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Appendix/Annexe/Apéndice I


 Prof Pakdee Pothisiri
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Office of Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Public Health
Tiwanond Road
Nonthaburi 11000
Phone: +662 590 1012
Fax: +662 590 1137

Heads of Delegation are listed first, followed by alternates and advisors listed in alphabetical order.

Les chefs de délégation figurent en tête et les suppléants et conseillers sont énumérés en ordre alphabétique.

Figuran en primar lugar los Jefes de las delegaciones, los Suplentes y Asesores aparecen par orden alfabético.



Mrs Doufene Nadia
Direction de la qualité
Ministère du Commerce
Palais du Gouvernement
Alger (16000)
Phone: +213

Mr Hasnaoui Abdallah
Directeur de la qualité et de la sécurité des produits
Direction de la qualité
Ministère du Commerce
Palais du Gouvernement
Alger (16000)
Phone: +213

Mr Abad Salah
Inspection Centrale
Ministère du Commerce
Palais du Gouvernement
Alger (16000)
Phone: +213 2 715690

Mr Akli Madjid
Sous-directeur de la consommation et de l'analyse quantitative Inspection Centrale
Ministère du Commerce
Palais du Gouvernement
Alger (16000)
Phone: +213 2 210982

Mme Ghalem Ouahiba
Sous-directeur de la normalisation
Direction des Productions Agricoles
Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche
12, Blvd. Colonel Amirouche
Phone: +213.2.746407

Mrs. Yahia-Cherif Hariba
Représentant Permanent Adjoint
Ambassade d'Algérie
Via Barbara Oriani, 26
00197 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8068-7620
Fax: 39 06 8083-436


Mr Kiala Kia Mateva
Head of delegation
Représentant permanent adjoint
Ambassade d'Angola
Via Filippo Bernadini No 21
00165 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3936-6941
Fax: 39 06 634-960


Mr Hilda Gabardini
Encargado de Negocios
Representante Permanente Alterno de la República Argentina ante la FAO
Via del Banco di Santo Spirito 42, IV Piso
00186 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 6867-913
Fax: 39 06 6864-789

Dr Alfredo Jorge Nader
Director de Promoción de la Calidad Alimentaria
Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación
Paseo Colón 922 Of. 223
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: 0054 11 4349-2186
Fax: 0054 11 4349-2041
Email: [email protected]

Mr Ariel Fernández
Representante Permanente Alterno de la
República Argentina ante la FAO
Via del Banco di Santo Spirito 42, IV Piso
00186 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 6867-913
Fax: 39 06 6864-789

Mr Carlos Camaño
Ingeniero Agrónomo
Agricultura SENASA
Paseo Colón 367
Buenos Aires
Phone/Fax: 0054 11 4345-4110
Email: [email protected]

Dr Andres Pinard
Ministerio de la Salud
25 de Mayo 363
Buenos Aires
Phone/Fax: 54.11.4340-0886
Email: [email protected]


Dr Melanie O'Flynn
Residues and Standards Branch
National Office of Food Safety
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Phone: 61 2 6272-4549
Fax: 61 2 6272-4023
Email: [email protected]

Dr Bob Biddle
Assistant Director
Food Policy Branch
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6272 5364
Fax: +61 2 6271 6522
Email: [email protected]

Mr Peter Liehne
General Manager Standards
Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA)
P.O. Box 7186
Canberra MC 2600, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6271 2246
Fax: +61 2 6271 2278
Email: [email protected]

Mr Paul Ross
Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO
Australian Embassy
Via Alessandria, 215
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06.85272376
Fax: 39 06.85272230
Email: [email protected]


Dr Arnulf Sattler
Federal Chancellery
Radetzkystraβe 2
A-1030 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 71172 4805
Fax: +43 1 71172 4681

Dr Hedwig Wögerbauer
Head of Division III/3
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Stubenring 12
A-1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 71100 2812
Fax: +43 1 71100 2959

Mrs Nathalie Feistritzer
Permanent Representative
Perm. Rep. of Austria to FAO
Via G.B. Pergolesi 3
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8440-141
Fax: 39 068543-286
Email: [email protected]


Mr Mohammad Mejbahuddin
Economic Counsellor
Ministry of Finance
Embassy of Bangladesh
Via Antonio Bertoloni 14
00197 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8083-595
Fax: 39 06 8084-853


Mr Charles Crémer
Chef de Service
Inspection générale des denrées alimentaires
Ministère de la santé publique
C.A.E. - Esplanade, 11
Boulevard Pachéco, 19 boîte 5
1010 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 2104843
Fax: +32 2 2104816
Email: [email protected]

Mme Martine Vandendriessche
Ministère de l'Agriculture
Avenue Simon Bolivar 30
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Phone: 32.2.2084985
Fax: 32.2.2085006
Email: [email protected]

Mr Théo Biebaut
Premier Conseiller
Relations Economiques
Ministère des Affaires économiques
Rue Gen. Leman, 60
1040 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 2065882
Fax: +32 2 2309565

Dr Guido Kayaert
European Regulatory Affairs
Nestlé Coordination Center
Birminghamstraat 221
1070 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 5295330
Fax: +32 2 5295620
Email: [email protected]è.com

Dr Johan Hallaert
Fevia Belgian Food Industry Federation
Av. de Cortenberg, 172
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 7430820
Fax: +32 2 7339426
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Justine Gentile
Secrétaire d'Ambassade
Représentation permanente de la Belgique auprès de la FAO
Via Omero 8
00197 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3242-601
Fax: 39 06 3203-992


Ing Luis Chavez Rios
Representante del Comité Nacional del Codex Alimentarius
Av. Camacho 1488 esquina Bueno
La Paz
Phone: +591 2 317262/Ddom: 250357
Fax: +591 2 317262
Email: [email protected]

Dr Daniel Yebara
Representante del Ministerio de Salud y Previsión Social
Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente
y Control de Alimentos y Bebidas
Calle Rafael Zubieta No 1889
La Paz
Phone: +591 2 360 238

Lic José Luis Pérez Ramirez
Representante del Viceministerio de Exportaciones
Avenida Mariscal de Santa Cruz
Palacio de Comunicaciones Piso 17
La Paz

Lic Renato Pucci Salvietti
Representante del Sector industrial alimentario
Edificio Mariscal Ballivian
Calle Mercado
Oficina 809-810
La Paz
Phone & Fax: 591 2 358942

Dr Oscar Lanza V.
Bolivian Codex Committee
La-Paz, Bolivia
Email: [email protected]

Ms Maria Soledad Pareja
First Secretary
Embassy of Bolivia
Via Brenta 2a - Int. 28
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8841-001
Fax: 39 06 8840-740


Mr Hussein H.T. Tarimo
Principal Scientific Officer and
Secretary of National Food Control Board
Community Health Services Division
Ministry of Health
Private Bag 00269
Phone: +267.374351
Fax: +267.374354
Email: [email protected]

Ms Kabo Tautona
Principal Health Officer II (Food and Nutrition)
Ministry of Health
Family Health Division
P.O. Box 992
Gaborone, Botswana
Phone: +267 (353561)
Fax: +267 (302092)

Dr Alexander C. Mosha
Food Technology Research Service
Botswana Technology Centre
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Private Bag 008
Kanye, Botswana
Phone: +267 340441
Fax: +267 340713
Email: [email protected]


Mr João Maurício Cabral de Mello
Second Secretary
Alternate Permanent Representative of Brazil to FAO
Perm. Rep. of Brazil to FAO
Via di Santa Maria dell'Anima 32
00186 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 6830-7576
Fax: 39 06 6839-8802

