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110. The Representative of ISO presented a report on behalf of the IDF/ISO/AOAC Working Group on Methods of Analysis and Sampling. The report contained the outcome of the consideration by the 22nd Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) of those methods of analysis and sampling included in the standards for milk products adopted by the Commission at 23rd Session. Appendix I to the paper contained a list of methods required in the standards for milk products being elaborated by the Committee.

111. The Committee discussed issues referred by the CCMAS.

Moisture and Solids in Cheese and Dry Matter in Cheeses in Brine

112. The Committee recognized that only one Type I method (defining method)[32] could be endorsed for one analyte/product combination. The Committee agreed to recommend IDF Standard 4A:1982/ISO 5534:1985 which used drying at 102°C for determination of the above.

Solids in Sweetened Condensed Milks

113. The Committee agreed to recommend IDF Standard 15B:1991/ISO 6734:1989 which also used drying at 102°C for determination of the above. (see para. 112 above)

Peroxide Values of Milkfat Products

114. The Committee agreed that AOAC 965.33 was applicable not only to the determination of peroxide value of anhydrous milkfat but also to milkfat, butteroil, ghee, and anhydrous butteroil.

Sampling of Cheeses in Brine

115. The Committee agreed to amend the sampling provision of the Standard for Cheeses in Brine by replacing the term “non-absorbent” with the term “absorbent”[33].

Protein in Evaporated Milks and Sweetened and Condensed Milks

116. The Committee agreed to report back to the CCMAS that AOAC 945.48H (endorsed method) referred to AOAC 991.20 for the Kjeldahl determination and this was identified with IDF Standard 20B:1993. The Committee was informed that IDF Standard 20B:1993 was under revision and being validated for the determination of total nitrogen in cheese.

Copper in Milkfat Products

117. The Committee agreed to report back to the CCMAS that IDF Standard 76A:1980/ISO 5738:1980/AOAC 960.40 was capable of determining levels as low as 0.05 mg/kg of copper in butter and milkfat.

Lactose in Whey Powders

118. The Committee agreed to report back to the CCMAS that methods A and B of IDF 79B:1991/ISO/DIS 5765 were complementary to each other.

General Guidelines on Sampling

119. Relating to the General Guidelines on Sampling being developed by the CCMAS, the Committee was of the opinion that a statistical approach should be used where possible.

Methods of Analysis and Sampling in Appendix I of CX/MMP 00/16

120. The Committee agreed on the methods of analysis and sampling as contained in Appendix I with a slight modification of the principle of IDF Standard 136A:1992/ISO 8197:1988. These methods of analysis and sampling would be forwarded to the CCMAS for endorsement, if not yet endorsed.

121. The Committee noted that methods for the determination of microorganisms used for the identification of fermented milks needed to be forwarded to the CCMAS for endorsement for subsequent inclusion in Volume 13 of the Codex Alimentarius.

Cheese Content in Processed Cheese

122. In response to a request to develop a method of analysis to determine cheese content in processed cheese, the Committee agreed to seek information on methods used at the national level through a circular letter (see also para. 77). Information provided in response to the circular letter would be forwarded to the IDF/ISO/AOAC Working Group for the development of a method which can be applicable at the international level.

123. The Committee thanked the Working Group for its work.

[31] CX/MMP 00/16 and CRD 8 (comments from Uruguay).
[32] Codex Alimentarius Commission Procedural Manual, Tenth Edition, page 57.
[33] Appendix V of this Report.

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