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106. The Committee was reminded that the subject of heat treatment definitions was briefly considered at its Second Session, where it decided that the IDF would prepare a consolidated document taking account of comments submitted for further consideration at the Third Session and subsequently by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene.[29] The Committee noted that due to time constraints, the Third Session of the CCMMP did not consider this subject further, and that the current document was the same paper prepared for that Session.

107. The Committee also noted that the CCFH was currently elaborating a Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products, and that the 32nd Session of the CCFH had returned the proposed Draft Code to Step 3 for redrafting.[30]

108. At the suggestion of the Secretariat and the representative of the IDF, the Committee reaffirmed its earlier decision that the subject of heat treatment definitions should be further considered by the CCFH. As it was noted that the CCFH would most likely restrict its work to food safety considerations, the Committee noted that other aspects might be considered at a future CCMMP Session. It was also suggested that the CCFL might be requested to address the issue of the labelling of heat-treated products subsequent to the establishment of definitions.

109. It was agreed that the current document should not be forwarded to the CCFH as it was obsolete and that the CCFH should be requested to ensure that the use of terms, such as milk, in the Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products was fully aligned with the Codex General Standard for Dairy Terms.

[28] CX/MMP 00/15, CX/MMP 00/15-Add. 1 (comments from Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Thailand, United Kingdom), CRD 5 (comments from Cuba) and CRD 8 (comments from Uruguay)
[29] ALINORM 97/11, para. 74
[30] ALINORM 01/13A, paras. 64-70

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