Ms Maria Aparecida Martinelli
Coordinator of the Brazilian Codex Alimentarius
Committee (CCAB) and Officer of INMETRO/Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade
SEPN 511, Ed. Bittar III,
Bloco ‘B’, 4o Andar
Brasilia - DF
Brazil CEP 70750-527
Phone: 55.21.61 3402211
Fax: 55.21.61 3473284
Email: [email protected]

Mr Léo F. Bick
Technical Director of the Brazilian
Association of the Food Industry (ABIA)
Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 1478 - 11o andar
CEP 01451-913
São Paulo, Brazil
Phone: 55.11.816-5733
Fax: 55.11.814-6688
Email: [email protected]

Mr Ricardo Oliva
Director of Food and Toxicology
National Agency of Health Vigilance
Esplanada Dos Ministérios, Bl. “G”
Brasilia-DF 70.000-900
Phone: 55.61. 315-2166/226 8536
Email: [email protected]

Mr Cleber Ferreira dos Santos
General Director of Food
National Agency of Health Vigilance
Esplanada Dos Ministérios, Bl. “G”
Brasilia-DF 70.000-900
Phone: 55.61. 315-2166
Email: [email protected]

Ms Dilma Scala Gelli
WG-Food Hygiene Coordinator - CCAB
Health Vigilance National Agency
Expert of Inst. Adolfo Lutz
Av. Nlr. Arnaldo, 355
01246-902 S.P.S.P.
Phone: (+55.11) 3061-0111-Ext. 2110
Fax: (+55.11) 853-3505
Email: [email protected]

Mr Adauto Lima Rodrigues
Chief of the Sanitary Division of the Agricultural
Protection Secretariat
Ministry of Agriculture and Supply
Phone: (55.61) 2269771
Fax: (55.61) 2243995
Email: [email protected]


Mr Krassimir Kostov
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to FAO
Via Pietro P. Rubens 21
0197 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39.06.322.46.40
Fax: +39.06.322.61.22

Burkina Faso

H.E. Ms Béatrice Damiba
Permanent Representative to FAO
Embassy of Burkina Faso
Via Alessandria, 26
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4424-9725
Fax: 39 06 4425-0042

Mr Bambara Saïdou Dominique
Centre National pour la nutrition
Ministère de la santé
03 BP 7068
Phone: (226) 324553/308748

Mr Nanema Ambroise
Centre national pour la nutrition
Ministère de la santé
03 BP 7068
Phone: (226) 324553/308748

Mr André Anatole Yameogo
Alternative Representative to FAO
Embassy of Burkina Faso
Via Alessandria, 26
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4424-9725
Fax: 39 06 4425-0042


Mr Thomas Ndive Mokake
Permanent Representative to FAO
Cameroun Embassy
Via Siracusa 4-6
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39.06.44291285
Fax: 39.06.44291323
Email: [email protected]


Dr Anne A. MacKenzie
Head of Delegation
Science Evaluation
Associate Vice-President
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Nepean, Ontario K1A 0Y9
Phone: +1 613 2252342 (Ext 4188)
Fax: +1 613 2286638
Email: [email protected]

Dr George Paterson
Director General
Food Directorate
Health Protection Branch
Health Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A OL2 (0701A5)
Phone: +1 613 9571821
Fax: +1 613 9571784
Email: [email protected]

Mr Ron B. Burke
Bureau of Food Regulatory, International and Interagency Affairs
Food Directorate, Health Protection Branch
Codex Contact Point for Canada
Health Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2 (0702C)
Phone: +1 613 9571748
Fax: +1 613 9413537
Email: [email protected]

Ms Santina Scalzo
Manager, Codex Program Services
Bureau of Food Regulatory, International and Interagency Affairs
Food Directorate, Health Protection Branch
Health Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2 (0702C)
Phone: +1 613 9571749
Fax: +1 613 9413537
Email: [email protected]

Mr G.F. Reasbeck
Consumer Protection and Food Policy
Coordination Division
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Nepean, Ontario K1A 0Y9
Phone: +1 613 2252342
Fax: +1 613 2286611
Email: [email protected]

Mr Peter Pauker
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Technical Barriers and Regulations Division (EAS)
125 Sussex Drive
Tower C, 3rd Floor
Room 155
Ottawa On K1A 0G2
Phone: +1 613 9920523
Fax: +1 613 9430346
Email: [email protected]

Senator, The Honourable Eugene Whelan
Senate of Canada
Parliament Buildings, Room 263, EB
Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A4

Senator, The Honourable Nicholas W. Taylor
Senate of Canada
Victoria Building, Room 801
Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A4
Email: [email protected]

Dr Dale Armstrong
Member, Policy Secretariat
Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development
301, 7000-113 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6
Phone: +1 780 4227807
Fax: +1 780 4226540
Email: [email protected]

Mr Pierre Nadeau
Vice President
National Dairy Council of Canada
221 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6P1
Phone: +1 613.238 4116
Fax: +1 613.238 6247
Email: [email protected]

Dr Réjean Bouchard
Assistant Director
Policy and Dairy Production
Dairy Farmers of Canada
75 Albert Street, Suite 101
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5E7
Phone: +1 613 2369997
Fax: +1 613 2360905
Email: [email protected]

Ms Elisabeth Sterken
6 Trinity Square
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1B1
Phone: +1 416 595-9819
Fax: +1 416 591-9355
Email: [email protected]


Ing Gonzalo Ríos
Jefe del Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero
Ministerio de Agricultura
Avenida Bulnes 140
Phone: +56 2 6723635
Fax: +56 2 6717419
Email: [email protected]

H.E. Mr Victor Manuel Rebolledo Gonzalez
Representante Permanente de Chile ante la FAO
Via Po 23
00198 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 8417-450
Fax: 39 06 8535-0427
Email: [email protected]

Dr Roberto Belmar
Jefe de Delegación
Presidente del Comité Nacional del Codex
Ministerio de Salud
Estado 360 of 801
Phone: 562 664-1141
Fax: 562 664-4208

Mr Jaime Contreras
Rep. del Comité Nacional del Codex
Jefe Departamento Agencias Especializadas
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Santiago, Chile

Mr Jaime Cornejo
Punto de Contacto del Codex
Ministerio de Salud
Santiago, Chile
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Antonieta Urrutia
Encargada del Codex en el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero
Ministerio de Agricultura
Email: [email protected]

Mr Humberto Molina Reyes
Segundo Secretario
Representante alterno de Chile ante la FAO
Via Po 23
00198 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 8417-450
Fax: 39 06 8535-0427
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Macarena Vidal
Asesora Grupo Agropecuario
Dirección Asuntos Económicos
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Teatinos 20 / 3er Piso
Santiago, Chile
Phone: 562.5659317
Email: [email protected]


Dr Xuegui Kan
Senior Public Health Official
Department of Health Legislation & Inspection
Ministry of Health
No. 44, Hou hai Beiyan
Beijing, 100725
Phone: +86 10 64013358
Fax: +86 10 64014341
Email: [email protected]

Ms Zhao Xinhong
Assistant of Coordinator
China Codex Contact Point
Dept. of Market and Economic Information
Ministry of Agriculture
No 11, Nong Zhan Guan Nan Li
Beijing 100026, China
Phone: +86 10 6419-3156
Fax: +86 10 6419-2468
Email: [email protected]

Mr Yang Zheng
Quality Control and Inspection for Food
Ministry of Agriculture
No 28, Dongjiao Sanyuan Road
Jinan, Shandong Province

