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The summary and conclusions of the 27th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling are as follows:

Matters for adoption by the Commission:

The Committee:

- agreed to advance to Step 8 section 5.1 (criteria) of the Draft Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods (para. 33, Appendix II);

- agreed to advance to Step 8 the Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (composite ingredients) (para. 39, Appendix III);

- agreed to advance to Step 5 the Proposed Draft Amendment to the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (para. 59, Appendix VI);

- agreed to advance to Step 5 the Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (class names) (para. 52, Appendix V).

Other Matters of Interest to the Commission
- agreed to return to Step 6 the provisions on Livestock in the Draft Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods (para. 33, Appendix IV);

- agreed to return to Step 3 the Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Use of Health Claims (para. 66, Appendix VII);

- agreed to return to Step 3 for redrafting and comments the Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Labelling of Foods Obtained through Biotechnology (section on mandatory labelling) (para. 49);

- agreed to return to Step 3 for redrafting and further comments the Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Use of the Term "Vegetarian" (para. 81);

- agreed to ask the advice of the CCNFSDU on some aspects of the Proposed Draft Recommendations for Sports and Energy Drinks and to discontinue work on this question in the meantime (para. 74);

- endorsed the labelling provisions in the draft standards for milk and milk products, pineapples and sugars with some amendments (paras. 6-20).

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