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Appendix II - Country mission team, local counterparts and areas of special studies

Team Member

Counterpart (s)

Area of Study

Mr. Selwyn Dardaine (Team Leader)

Messrs Amos Glasgow (Acting Director of Forestry),
Cornelius Richards
(Forestry Officer)
Jorge Trevin
CIDA - Silviculturalist)
Andrew Lackhart
(Forestry Officer/Nurseries)

Forest Policy Silviculture,
Forest Management Training and Institutional Issues

Mr. Bruce Michie

Messrs Jorge Trevin and Joel Poyer (Forest Supervisor - Utilization).

Forest Economics

Dr. F. A. Gumbs

Messrs Cornelius Richards
B. Williams and Daniel Cummings (CWSA)
Joel Poyer and L. Grant.

Land Use and Watershed Management and Agroforestry (Crops)

Mr. Alexander Benn

Mr. L. Quashie
(Livestock Officer)
Dr. C. Corbette (Chief Veterinary Officer)

Agroforestry (Livestock)

Mrs. Christine Toppin-Allahar

Mr. Amos Glasgow
Fitzroy Springer

National Parks and Ecotourism

Ms. Barbara A. Chow

(Forestry Officer-Wildlife).

Wildlife and Biodiversity

Mr. Clayton A. Hall

Messrs Joel Poyer and M. Tash

Utilization and Marketing of Forest Products

Mr. Roy S. Jones

Ms. Ruth Reddock (Environmental Education Officer)

Social Forestry and Public Education

Mr. Duke E. Pollard

Mrs. Brown (Ministry of Legal Affairs)

Forestry and Related Legislation


CCA/IRF/USAID 1991. Country Environmental Profile St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Caribbean Conservation Association/Islands Resources Foundation/USAID.

McHenry, T. and Gane, M., 1988. Report to the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on Forestry, Wildlife and National Parks Policy and Legislation. FAO, Rome.

Bacon, P.R. 1991. Reports on Forestry Research for CARICOM/TFAP. IUFRO/FAO.

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