Ms Danyu Zhao
Assistant Researcher
Institute of Food Safety Control and Inspection
Ministry of Health
No. 7, Pan Jia Yuan Nan Li
Beijing, 100021
Phone: +86 10 67711813
Fax: +86 10 67711813

Ms Liao Xiaogian
Section Chief
Department of Standardization
China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
No 4 Zhi Chun Road
Beijing, 100088
Phone: 86 10 6203-4044
Fax: 86 10 6203-4044 or 3737
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Ms Yu Wenjun D.V.M.
Dept. for Supervision on Health
State Administration for Entry-Exit
Inspection and Quarantine of P.R. China
No. A 10 Chaowaidajie
Beijing, 100020
Phone: 86 10 6599-4531
Fax: 86 10 6599-4577
Email: [email protected]

Mr Zhou Zhuye
Dept. of Policy and Law
State Petrochemical Industry
Bureau Asian Game Village
Beijing, 100723, China

Ms Li Yanyun
Assistant Vice Director
Dept. of Technical Standards
Policies and Laws Bureau
State Administration of Chemical Industries; China
An Hui Li, Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100723
Phone: 86 10 6493-0948
Fax: 86 10 6493-0948

Mr Liu Gang
Division for WTO Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
2, Dongchargan Street
Beijing, 100731
Phone: 86 10 6519-7207
Email: [email protected]

Mr Shengyao Tang
Alternate Perm. Rep.
Perm. Rep. of China to FAO
Via della Caffarella, 9
00179 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 5137-345
Fax: 39 06 5137-344
Email: [email protected]


Mr Bernardo G. Zuluaga Botero
Representante Adjunto
Rep. Perm. de Colombia ante la FAO
Embajada de Colombia
Via G. Pisanelli 4, int. 5
00196 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 320-2531/361-2204
Fax: 39 06 361-2204
Email: [email protected]

Costa Rica

Lic. Sigurd Vargas
Jefe de delegación
Asesor Legal
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
P.O. Box 1098-1250
San José, Costa Rica
Phone: +506 284-74-60
Fax: +506 260-83-01
Email: [email protected]

H.E. Mrs Victoria Guardia de Hernandez
Relaciones Exteriores
Via Bartolomeo Eustachio 22
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4425-1046-4424-0954
Fax: 39 06 4425-1048
Email: [email protected]

Ms Yolanda Gago
Permanent Representative to FAO
Via Bartolomeo Eustachio 22
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4425-1046-4424-0954
Fax: 39 06 4425-1048
Email: [email protected]

CÔte d'Ivoire

Mr S.E.M. Sia Bi Sei
Representant Permanent Adjoint
Ambassade de Côte-d'Ivoire
Via L. Spallanzani, 4-6
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4402-673-4423-1129
Fax: 39 06 4402-619


Dr Jaksa Topic
State Office for Standardization and Metrology
Ulica grada Vukovara 78
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 6112028
Fax: +385 1 6109324

Prof Dr Ivan Petrovic
Head, Health Ecology Service
Croatian National Institute of Public Health
Rockefellerova, 7
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: 385.1.4683007
Fax: 385.1.4683007

Mr Branimik čečuk
First Secretary
Croatian Embassy
Via Luigi Bodio 74-76
00191 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3630-7650/3630-7300
Fax: 39 06 3630-3405


Mr Lionel Enríquez Rodriguez
Jefe de delegación
Oficina Nacional de Normalización
Calle E No. 261 entre 11 y 13
La Habana 10400
Phone: +53 7 300879
Fax: +53 7 338048
Email: [email protected]

Ms Doris Hernández Torres
Directora de Aseguramiento de la Calidad
Ministerio de la Industria Pesquera
Edificio No. 1
5ta Avenida y 248
Barlovento, Sta Fé, Playa
La Habana
Phone: +53 7 297294
Fax: +53 7 249168
Email: [email protected]

Mr Gabriel Lahens Espinosa
Ministerio del Comercio Exterior
Infanta 16, Esquina 23
La Habana 10400
Phone: +53 7 795186
Fax: +53 7 793824

Mr José Antonio Saavedra González
Misión Permanente de Cuba ante la FAO
Via Licinia 13a
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 5781123
Fax: 39 06 5780614

Mr Alberto Marrero Terrero
Director de Relaciones Internacionales
Oficina Nacional de Normalización
Calle E, No. 261, entre 11 y 13
Vedado, La Habana 10400
Phone: +53 7 300022
Fax: +53 7 338048
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Teresita Crespo Salas
Subdirectora del Centro Nacional de Inspección de la Calidad del Ministerio de la Industria Alimenticia
Avenida Rancho Boyeros Km 3½
La Habana
Phone: +53 7-577143
Fax: +53 7-577166
Email: [email protected]

Mr José A. Carrera Vara
Asesor de Protección de los Alimentos del
Ministerio de la Salud Pública
Calle 23 y N
Edificio Soto
La Habana 10400
Phone: +53 7.553384
Fax: +53 7.662312
Email: [email protected]


Dr Ioannis Karis
Director of CYS
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
39. Dem. Severis Ave.
P.O. Box 22418
1521 Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: 357 2 867190
Fax: 357 2 375120

Mrs. Phrosso Hadjiluca
Cyprus Standards
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
39. Dem Severis Ave.
P.O. Box 22418
1521 Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 2 867100
Fax: +357 2 375120

Mr Andreas Marangos
Director, Cyprus Milk Industry Organization
Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism
39. Dem Severis Ave.
P.O. Box 22418
1521 Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 2 665697
Fax: +357 2 667313

Mrs Katia Georgiades
Administrative Officer
Cyprus Milk Industry Organization
Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism
39. Dem. Severis Ave.
P.O. Box 22418
1521 Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 2 665697
Fax: +357 2 667313

Mr Andreas Roushias
Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO
Piazza Farnese 44
00186 Rome, Italy
Tel: 39.06-6865758
Fax: 39.06-68803756
Email: [email protected]

Czech Republic
République Tchèque
República Checa

Ms Vladka Pivonkova
Director, Food Production Division
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2 2181-2212
Fax: +420 2 2314-117
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jiri Sir
Food Production Division
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2 2181-2042
Fax: +420 2 2314-117
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jiri Novák
Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Via dei Gracchi 322
00192 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3244-459/62/63/64
Fax: 39 06 3244-466


Mr Ole Kopp Christensen
Head of Delegation
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Rolighedsvej 25
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C
Phone: +45 33956002
Fax: +45 35358544
Email: [email protected]

Ms Linda Jensen
Food Scientist, Head of Legislation Service
Federation of Pig Producers and Slaughter Houses
Axeltorv 3
DK-1609 Kobenhavn V
Phone: +45 33116050
Fax: +45 33936650
Email: [email protected]

Mr Knud Ostergaard
Alternate Head of Delegation
Adviser, International Affairs
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Rolighedsvej 25
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C
Phone: +45 33956120
Fax: +45 35352976
Email: [email protected]

Ms Jytte Kjaergaard
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Rolighedsvej 25
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C
Phone: +45 33956124
Fax: +45 35352976
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jorgen Hald Christensen
Head of Department
Danish Dairy Board
Frederiks Alle 22
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 87312000
Fax: +45 87312001
Email: [email protected]

Mr Tage Bak
Head of Secretariat
Danish Secretariat of Food, Drink and Service Workers
C.F. Richs Vej 103
DK-2000 Frederiksberg C
Phone: +45 38861885
Fax: +45 38883865
Email: [email protected]

