureau of Food Regulatory International and Interagency Affairs, Health Protection Branch, Health Canada, HPB Bldg, Room 200, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa K1A OL2, Canada (Telefax N° 613.941.3537) before 1 December 1999.

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