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Parmesan (Agenda Item 8a)
Cheese Specialities (Agenda Item 8b)

Parmesan (Agenda Item 8a)[35]

131. The Second Session of the CCMMP considered a proposal to elaborate a new individual cheese standard for “Parmesan” and requested Germany, in collaboration with France and the IDF, to identify the product(s) in question and to prepare a paper on trade statistics and justification for future consideration by the Committee. Due to time constraints, the Third Session of the CCMMP was unable to consider the paper and agreed to defer discussion until its current session.

132. The Delegation of Portugal, speaking as on behalf of the member states of the European Community, and in view of continuing EC discussions on the question relating to the denomination “Parmesan”, indicated that it was premature for the Committee to make a decision at this time. Several delegations and the Observer from IDF stated that, utilizing the Criteria for the Elaboration or Revocation of Individual Standards for Cheeses and data contained in CX/MMP 00/18, the elaboration of a standard for “Parmesan” would be justified.

133. Notwithstanding the opinion of several delegations as above, the Committee agreed that discussions concerning the possibility of a new individual cheese standard for “Parmesan” would be deferred until its next session where it would consider whether or not to proceed with work on the basis of CX/MMP 00/18 and preliminary text of a standard as contained in CX/MMP 00/18-Add.1.

Cheese Specialities (Agenda Item 8b)[36]

134. The Committee at its Third Session considered a proposal from the Delegation of France to commence work on standards for a new class of products similar in style and presentation to cheeses, but which, for various reasons, did not fall within the adopted Codex General Standard for Cheese. The Committee agreed that it would determine whether or not to undertake new work in this area at its current session.

135. In presenting the paper, the Delegation of France indicated that “Cheese Specialities” were the result of new technologies, for example based on the use of whey proteins, which were not covered in the Standard for Cheese. It was further stated that the Standard for Cheese did not allow for the use of a wide range of ingredients and additives commonly used in the manufacture of cheese specialities, and that questions related to appropriate labelling and definitions would still need to be determined. It was suggested that the IDF should examine CX/MMP 00/19 and report back to the next session.

136. Several delegations questioned the need for a new standard for cheese specialities. It was felt that the product name could be suggestive of a superior product to English, Spanish or German speaking consumers. It was also felt that current and accurate data reflecting worldwide trade in the product, national legislation, and problems in international trade were required as stipulated in the Codex Criteria the Establishment of Work Priorities. Information on true identity and composition of the product was also requested as it was not well known in many countries of the world. The future inclusion of the product in the Codex Standard for Processed Cheeses was also suggested as a possibility.

137. The Committee requested the Delegation of France to provide the information requested above for consideration at the next session so that a decision could be made as to the possible elaboration of a standard for cheese specialities.

[35] CX/MMP 00/18, CX/MMP 00/18-Add. 1 (comments from Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, United States and IDF), CRD 5 (comments from Cuba).
[36] CX/MMP 00/19

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