Ms Annette Toft
Head of Department Research and Food
The Agricultural Council of Denmark
Axeltorv 3
DK-1609 Copenhagen V
Phone: +45 33145672
Fax: +45 33149574
Email: [email protected]


H.E. Mrs Hannelore Benjamin
Embassy of the Commonwealth of Dominica
Via Laurentina 767
00143 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 5010-643
Fax: 39 06 5010-643

Dominican Republic
République dominicaine
República Dominicana

Lic. Luis Emilio Feliz Roa
Director General de Salud Ambiental
Coordinador del Comité Nacional del Codex
Alimentarius, Coordinador Regional del Codex
para América Latina y el Caribe
Av. San Cristóbal Esq. Tiradentes, S.D.
Phone: 544-2083
Fax: 544-2083
Email: [email protected]

Mr Juan Borg Gil
Ministro Consejero
Embajada de la República Dominicana
Via Domenico Chelini 10
00197 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8074-665
Fax: 39 06 8074-791


Ministro Marco Samaniego Salazar
Embajada del Ecuador
Via Guido d'Arezzo, 14
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39.06.8541-784
Fax: 39.06.8535-4434
Email: [email protected]


Chem. Magdy Ahmed Barakat
Head of Delegation
Director General
Standards Department
Egyptian Organization of Standardization
and Quality Control (EOS)
2 Latin America Street
Garden City, Cairo
Fax: +20.2.355.78.41

H.E. Nehad Ibrahim Abdel-Latif
Permanent Representative of Egypt to FAO
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Via Salaria 267 (Villa Savoia)
00199 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8440191
Fax: 39 06 8554424

Prof. Mohamed Fahmi Saddik
Food Hygiene Department
Institute of Nutrition
16 Kasr El-Aini Street
Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 20 2 3646413
Fax: 20 2 3647470

Dr Zeinab Abdel Haliem
Food Control
Ministry of Health and Population
Ragles El Shab St.
Cairo, Egypt
Phones: +20 2 5941077/3548152

Dr Magda Ali Rakha
Director of Central Laboratories and Undersecretary of State Laboratory Services
Ministry of Health and Population
CHL 19 El Sheikh Rihan Street
Phone: +20 2 3548544
Fax: +20 2 3558127

Dr Mohamed Amin Abdalla
Faculty of Agriculture
Ein Shams University
P.O. Box 68
Hadayek Shubra - Cairo

Eng Khadiga Mahmoud Khalil
General Manager
Quality Control
Alexandria for Oil & Soap Co.
16 Canal El-Mahmoudia
Alexandria, Egypt
Fax: 20.34922.220

Prof Salah El-Din Hussain Abou-Raya
Faculty of Agriculture
Cairo University
34 Taiba St.
Giza, Cairo
Phone: +20 2 3493795

Mr Mohamed Khalifa
Agricultural Counselor
Head of Delegation
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Via Salaria 267 (Villa Savoia)
00199 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8440191
Fax: 39 06 8554424

El Salvador

Sra. Maria Eulalia Jimenez
Encargado de Negocios A.i.
Ministro Consejero
Embajada de El Salvador
Via G. Castellini, 13
00197 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 807-6605
Fax: 39 06 807-9726


Mr Yohannes Tensue
Alternate Representative to FAO
Embassy of Eritrea
Via Boncompagni 16
00187 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4274-1293
Fax: 39 06 4208-6806/4274-1514


Mr Toivo Novandi
Head of Veterinary and Food Department
Ministry of Agriculture
39/41 Lai str.
15056 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: 372 6 256142
Fax: 372 6 256210

Her Excellency Mrs Elena Askerstam (Observer)
Ambassador and Perm. Rep. to FAO
Ministry of Agriculture
Via dei Corazzieri, 94
00143 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 5914-754
Fax: 39 06 5914-754

Mr Ahto Hunt
Chief Consultant
The Association of Estonian Food Industry
29 Gonsiori str.
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: 372 2 433819
Fax: 372 6 312718

Mrs Helve Remmel
Managing Director
The Association of Estonian Food Industry
29 Gonsiori str.
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: 372 2 422 246
Fax: 372 6 312 718


Dr Mulat Abegaz
Codex National Contact Point
Dep. of Testing and Research Lab.
Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia (QSAE)
P.O. Box 2310
Addis Ababa
Phone: (251.1) 189283
Fax: (251.1) 613177 (78)
Email: [email protected]


Mr Kalevi Salminen
Head of Delegation
National Food Administration
P.O. Box 5
FI-00531 Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 77267600
Fax: +358 9 77267666
[email protected]

Ms Anna-Liisa Koskinen
Commercial Counsellor
Ministry of Trade and Industry
P.O. Box 230
FI-00171 Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 1603716
Fax: +358 9 1602648

Ms Anne Haikonen
Government Secretary
Ministry of Trade and Industry
P.O. Box 230
FI-00171 Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 1603654
Fax: +358 9 1602648

Mr Matti Aho
Deputy Director General
Veterinary and Food Department
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
P.O. Box 232
FI-00171 Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 1603380
Fax: +358 9 1603338
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Marjatta Rahkio
Senior Health Official
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Department for Promotion of Welfare and Health
P.O. Box 267
FIN-00171 Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 1604121
Fax: +358 9 1604120

Mrs Pirkko Raunemaa
Deputy Director
National Food Administration
Kaikukatu 3, Box 5
FIN-00531 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: 358.9.7726.7618
Fax: 358.9.7726.7666
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]


Mr Hubert Ferry-Wylczek
Direction générale de l'alimentation
Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche
251 rue de Vaugirard
75732 Paris Cedex 15
Phone: +33 1 49555872
Fax: +33 1 49555948
Email: [email protected]

Mme Roseline Lecourt
Chargé de Mission
Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes
Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie
59 Bld Vincent Auriol
75703 Paris Cedex 13
Phone: +33 1 44973470
Fax: +33 1 44973037
[email protected]

Prof Pierre Louisot
Docteur en médecine-Docteur en sciences
Président du Comité Codex sur les Principes généraux
Faculté de Médecine Lyon-Sud
Département de Biochimie
B.P. 12
69921 Oullins, France
Phone: 33 4 78 86 31 55
Fax: 33 4 78 50 71 52

Mme Isabelle Chmitelin
Direction des relations économiques extérieures
Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie
1398, rue de Bercy
75572 Paris Cedex 12
Phone: +33 1 53188264
Fax: +33 1 53189608
Email: [email protected]

Mme Dominique Burel
Chef de Service Réglementation
34, Rue de Saint-Pétersbourg
75008 Paris Cedex 08
Phone: +33 1 49707115
Fax: +33 1 42806345
Email: [email protected]

Mr Thierry Geslain
Chef du service scientifique et technique ANIA
155, Bld Haussmann
75008 Paris
Phone: +33 1 53838600
Fax: +33 1 45619664
Email: [email protected]

Mme Jolanta Leone
Responsable réglementation
383 rue Philippe Héron
BP 432
69654 Villefranche-sur-Saône Cedex
Phone: +33 4 74626374
Fax: +33 4 74626488
Email: [email protected]

Mme Annie Loch
Affaires Réglementaires
Groupe Danone
7, rue de Téhéran
Paris Cedex 08, France
Phone: +33 1 4435-2432
Fax: +33 1 4435-2445
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jean-Francois Roche
Direction générale de l'alimentation
Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche
251, rue de Vaugirard
75732 Paris Cedex 15
Phone: +33 1 49555881
Fax: +33 1 49555948
Email: [email protected]

