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Appendix I - Summary of activities under the CIDA forestry development project

SVG/CIDA Forestry Development Project (1989 - 1994) Activities and Subactivities

I Activity: Policy Development


i) Draft Forest Resources Conservation Act.
ii) Workplan for the preparation of the National Forest Resource Conservation Plan.
iii) Define Forestry Division's Role in Watershed Management.
iv) Prepare and execute Public Education Programme.
v) Preparation of a National Forest Resource Conservation Plan.

II Activity: Organizational and Staff Development


i) Prepare SVFD's Organizational Plan, including operational procedures.
ii) Select candidates for Professional and Technical Training.
iii) Train 1 Forester: Five-Year BScf Course in Canada.
iv) Train 5 Forestry Technicians: Two Year Course in Trinidad.
v) Train 1 Forestry or Watershed management Technician: Two Year Course in Canada.
vi) Train 12 to 16 Forest Guards and technician on the job or by attachment.
vii) Reintroduce Trained Personnel in SVFD.
viii) New SVFD Headquarters, Field facilities. Communications, Transportation System, Equipment.

III Activity: Conservation of Natural Resources


i) Identification of Potential Forest Reserves.
ii) Gazetting of new Forest Reserves.
iii) Conduct Boundary Surveys and Demarcation.
iv) Establish Effective control of the Forest Reserves.
v) Prepare management plan in a High Priority Watershed.
vi) Application of Agroforestry in Watershed Management.

IV Activity: Development of Plantation Forests

i) Investigate location. Size and Condition of Existing Plantation.
ii) Gazetting of Forest Plantations
iii) Conduct Boundary Surveys and Demarcation.
iv) Prepare Ten Year Plantation Development Programme
v) Establish Flying Nurseries as required.
vi) Establish Additional, and/or Expand Existing Plantations (including Rabacca farms Estate).
vii) Institute Silvicultural operations.
viii) Initiate Research and Development in Plantation Silviculture and Utilization.
ix) Prepare technical manuals and Pamphlets.

V Activity: Project Management and Administration


i) Provide Reports and Technical' and
ii) Administrative Support in St. Vincent (CEA).

Activities III. Conservation of Natural resources, and IV Development of Plantation Forests are of special significance.

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