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124. At the Third Session, the CCMMP was unable to consider a paper concerning model export certificates for milk products and decided to consider it further at its current session. The Committee noted that the document was identical to the one prepared for its Third Session, and that additional information was provided by the International Office of Epizootics (OIE) under Annex 2.

125. The Committee was informed that the most recent Eighth Session of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) had agreed to forward the Proposed Draft Guidelines for Generic Official Certificate Formats and the Production and Issuance of Certificates to the 47th Session of the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5. The CCFICS also agreed to inform the Executive Committee that the boundaries between official/officially-recognized certification bodies and other agencies in light of the wide range of certification presently used to facilitate trade was an issue requiring further consideration. The CCFICS stressed that guidelines should not address matters related to animal and plant health, notwithstanding the fact that animal and plant health attestations may be contained in certificates.

126. The representative of the OIE noted that the International Animal Health Code Commission of the OIE had discussed with representatives of IDF the possibility of developing a harmonized model certificate for milk and milk products on the issue of animal health attestations. OIE/IDF concluded that guidelines would be more appropriate than a model certificate to seek harmonization of animal health requirements of international certificates for milk products. The OIE representative suggested if the CCMMP were to continue work on a model certificate, OIE might collaborate with the CCMMP to reach agreement on a model international certificate for milk and milk products as long as the model included an animal health section covering animal diseases.

127. There was a general agreement that there was a need to develop a model export certificate for milk product to facilitate international trade. However, various opinions were expressed as to when and how to proceed with this work. A number of delegations suggested that the elaboration of a model certificate should be deferred pending the finalization of the generic certificate under consideration by the CCFICS and the further consideration of animal health attestations by the OIE and related subjects by the CCFH. It was felt that such a course of action would prevent duplication of effort while ensuring the harmonization of any CCMMP initiatives with those in relevant general subject committees.

128. Other delegations suggested that CCMMP work could proceed as long as careful consideration was given to the ongoing activities of other Codex Committees and international organizations. In this regard, it was noted that initial CCMMP work could commence at the present time and that the CCMMP could still consider the final CCFICS text prior to the final consideration of the CCMMP initiative. It was suggested that the certificate under consideration by the CCMMP should be greatly simplified and shortened.

129. The Committee agreed in principle to a further discussion paper on the possible elaboration of a model export certificate for milk products. As an initial step, the Codex Secretariat would issue a circular letter, developed in collaboration with the New Zealand Secretariat of the CCMMP and the Australian Secretariat of the CCFICS, to request information that would assist in the development of a discussion paper. Information would be sought on the approach thought most appropriate for the elaboration of model export certificates for milk products, including objectives and scope; specific definitions required; and general principles and criteria.

130. The Committee agreed that a drafting group led by Switzerland and consisting of Argentina, Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, the United States the European Commission and IDF would prepare a discussion paper for consideration at the next session of the Committee taking into consideration written comments on CX/MMP 00/17, information received in response to the circular letter, and other information from relevant general subject committees as appropriate. It was proposed that the discussion paper would include a suggested framework.

[34] CX/MMP 00/17 and CX/MMP 00/17-Add. 1 (comments from Argentina, Norway, Thailand and the European Community) and CRD 8 (comments from Uruguay).

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