Mme Catherine Geslain-Laneelle
Direction de la production et des échanges
Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche
3 rue Barbet de Jouy
75007 Paris
Phone: +33.1.49554508
Fax: +33.1.49555942
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jean-Michel Poirson
Co-secrétaire du Comité national du Codex Alimentarius
Secrétariat général du Comité interministériel européen pour les questions de coopération économique
Carré Austerlitz
2, bd Diderot
75572 Paris Cedex 12
Phone: +33 1 44871578
Fax: +33 1 44871604
Email: [email protected]

Mme Barbara Röstel
Agence nationale du médicament vétérinaire
Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments
B.P. 203
35133 Fougères
Phone: +33 2 999-47887
Fax: +33 2 999-47899
Email: [email protected]

Mr Daniel Berthery
Conseiller scientifique
Représentation Permanente de la France auprès de l'OAA
Corso del Rinascimento 52
00186 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 6865-305
Fax: 39 06 6892-692

Mr Jean-Claude Gillis
34, rue de Saint Petersbourg
75382 Paris Cédex 08
Phone: +31 1 49707268
Fax: +31 1 42806362

Mr Vincent Ducasse
Directeur de la réglementation et du développement scientifique
Pole expertise eau
Groupe Danone
Square Beaujon
150 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris
Phone: +33 144352624
Fax: +33 144352427
Email: [email protected]

Mme Catherine Vigreux
Société Roquette
Responsable du Département des affaires réglementaires
62136 Lestrem
Phone: +33 21633600
Fax: +33 21633850
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jean-Claude Lumaret
Société Roquette
Responsable de la division technico-légale
62136 Lestrem
Phone: +33 21633600
Fax: +33 21633850
Email: [email protected]

Ms Nadine Normand
Responsable du Programme de Normalisation
Tour Europe
92049 Paris la Défense Cedex
Tel: 33.01.429158-24
Fax: 33.01.41915656


Dr Wolf Hölzel
Head of delegation
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
Am Propsthof 78a
D-53121 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 941-4100
Fax: +49 228 941-4941
Email: [email protected]

Dr Rolf Grossklaus
Direktor und Professor
Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen
Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin
Thielallee 88-92
D-14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 8412-3230
Fax: +49 30 8412-3715
Email: [email protected]

Mr Hermann Brei
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
Am Propsthof 78a
D-53108 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 941-4141
Fax: +49 228 941-4947
Email: [email protected]

Mr Ortwin Schulte
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
Am Propsthof 78a
D-50108 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 941-1824
Fax: +49 228 941-4986
Email: [email protected]

Dr Jutta Schaub
Bundesministerium für Ernährung
Landwirtschaft und Forsten
Rochusstrasse 1
D-53123 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 5293329
Fax: +49 228 5294404
Email: [email protected]

Ms Dorothea Kellen
Bundesministerium für Ernährung,
Landwirtschaft und Forsten
Rochusstrasse 1
D-53123 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 529-3388
Fax: +49 228 529-4407
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jörg-Helge Kroke
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Villemombler Strasse 76
D-53123 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 615-4221
Fax: +49 228 615-2765

Mr Thomas Kuetzemeier
Verband der Deutschen
Milchwirtschaft e.V.
Meckenheimer Allee 137
D-53115 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 982-430
Fax: +49 228 982-4320
Email: [email protected]

Mr Hanspeter Schmidt
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Okologischer
Landbau e.V.
Brandschneise 1
D-64295 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6155.2081
Fax: +49 6155.2083
Email: [email protected]

Ms Gabriele Beutner
Abr. Recht und Steuern
Deutsche Unilever GmbH
Danantorwall 15
D-20355 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40.34903535
Fax: +49 40.354263
Email: [email protected]

Dr Arno Dopychai
Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen e.V.
Kennedyallee 28
D-53229 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 959900
Fax: +49 228 373453
Email: [email protected]

Ms Susanne Langguth
Direktorin ZAQ
Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt
Forchheimer Strasse 2
D-90425 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 911 9344461
Fax: +49 911 9344560

Ms Angelika Mrohs
Managing Director
Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und
Lebensmittelkunde e.V.
Godesberger Allee 157
D-53175 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 819930
Fax: +49 228 375069
Email: [email protected]

Dr Detlef J.G. Müller
Principal Scientist
Procter & Gamble European Service GmbH
Industriestrasse 30-34
D-65760 Eschborn
Phone: +49 6196 894398
Fax: +49 6196 896648
Email: [email protected]

Dr Rolph Langlais
Director, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs
Coca-Cola GmbH
Frankenstrasse 348
D-45133 Essen, Germany
Phone: +49 201 8211361
Fax: +49 201 8211773
Email: [email protected]

Mr Andreas Adelberger
Executive Director
Aktionsgruppe Babynahrung
Untere Maschstr. 21
D-37073 Goettingen, Germany
Phone: +49 551 531034
Fax: +49 551 531035
[email protected]


Mr Mallam Seidu
Head of delegation
Alternate Permanent Representative
Embassy of Ghana
Via Ostriana, 4
00199 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8621-5691
Fax: 39 06 8632-5762

Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses
Ag. Regional Director of Health Services & Chairman-Ghana Infant Nutrition Action Network (GINAN)
Greater Accra Region
P.O. Box 6177
Accra - North
Accra, Ghana
Phone: 00233 21 234-270
Fax: 00233 21 233-340
Email: [email protected]


Mr Dimitrios Gerakopoulos
Head of delegation
Codex Contact Point
Ministry of Agriculture
2 Acharnon St.
101 76 Athens
Phone: 01 5291-328
Fax: 01 5238-337

Mr Dionyssios A. Kyvetos
Deputy Permanent Representative of Greece to FAO
Embassy of Greece
Via Saverio Mercadante 36
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8549-630
Fax: 39 06 8415-927
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Catherine Guini
Alternate Permanent Representative of Greece to FAO
Embassy of Greece
Via Saverio Mercadante 36
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8549-630
Fax: 39 06 8415-927
Email: [email protected]


Mr Carlos Marroquin
Head of Delegation
Jefe Area de Inocuidad
Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación
7Av 12-90 Zona 13
Phone: 475-3058
Fax: 475-3054
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Rita Claverie de Sciolli
Representante Adjunto
Representación Permanente de Guatemala ante la FAO
Via dei Colli della Farnesina 128
00194 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3630-7392/3630-3750
Fax: 39 06 3291-639

Guinea, Republic of
Guinée, République de
Guinea, República de

H.E. Mr Souhaib Deek Bangoura
Représentation permanente de la Rép. de Guinée auprès de la FAO
Via Cassia, 1280
00189 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3036-6100
Fax: 39 06 3036-6100

Mr Sékou Konate
Directeur général adjoint de l'Institut national de normalisation et de métrologie
Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie
République de Guinée


Mrs Suze Percy
Représentant Permanent Adjoint
Ambassade de la République d'Haïti
Via Ottaviano, 32
00192 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3972-3362
Fax: 39 06 3973-7764


Mr Endre Ràcz
Head of delegation
Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development
1860 Budapest
55, Pf 1, Hungary
Phone: 36 1 3014383
Fax: 36 1 3014808

Mr Istvàn Garai
Executive President
National Association for Consumer Protection
Balaton u.27.I
Phone: 36 1 3117030
Fax: 36 1 3117386

Mrs Erzsèb Schreiber
Technical Director
National Inspectorate of Consumer Protection
1088 Budapest
Jòzsef krt. 2


Mr Thordur Asgeirsson
Head of Delegation
Director of Fisheries,
Directorate of Fisheries
Ingolfsstraeti 1
150 Reykjavik, Iceland
Phone: 354 569 7900
Fax: 354 569 7991
Email: [email protected]


