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Appendix I - Country mission team, local counterparts & areas of special study
Appendix II - Bibliography

Appendix I - Country mission team, local counterparts & areas of special study

Member of CMT

Counterpart Officer

Area of Study

D.M. Lang

Walter Christopher & Gerard Gray

Report on Land Use/Watershed Management

P.I. Gomes

Eugene Skerritt, Claudia Skerritt & Gerard Gray

Social Forestry and Public Education

Patrick Haynes

Eugene Skerritt & Patrick Jeffers


Keith Archibald

Garry Swanston & Claude Gerald


Richard Howard

Franklyn Margetson & Gerard Gray


Richard Howard

- do -

Biological Diversity

Richard Howard

- do -

Conservation of Tropical Forest Ecosystems

Julian S. Kenny

- do -

Wildlife and National Parks

Selwyn Dardaine (Team Leader)

Gerard Gray

Forest Management

Selwyn Dardaine

Gerard Gray

Forest Policy

Narine Lackhan

Gerard Gray

Utilization of Forest Products

Duke E.E. Pollard

Chelliah S Arunachalam

Forestry and Related Legislation

W.S. Chalmers (CARICOM TFAP Coordinator)

Gerard Gray

Expansion and Upgrading of Central Nursery facilities

W.S. Chalmers

- do -


W.S. Chalmers

- do -

Institutional Issues

Appendix II - Bibliography

Bovey, R., (1986). Montserrat - A summary of available information and a proposal for a system of protected natural sites. Report to the Montserrat National Trust, the Government of Montserrat and the World Wildlife Fund UK, 1-105.

Bovey, R. et al, (1986). Montserrat National Park, Ecological and Cultural Feasibility Assessment. Report to the Montserrat National Trust, 1-80.

Gane, M. & McHenry, T. (1987). Revised Forestry and Wildlife Act.

Gane, M. (1989). Draft policy for the Development of Forests and Wildlife, Report on Forestry and Wildlife Development Planning, 13-28. FAO, Rome.

Gane, M. & McHenry, T. (1991). Terminal Report of the Forestry Assistance Project for Montserrat. FAO/UNDP.

Lang, D. & Gray, G. (1992). Draft Report. Proposals for Land Use Zoning - Forest Reserves, Protected Areas and Areas for Conservation Management.

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