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Appendix VI. Proposed Draft Amendment to the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (at Step 5 of the Procedure)

3.2 Listing of Nutrients

3.2.1 Where nutrient declaration is applied, the declaration of the following should be mandatory: Energy value; and The amounts of protein, available carbohydrate (i.e., carbohydrate excluding dietary fibre), fat: and where a nutrition claim is made for one or more of these nutrients, sugars, fibre, saturated fatty acids, and sodium. The amount of any other nutrient for which a nutrition claim is made; and The amount of any other nutrient considered to be relevant for maintaining a good nutritional status, as required by national legislation.

3.2.2 Where a claim is made regarding the amount and/or the type of carbohydrate, the amounts of starch and/or other carbohydrate constituent(s) may also be listed.

3.2.3 Where a claim is made regarding the amount and/or type of fatty acids, the amounts of saturated fatty acids and of polyunsaturated fatty acids should be declared in accordance with Section 3.3.7.

3.2.4 In addition to the mandatory declaration under 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, vitamins and minerals may be listed in accordance with the following criteria: Only vitamins and minerals for which recommended intakes have been established and/or which are of nutritional importance in the country concerned should also be declared.

3.2.5 When nutrient declaration is applied, only those vitamins and minerals which are present in significant amounts should be listed.[20]

3.2.6 In the case where a product is subject to labelling requirements of a Codex standard, the provisions for nutrient declaration set out in that standard should take precedence over but not conflict with the provisions of Sections 3.2.1 to 3.2.5 of these guidelines.

[20] As a rule, 5% of the recommended intake (of the population concerned) supplied by a serving as quantified on the label should be taken into consideration in deciding what constitutes a significant amount.

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