Mr Deepak Gupta
Head of delegation
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Health & FW & Chairman of National Codex Committee
Nirman Bhavan
New Delhi 110001
Phone: +91 11 301 8842
Fax: +91 11 301 8842
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Shashi Prabha Gupta
Technical Adviser (Food and Nutrition Board)
Department of Women and Child Development
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Government of India
Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi-110001
Phone: 91.11.3383823/Res: 6863063
Fax: 91.11.3381800/3381495
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Dr N.N. Varshney
Specialist IV
National Dairy Development Board
Phone: +91 11.5711391
Fax: +91 11.805711168

Mr M.S. Marathe
Managing Director
National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Ltd.
82-83 Vaikunth Bldg.
3rd Floor
Nehru Place
New Delhi-110019
Phone: +91 11 6475169
Fax: +91 11 6465653

Mr Shanti Lal Jain
Director General, Industry Org. Indian Su
Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA)
Community Centre East of Kailash
39, Nehru Plaza
New Delhi 110065, India

Dr Ravindra Kumar
National Dairy Development Board
Phone: +91 11.6188003
Fax: +91 11.618661
Email: [email protected]

Mr. M.K. Mandal
Agricultural Marketing Adviser
Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India
Nirman Bhawan, Room 527A
New Delhi-110021
Tel/Fax: 91.11.3013445
Email: [email protected]

Mr D.S. Negi
Joint Secretary
Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development
Ministry of Agriculture
Government of India
Room No. 245
1c Rishibhawan
110001 New Delhi, India

Mr Shivajirao G. Patil
Indian Sugar & General Industry Export Import Corporation Ltd (ISGIEIC)
21 Community Centre
East of Kailash
New Delhi 110065
Phone: +91 11 6432461/2
Fax: +91 11 6432060

Mr Indubhai Patel
Hony Executive Vice-Chairman
Indian Export General Import Corporation (ISGEC)
21 East of Community Center
New Delhi
Phone: 91.11.6432461/6421892
Residence: 6259679
Fax: 91.11.6432060/6222140

Mr Sri Baloso P.B.K. Satyanarayana Rao
Co-Chairman, Indian Sugar & General
Industry Export Corp. Ltd & President
Indian Sugar Mills Association
Community Centre
East of Kailash
39, Nehru Place
New Delhi 110065, India

Mr Kanthi K. Sharma
Executive-Director, Ramgarh Chini Mills
12th Floor; Hansalya
15, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi 110058
Phone: +91 11 3310121
Fax: +91 11 3313303

Mr Surendra S. Sirohi
Chief Sugar Technologist
National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Ltd.
82-83, Vaikunth
3rd Floor
Nehru Place
New Delhi-110019
Phone: +91 11 6412868
Fax: +91 11 6465653

Mr Devdas Chhotray
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Panchsheel Bhavan
August Kranti Marg
New Delhi - 110049
Phone: 91.11.6492476
Fax: 91.11.6493298
Email: [email protected]

Mr Shri R.P. Singhal
Chief Director (Sugar)
Ministry of Food & Consumer Affairs
Department of Sugar & Edible Oils
Directorate of Sugar
Krishi Bhavan
New Delhi - 110001, India

Dr M.R. Shivade
Vasantdada Sugar Institute
Pune, India

Mr D. Rajagopalan
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
Ministry of Commerce
3rd Floor, Ansal Chambers No. II.6
Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi 110066
Phone: 011.6164350 (direct)/6192141
Fax: 011.619.5016
Email: [email protected]

Mr Shri J.J. Bhagat
Mission Director
Sugar Technology Mission
Department of Science & Technology
Government of India
D-5 Dutab Hotel
Technology Bhavan
New Delhi - 110016
Phone: 91.11.6964656
Fax: 91.11.6863866


Dr Ato Suprapto
(Head of Delegation)
Agency for Agribusiness
Ministry of Agriculture
Jl. Harsono RM No. 3
Pasar Minggu
Jakarta 12550
Phone: +62 21 7815880
Fax: +62 21 7815880
Email: [email protected]

Dr Wahyudi Sugiyanto (Alternate)
Agency for Agribusiness
Ministry of Agriculture
Jl. Harsono RM No. 3
Pasar Minggu
Jakarta 12550
Phone: +62 21 7815880
Fax: +62 21 7815880
Email: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Tien R. Muhtadi
Expert for the Minister of Food
Ministry of Food and Horticulture
Bulog II Bldg.
Jl. Kuningan Timur
Jakarta, Indonesia

Prof Dr Florentinus G. Winarno
Advisor to the Minister of Food Affairs
Food Technology Development Center
Bogor Agricultural University
P.O. Box 61
Bogor, Indonesia
Phone: +62 251 621031
Fax: +62 251 621031

Mr Djumarman
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Jl. Gatot Subroto
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Phone: +62.21.525 5861
Fax: +62.21.525 5861
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Mr Moch Ma'roef
Ministry of Health
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +62.21.4241781
Fax: +62.21.4253856

Mr Sumpeno Putro
Agriculture Counsellor
Indonesian Mission to E.C.
Boulevard de la woluwe, 38
B-1200 Brussels

Ms Erniningsih Haryadí
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
Manggala Wanabakti, Blok IV, lt IV
Jl. Gatot Subroto
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Phone: +6221.5747043/44
Fax: +6221.5747045
Email: [email protected]

Ms Hendrien Leskona
Associate of INDOMILK
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6221.8710211
Fax: +6221.8710404

Ms Ning Rahayu
Associate of INDOFOOD
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6221.5226160
Fax: +6221.5226171

Ms Sonny Santosa Satari
Associate of Cocoa and Chocolate Industry
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +62.21.6507912
Fax: +62.21.6508219

Mr Thomas Dharmawan
The Indonesian Food & Beverages Association
Duta Mas Fatmawati
Blok D-I No. 30
Jakarta 12150
Phone: +62.21.7661612/7230090
Fax: +62.21.7510380/7230091
Email: [email protected]

Ms Adek Triana Yudhaswari
3rd Secretary
Indonesian Embassy
Via Campania, 55
00187 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4200-911/4200-9150
Fax: 39 06 4880-280

Mr Tar Hanafiah
(Secretary of Delegate)
Agency for Agribusiness
Ministry of Agriculture
Jl. Harsono RM No. 3
Pasar Minggu
Jakarta 12550
Phone: +62 21 7815880
Fax: +62 21 7815880
Email: [email protected]

Mr Herudi Kartowisastro
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6221.5747043/44
Fax: +6221-5747045
Email: [email protected]

Ms Wahyuningsih
Food Associate
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6261.8710211
Fax: +6261.8710404

Ms Elisabeth Jonosewojo
Food Beverages Associate
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +62.21.7661612
Fax: +62.21.7510380

Iran, The Islamic Republic of
Iran, République islamique de
Irán, República Islámica del

Mr H.E.M. Saeed Nouri-Naeeni
Ambassador, Permanent Representative to FAO
Perm. Rep. of Iran to FAO
Via Aventina No. 8
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06.5780-334
Fax: +39 06.5747-636
Email: [email protected]

Mr Mostafa Jafari
Alternate, Permanent Representative to FAO
Perm. Rep. of Iran to FAO
Via Aventina No.8
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06.5780-334
Fax: +39 06.5747-636
Email: [email protected]

Mr Hassan Yazdanpanah,
Scientific Member of the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, College of Pharmacy,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services,
Teheran, I.R.Iran
Phone: +9821.8774283
Fax: +9821.8795008
Email: [email protected]


