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The Fourth Session of the Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products reached the following conclusions:


The Committee:

- recommended the Draft Standard for Unripened Cheese Including Fresh Cheese for adoption at Step 8 (para. 49, Appendix II);

- recommended the Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Edible Casein Products for adoption at Step 5/8 (para. 105, Appendix III); and

- recommended the Proposed Draft Amendment to Section 2.1 (Description) of the Codex General Standard for Cheese for adoption at Step 5/8 (para. 15, Appendix IV).


The Committee:

- recommended the following Proposed Draft Standards for adoption at Step 5:

- Creams, Whipped Creams and Fermented Creams (para. 60);
- Fermented Milks (para. 73); and
- Whey Powders (para. 97); and
- agreed to propose that Codex worldwide standards be elaborated for the following with the understanding that the titles of these standards would be further deliberated:
- Evaporated Skimmed Milk with Vegetable Fat (para. 28);
- Sweetened Condensed Skimmed Milk with Vegetable Fat (para. 28); and
- Skimmed Milk Powder with Vegetable Fat (para. 28).

The Committee:

- agreed to circulate the following Proposed Draft Amendments to the Codex General Standard for Cheese for government comments at Step 3:
- a tentative level of minimum protein in dry matter at [6]% (m/m) (para. 19, Appendix IX); and

- a new appendix on cheese rind, surface and coating (para. 86, Appendix X);

- agreed to further gather information as required by the Codex Criteria for the Establishment of Work Priorities on those products where milkfat is wholly or partially replaced by vegetable fat and on their current names and national legislation in parallel to the elaboration of the standards to cover these products (para. 30);

- agreed to continue the revision of the Standard for Cream Cheese as the Committee decided to exclude cream cheese from the Draft Standard for Unripened Cheese Including Fresh Cheese (paras. 32 & 83);

- agreed that the Proposed Draft Standard for Dairy Spreads and Proposed Draft Revised Standards for individual cheese varieties be redrafted (paras 75 & 83);

- agreed to further collect information on minimum cheese contents in processed cheese, methods of analysis to determine minimum cheese contents and the alternative approaches by way of a Codex circular letter (para. 77)

- agreed on the methods of analysis and sampling as required for determining compliance of products with Codex standards being elaborated by the Committee (para. 120, Appendix XI);

- agreed to continue discussions on the possible elaboration of a model export certificate for milk products (paras 129-130);

- agreed that heat treatment definitions should be further considered by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene within the framework of the Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products and that the terms used in the Code should be aligned with those contained in the Codex General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms (paras 108-109);

- agreed to defer detailed discussion on the need for new standards for the following:

- “Parmesan” (para 133); and

- Cheese Specialities (pending current and accurate data reflecting worldwide trade, national legislation and problems in international trade)(para 136);

- agreed to report back to the Codex Committee on Food Labelling a new amended definition of the class name “Milk Protein Products” (para. 11);

- agreed to request the Codex Committee on Food Labelling to consider a new class name “Coagulating Enzyme” for inclusion in the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (para. 46);

- agreed to seek a clear explanation from the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants on the relationship between food additives provisions in Codex commodity standards and the Codex General Standard for Food Additives, especially as related to the food category system (para. 6); and

- agreed to report a number of points concerning methods of analysis and sampling back to the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (paras 112-119).

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