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1) The Twenty-Seventh Session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling was held from 27-30 April 1999 in Ottawa at the kind invitation of the Government of Canada. The Session was chaired by Dr. Anne Mackenzie, Associate Vice-President, Science Evaluation, Canadian Food Inspection Agency and was attended by 242 delegates, advisors and observers from 46 Member governments and 26 international organizations. A complete list of participants is attached as Appendix I to this report.

2) The Session was opened by Mr. Ronald L. Doering, President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, who welcomed the participants to Ottawa. He introduced the current restructuring of the Canadian food control system, including the establishment of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to strengthen the integrated food inspection system. As regards Codex, he pointed out that the Codex Standards were being subject to more scrutiny by consumers, politicians and the media and stressed the particular relevance of the work of CCFL to provide guidance to consumers and allow them to make an informed choice as regards food.

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