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II n'est pas possible de citer tous les ouvrages et toutes les expériences des nombreux pays qui ont fourni des données pour l'élaboration du présent document. Il faut, toutefois, reconnaître l'importance de deux sources, indiquées au moyen d'un x, ci-après, vu leur influence sur les travaux initiaux de classification interprétative des sols et des terres. Les revues, débats, bibliographies et résumés portant sur les systèmes et techniques d'évaluation des terres sont indiqués moyennant d'un astérisque.
Beek, J., Bennema, J. and Camargo, M. 1964 First draft, soil survey interpretation in Brazil. A system of land capability classification for reconnaissance surveys. DFFS-FAO-STIBOKA., Rio de Janeiro and Wageningen. 36 p.

Beek, K.J. and Bennema, J. 1972 Land evaluation for agricultural land use planning. An ecological methodology. Dept. Soil Soi. and Geol., Agric. University, Wageningen. 70 p. Spanish ed.: Boletin Latinoamericano sobre fomento de tierras y aguas 3. Proyecto Regional FAO/PNUD RLA 70/457. Santiago, Chile.

Beek, K.J. 1975 Land utilization types in land evaluation. In: Land evaluation in Europe. Soils Bulletin 29, FAO, Rome. p. 87-106.

Brinkman, R. and Smyth, A.J. (eds.). 1973 Land evaluation for rural purposes. Summary of an expert consultation, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 6-12 October 1972. Publication 17, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen. 116 p. Spanish ed.: Boletin Latinoamericano sobre fomento de tierras y aguas 4. Proyecto Regional FAO/PNUD RLA 70/457. Santiago, Chile.

Condon, R.W. 1968 Estimation of grazing capacity on arid grazing lands. In: G.A. Stewart (ed.). Land evaluation. Maomillan, Melbourne. p. 112-124.

* Coomber N.H. and Biswas, A.K. 1972 Evaluation of environmental intangibles. Review of techniques. Environment Canada, Ottawa, and Genera Press, P.O. Box 336, Bronxville, New York. 77 p.

FAO. 1966 Report on the Soil Survey Project of (British) Guyana. Vol. I. United Nations Special Fund and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, report FAO/SF: 19/BRG. FAO, Rome. p. 11-12.

FAO. 1972 Background document. Expert consultation on land evaluation for rural purposes. AGL:LERP 72/1, Oct. 1972. FAO, Rome. 110 p.

FAO. 1973 A framework for land evaluation. Draft edition. AGL/MISC/73/14. FAO, Rome. 65 p.

* FAO. 1974 Approaches to land classification. Soils Bulletin 22. FAO, Rome. 120 p.

FAO. 1975 Report on the ad hoc expert consultation on land evaluation, Rome, Italy, 6-8 January 1975. World Soil Resources. Report 45. FAO, Rome. 152 p.

Fukui, Hayao. 1976 Appraisal of the 'location' factor in a Japanese land evaluation system. ms, 17 p. This is an English summary of: Secretariat for the Council of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Technology (ed.). 1963. Method and procedure for land-use classification (in Japanese). 432 p.

x Klingebiel, A.A. and Montgomery, P.H. 1961 Land-capability classification. Agricultural Handbook 210, Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 21 p.

Kostrowicki, J. 1974 The typology of world agriculture. Principles, methods and model types. International Geographical Union, Commission on Agricultural Typology, Warsaw.

Leopold, L.B. 1969 Quantitative comparison of some aesthetic factors among rivers. Circular 620, U.S. Geological Survey.

Luning, H.A. 1973 Land utilization types of the medium-potential areas of Eastern Province, Kenya. Kenya Soil Survey Project, Nat. Agric. Laboratories, Nairobi. 59 p.

Mahler, P.J. (ed.). 1970 Manual of multipurpose land classification. Publ. no. 212, Soil Institute of Iran. Ministry of Agriculture, Teheran. 81 p.

* Olson, G.W. 1974 Land classifications. Search, Agriculture, 4(7): 34 p. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

x U.S. 1953. Bureau of Reclamation. Bureau of Reclamation Manual, Vol. V, Irrigated land use, Part 2, land classification. 132 p. Department of Interior, Washington, D.C.

Van der Kevie, W. (ed.). 1976 Manual for land suitability classification for agriculture. Part II. Guidelines for soil survey party chiefs. Soil Survey Administration, Wad Medani. Min. of Agric., Food and Nat. Resources, Sudan 106 + iii p.

Vink, A.P.A. 1975 Land use in advancing agriculture. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 392 p.

Working Group on Land Evaluation. 1975 A. Land evaluation in Surinam (in Dutch). 20 p. DBK report 51.
B. Some land utilization types in Surinam. Criteria for land suitability classification (in Dutch). 53 p. DBK report 52. Dept: Soil Survey, Paramaribo.

* Young, A. 1973 Rural land evaluation. In: J.A. Dawson and J.C. Doornkamp, (eds.). Evaluating the human environment. Arnold, London. p. 5-33.

Young, A. 1976 Tropical soils and soil survey. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 468 p.



Soils of the arid zones of Chile, 1965 (A**)


A survey of soil laboratories in sixty-four FAO member countries, 1965 (A**)


Guide on general and specialized equipment for soil laboratories, 1966 (A**)


Guide to sixty soil and water conservation practices, 1966 (A**)


Le choix des sols à cacao, 1966 (A** F** Es**)


Aerial photo interpretation in soil survey, 1967 (A* F* Es**)


A practical manual of soil microbiology laboratory methods, 1967 (A**)


Soil survey interpretation and its use, 1967 (A*)


La préparation des rapports de prospection pédologique, 1970 (A** F* Es**)


Méthodes d'analyse physique et chimique des sols et des eaux, 1970 (A* F* Es*)


Manuel pour les enquêtes de fertilité des sols effectuées dans les champs des agriculteurs, 1970 (A*** F* Es**)


The response of wheat to fertilizers, 1971 (A*)


Land degradation, 1971 (A*)


Amélioration de la fertilité des sols en Afrique, 1971 (A** F*)


Legislative principles of soil conservation, 1971 (A*)


Effects of intensive fertilizer use on the human environment, 1972 (A*)


Trace elements in soils and agriculture, 1972 (A* Es*)


The calibration of soil tests for fertilizer recommendations, 1973 (A*)


Interprétation des prospections pédologiques à l'usage de l'ingénieur, 1974 (A** F* Es**)


Fertilizer legislation, 1973 (A* F*** Es***)


Sols calcaires, 1973 (A* F*)


Approaches to land classification, 1974 (A***)


Management properties of ferralsols, 1974 (A*)


Shifting cultivation and soil conservation in Africa, 1974 (A*)


Sandy soils, 1975 (A*)


Planning and organization of fertilizer use development in Africa, 1975 (A*)


Organic materials as fertilizers, 1975 (A* Es*)


S.l. units and nomenclature in soil science, 1975 (A*)


Land evaluation in Europe, 1976 (A*)


Soil conservation in developing countries, 1976 (A* F*** Es***)


Prognosis of salinity and aikalinity, 1976 (A*)


A framework for land evaluation, 1976 (A* F*** Es***)

* Disponible
** Epuisé
*** En préparation
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ISBN 92-5-200111-5

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