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Appendix I. List of CMT, Local Counterparts and their Areas of Special Study


Area of Special Study

Local Counterpart

Mr. G. Symes
(Team Leader)

Forest Policy & Management

Mr. G. Fernandez

Mr. L. Gravelines

Forest Economics

Mr. G. Fernandez

Mr. D. Lang

Land Use/Watershed Management

Mr. M. Henry

Dr. C. James

National Parks Wildlife & Conservation

Mr. E. Williams

Mr. F. Neckles

Agroforestry - Livestock

Mr. D. Lewis

Mr. D. Pollard


Mr. Mitchell

Dr. B. Liss

Social Forestry, Public Education

Mr. C. Samuel Mr. S. Benjamin

Mr. G. Jilg

Agroforestry - Crops

Mr. L. Grant Mr. C. Hampson

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