Mr Bader Allawi
Head of delegation
Permanent Representative
Perm. Rep. of Iraq to FAO
Via della Camilluccia 355
00135 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3014-452
Fax: 39 06 3014-445


Mr Richard Howell
Agricultural Inspector
Department of Agriculture and Food
6E Agriculture House
Kildare St.
Dublin 2
Phone: +353 1 6072572
Fax: +353 1 6616263
Email: [email protected]

Ms Geraldine Kelly
Assistant Principal Officer
Food Unit
Department of Health and Children
Hawkins House
Dublin 2
Phone: +353 1 635 4404
Fax: +353 1 6713164
Email: [email protected]

Mr Alan Reilly
Director - Operations, Food Safety
Authority of Ireland
Abbey Court
Lower Abbey St.
Dublin 1
Phone: +353 1 8171300
Fax: +353 1 8171301
Email: [email protected]


Mr Elazar Cohen
Permament Representative of Israel to FAO
Via Michele Mercati 14
0097 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 3619-8500
Fax: 39 06 3619-8555


Mrs Brunella Lo Turco
Segretario Generale
Comitato Nazionale Codex
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole
Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Rome
Phone: +39 06 46655016
Fax: +39 06 4880273
Email: [email protected]

Mr Ciro Impagnatiello
Ministero per le Politiche Agricole
Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Rome
Phone: +39 06 46656510
Fax: +39 06 4880273

Drssa Albina De Marco
Ministero per le Politiche Agricole
Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Rome
Phone: +39 06 46655016
Fax: +39 06 4880273

Drssa Paola Merciaro
Ministero per le Politiche Agricole
Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Rome
Phone: +39 06 46655016
Fax: +39 06 4880273

Drssa Lucia Guidarelli
Dirigente Medico
Dipartimento Alimenti, Nutrizione e Sanità
Pubblica Veterinaria
Ministero della Sanità
Piazzale Marconi, 25
00144 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39.06.59943828
Fax: 39.06.59943255

Drssa Paola Picotto
Dirigente Veterinario
Ministero della Sanità
Piazzale Marconi, 25
00144 Rome
Phone: 39.06.59943752
Fax: 39.06.59943676

Mr Valerio Bordoni
Vice Direttore
Associazione Italiana Industrie Prodotti Alimentari (AIIPA)
Corso di Porta Nuova, 34
20121 Milano, Italy
Phone: 39.02.654184
Fax: 39.02.654822

Dr Gianfranco Laccone
Ministero per le Politiche Agricole
Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Rome
Phone: +39 06 46655016
Fax: +39 06 4880273

Dr Ferdinando Menconi
Viale Pasteur, 10
Phone: 39.06.5903450
Fax: 39.06.5903342

Drssa Anna Paonessa
Associazione Italiana Industrie Prodotti Alimentari (AIIPA)
Corso di Porta Nuova, 34
20121 Milano
Phone: 39.2.654184
Fax: 39.2.654822

Mr Leonardo Graverini
Via Boncompagni, 16
Rome, Italy
Phone: 39.06.42885648
Fax: 39.06.42814790

Drssa Maria Alessandra Grisolia
ETI - Divisione Ricerche
Pzza. Mastai, 11
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39.06.58572237
Fax: 39.06.58572294

Dr Carlo Brera
Ministry of Health
Laboratorio Alimenti
Istituto Superiore della Sanitá
Viale Regina Elena, 299
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4990-2367
Fax: 39 06 4990-2377
Email: [email protected]

Mr Alessandro Micardi
Dirigente Industriale
Via Washington 49

Mr Luca Colombo
PASTA Coalition Directive Board
PASTA Coalition
Via de'Burró 147
00184 Rome, Italy


Mr Franz Hall
Counsellor in the Permanent Mission of Jamaica
36, rue de Lausanne
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: 41.22.908 0760
Fax: 41.22.738 4420


Dr Keiji Tanaka
Food Sanitation Division
Environmental Health Bureau
Ministry of Health and Welfare
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku
Phone: +81 3 3595-2326
Fax: +81 3 3503-7965
Email: [email protected]

Dr Noriko Iseki
Assistant Director
(Biotech. Food Safety)
Food Sanitation Division
Environmental Health Bureau
Ministry of Health and Welfare
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku
Phone: +81 3 3595-2326
Fax: +81 3 3503-7965
Email: [email protected]

Mr Toshihito Ikeda
Deputy Director
Food Chemistry Division
Environmental Health Bureau
Ministry of Health and Welfare
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku
Phone: +81 3 3595-2341
Fax: +81 3 3501-4868
Email: [email protected]

Dr Shoji Miyagawa
Deputy Director
Veterinary Sanitation Division
Environmental Health Bureau
Ministry of Health and Welfare
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku
Phone: +81 3 3595-2327
Fax: +81 3 3503-7964

Mr Akihiko Nishiyama
Director for International Standardization
Standards and Labelling Division
Food and Marketing Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Phone: +81 3 3507-8592
Fax: +81 3 3502-0438

Mr Kazuo Yuji
Deputy Director
Standards and Labelling Division
Food and Marketing Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Phone: +81 3 3507-8592
Fax: +81 3 3502-0438

Ms Yayoi Tsujiyama
Deputy Director
Milk and Dairy Products Division
Livestock Industry Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Tokyo, Japan

Mr Makoto Kobayashi
Deputy Director
Milk and Dairy Products Division
Livestock Industry Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Phone: +81.3.3501-1018
Fax: 81.3.3506-9578
Email: [email protected]

Dr Kazuaki Miyagishima
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Medicine
Kyoto University
Phone: +81 75 753-4464
Fax: +81 75 753-4466
Email: [email protected]

Mr Kazuharu Okuma
National Association of Food Industry
Phone: +81.3.3716-2150
Fax: +81.3.3716-2700

Mr Osamu Suganuma
The Japanese National Committee of IDF
Tokyo, Japan

Mr Yasuyuki Nagara
Technical Adviser
National Association of Food Industries
6-18 Kamimeguro 3-chome
Phone: +81 3 37162004
Fax: +81 3 37162700
Email: [email protected]

Mr Akira Kitamura
London Center
United Kingdom
Phone: 44 171 470-4766
Fax: 44 171 629-7802
Email: [email protected]

Dr Toru Hayashi
National Food Research Institute
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Tsukuba, Japan
Phone: +81 298 38 7991
Fax: +81 298 38 8005

Mr Masato Ito
Permanent Representative of Japan to FAO
Embassy of Japan
Via Quintino Sella 60
00187 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 487991
Fax: 39 06 487-3316

Mr Takanori Ohashi
Alternate Permanent Representative of Japan to FAO
Embassy of Japan
Via Quintino Sella 60
00187 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 487991
Fax: 39 06 487-3316


Mr Soliman Arabeyat
Deputy Representative
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Embassy of Jordan
Via G. Marchi,1B
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8620-5303/4
Fax: 39 06 8606-122


Mr Tom K. Olielo (Head of Delegation)
Senior Principal Standards Officer
Head of Agrochemical Branch
Kenya Bureau of Standards
KEBS Centre
P.O.Box 54974
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 2 502211-19
Fax: +254 2 503293
Email: [email protected]

H.E. Mr Bob F.Jalang'o
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to FAO
Kenya Embassy
Via Archimede 164
00197 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 8082-714
Fax: 39 06 8082-707

Mr Paul K. Chepkwony
Agriculture Attaché
Kenya Embassy
Via Archimede 164
00197 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 8082-714
Fax: 39 06 8082-707

Mr Joseph K. Boinnet
Second Secretary
Kenya Embassy
Via Archimede 164
00197 Rome - Italy
Phone: 39 06 8082-714
Fax: 39 06 8082-707

Korea, Republic of
Corée, République de
Corea, República de

Mr Kyeong-Sang Rho
Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Rome
Via Barnaba Oriani, 30
00197 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06 808-8769
Fax: +39 06 8068-7794
Email: [email protected]

Dr Sang-Jin Lee
Assistant Director
Bilateral Cooperation Division
International Agriculture Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
#1 Jungang-dong, Kwacheon-city, Kyonggi-do Seoul
Phone: +82 2 500 2656
Fax: +82 2 503 0673
Email: [email protected]

Mr Jae-han Kwon
Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Rome
Via Barnaba Oriani, 30
00197 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06 808-8769
Fax: +39 06 8068-7794
Email: [email protected]

Miss Yoo-kyung Lee
Food Standards Division
Korea Food Research Institute
San 46-1, Baekhyun-dong, Bundang-ku
Kyonggi-do 463-420
Phone: +82 342 7809158
Fax: +82 342 7809264
Email: [email protected]

Dr Mee-ah Park
Researcher of Food Sanitation Council
Ministry of Health and Welfare
5, Nokbun-Dong
Seoul 122-704
Phone: +82 2 380 1559
Fax: +82 2 383 8321
Email: [email protected]


H.E. Mr Martins Perts
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Republic of Latvia
Embassy of Latvia
Viale Liegi 42
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8841-227/9
Fax: 39 06 8841-239/7


Mr T.M. Khalema
Alternate Perm. Rep.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Embassy of Lesotho
Via Serchio, 8
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8542-496
Fax: 39 06 8542-527
Email: [email protected]

Mrs Maphutheho Ranooe
1st Secreatry
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Embassy of Lesotho
Via Serchio, 8
00198 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8542-496
Fax: 39 06 8542-527
Email: [email protected]


His Excellency
Algirdas Zemaitis
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Lithuania to FAO
Via al Quarto Miglio 111
00178 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 7187-297
Fax: 39 06 7182-225
Email: [email protected]


Mr Raymond Dutreux
Conseiller de légation
Representant Permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO
Ambassade du Luxembourg
Via di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 90
00185 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 7720-1177/8
Fax: 39 06 7720-1055
Email: [email protected]


Mr Monja
Représentant Permanent Adjoint
Ambassade de Madagascar à Rome
Via Riccardo Zandonai, 84/A
00194 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3630-7797
Fax: 39 06 3294-306


Dr Tee E Siong
Division of Human Nutrition
Institute for Medical Research
Jalan Pahang
50588 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: 603-2986704
Fax: 603-2943575
Email: [email protected]

Ms Nor Aini Sudin
Technical Advisory Service
Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM)
Ministry of Primary Industries
P.O. Box 10620
50720 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: 603 8259-432
Fax: 603 8259-446
Email: [email protected]

Mr Ahmad Loman
Principal Assistant Secretary
Ministry of Primary Industries
6-8th Floor, Menara Dayabumi
Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin
50654 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: 603 2747-511
Fax: 603 2745-014
Telex: MA 30806 KPU
Email: [email protected]

Ms Mariam Abdul Latif
Assistant Director
Food Quality Control Division
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Jalan Dungun
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: 603 2540-088
Fax: 603 2537-804
Email: [email protected]

Mr Khairuddin Md. Tahir
Agricultural Attaché
Embassy of Malaysia
Via Nomentana, 297
00162 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8419296
Fax: 39 06 8555110
Email: [email protected]

Mr Syed Mohd Bakri B.Syed Abd. Rahman
First Secretary
Embassy of Malaysia
Via Nomentana, 297
00162 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 8411339
Fax: 39 06 8555040


H.E. Mr F. Montanaro Mifsud
Permanent Representation of Malta to FAO
Lungo Tevere Marzio 12
00186 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 6879-947
Fax: 39 06 6892-687


Mr L.K. Ma Poon
Principal Research Development Officer,
Ministry of Agriculture
Food Technology and Natural Resources
Port Louis
Phone: (230) 208-7128
Fax: (230) 212-4427
Email: [email protected]

Mr J. Deville
Deputy Director
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute
Port Louis
Phone: (230) 454-1061
Fax: (230) 454-1971
Email: [email protected]


Lic. Carmen Quintanilla Madero
Directora General de Normas
Secretaría de Comercio y Fomento
Industrial (SECOFI)
Phone: (52) 57299475
Fax: (52) 57299484

Lic Marcial A. Morfin Maciel
Director de Asuntos Internacionales
Dirección General de Normas
Phone/Fax: (52) 57299480
Email: [email protected]

Ing Juvenal Castoréna Contreras
Subsdirector de Normalización y Certificación
Dirección General de Agricultura
Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo
Rural (SAGAR)
Phone: (52) 52039760/52033923

Cons. José Robles-Aguilar
Representante Permanente Adjunto de México ante la FAO
Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 16
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 440-4400/1/2
Fax: 39 06 440-3876

Lic. Maria de los Angeles Arriola Aguirre
Representante Permanente Alterna de México ante la FAO
Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 16
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 440-4400/1/2
Fax: 39 06 440-3876

Sra Claudia González Eguía
Representación de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente
Recursos Naturales y Pesca
(SEMARNAP) de México en Italia
c/o Delegación Permanente de México ante la FAO
Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 16
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 440-4400/1/2
Fax: 39 06 440-3876

Mvz Moisés García Díaz
Médico Sanitarista Responsable
Sigma Alimentos, Centro, S.A. Df. C.V.
Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la
Transformación (CANACINTRA)
Phone: 52 27 17 23
Fax: 57 14 40 41
Email: [email protected]


Mr Majdi Mohammed
Chef de la Division de la Répression des Fraudes
Président de la délégation
Ministère de l'agriculture, du développement rural et des pêches maritimes
B.P. 476 Agdal
Rabat, Royaume du Maroc
Phone: +212 7 298150
Fax: +212 7 297546

Mme Zakia Driouich
Chef de la division du contrôle des produits, de la normalisation et de la promotion commerciale à la direction des industries de la pêche maritime
Ministère des pêches maritime
B.P. 476 Agdal
Rabat, Royaume du Maroc
Phone: +212 7 688271
Fax: +212 7 688294
Email: [email protected]

Mr Ahmed Afailal
Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO
Ambassade du Maroc
Via Lazzaro Spallanzani 8-10
00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 4402-524
Fax: 39 06 4402-695

Mr Hassan Tagafait
Dr. Vétérinaire, Cadre technique
Ministère de l'Agriculture, du développement rural et de la pêche maritime
72, Med Smiha
Casablanca, Maroc


Mr Ananias B. Sigauque
Alternate Rep. to FAO
Embassy of Mozambique
Via Filippo Corridoni, 14
00195 Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 06 3751-4852
Fax: 39 06 3751-4699


Mr Steven van Hoogstraten
Deputy Director General of International Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Schedeldoekshaven 100
P.O. Box 20301
2500 EH The Hague, Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 3707701
Fax: +31 70 3707999
Email: [email protected]

Mr Edwin Hecker
Chairman CCFAC
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
P.O. Box 20401
2500 EK The Hague, Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 3785686
Fax: +31 70 3786141
Email: [email protected]

Mr Otto Knottnerus
Central Product Board for Arable Products
P.O. Box 29739
2502 LS The Hague, Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 370 83 43
Fax: +31 70 370 84 44
Email: [email protected]

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