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Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 December 1999

Arrival of participants in Côte d'Ivoire;

Departure for Yamoussoukro: Sunday, 12 December at 14h30, departure by bus from the parking in front of the principal entrance of the IBIS Plateau Hotel (Centre of Abidjan).

Monday 13 December

Morning session

08:00 Enrolment of participants;

09:30 Official opening;

Welcome address by The Mayor of Yamoussoukro and/or the Governor;

Welcome address by The Senior Forestry Officer of FAO (Regional Office for Africa); presentation of the forestry situation in Africa and brief introduction of FOSA;

Welcome address by the Senior Forestry Advisor of ADB;

Welcome remarks and official opening of the workshop by the Minister of Forestry;

Photo session (Picture of the group of participants);

Introduction by the Chair of the Workshop;

Introductory address by the Coordinator of the Partnership Programme EC-FAO;

role and activities of the Forestry Department of FAO;

objectives of the Partnership Programme and Workshop;

Brief introduction of Regional activities (ECOWAS, CILSS, OAB, African Academy of Sciences, CIRAD-Forêt, etc.).


Afternoon session

Presentation of country reports (reports from each country on the situation of forestry statistics in their country, role of statistics in forest policy and planning, potential and problems faced by the statistical unit, perspectives of the forestry sector);

Evening session

Welcoming session.

Tuesday 14 December

Morning session (8h30)

Continuation of the presentation of country reports;

Afternoon session:

Start of parallel sessions:

Formation of working groups for «Forest Products» and «Forest Resources». Terms of Reference for the groups, election of Chair persons and rapporteurs;

Start of the parallel sessions on wood products, including woodfuel, and forest resources, including plantations; for more details see ANNEX below.

Session on forest resources, presentation of FRA 2000;

Session on wood products: presentation of the collection of forestry statistics; evaluation of the Yearbook for forest products;

Wednesday 15 December

Morning session (8h30): Continuing parallel sessions;

Afternoon session: (plenary session)

Conclude parallel sessions, including preparation of reports; Presentation of reports;

Evening session:

Voluntary session on Non-Wood Forest Products;

Thursday 16 December

Morning session (8h30)

Detailed presentation of FOSA: objectives, activities, partners;

Afternoon session:

Discussion on the priorities of FOSA for the ECOWAS sub-region;

Presentation of conclusions from the discussions on the priorities of FOSA;

Presentation and discussions on the list of thematic sub-regional studies (one presentation for the humid tropics and one for the dry zones);

Friday 17 December

Morning session (8:30)

Discussion of the agenda of FOSA, the partners, the resources, the logistics;

Summary of the discussions on FOSA and decisions taken; redaction of the conclusions;

Afternoon session

Closing remarks by the co-president on the utilization of forestry data and the next steps to take; Utilization of forestry data at national and international level; Utilization and public availability of data; dissemination of data;

Next steps to take: pilot studies; studies related to FOSA (national and sub-regional reports for FOSA); defining the needs for assistance and capacity building;

Evaluation of the workshop;

Official closure of the workshop

Conclusions and recommendations by Chair of the workshop;

Official closure by the Minister of Forestry;

Evening session: Good-bye toast and diner;

Saturday 18 December

Morning: Field visit;

Afternoon: Departure for Abidjan.

Sujets à discuter en sessions parallèles

Ressources forestières

Information sur les ressources forestières

Méthodologie (définitions, modèle, etc.)

Moyens de dissémination

Information nécessaire sur les ressources forestières

Superficie forestière: type, perturbation, groupes d'espèces, disponibilité en bois, propriété et aménagement, zones éco-floristiques, protection, changement

Plantations forestières: superficie, espèces, propriété, fonction, etc.

Volume et biomasse: biomasse, volume sur pied, volume commercial, accroissement, pertes, exploitation et récolte, changement

Santé des forêts, feux

Produits forestiers non-ligneux

Arbres hors forêt

Systèmes de classification



Revue de la disponibilité des données locales

Pays par pays

Revue des contraintes

Produits forestiers

Secteur informel

Statistiques sur le bois-énergie

Statistiques sur les produits forestiers non ligneux

Méthodes de suivi

Groupe de travail

Secteur formel

statistiques sur la production et le commerce des bois ronds d'industrie, des sciages, des résidus, des panneaux, de la pâte et du papier

Annuaire des produits forestiers

Statistiques sur les capacités et les prix, facteur de conversion

Groupe de travail

Statistiques forestières et CI d'aujourd'hui

Structure des données, classification et définition

Collecte, traitement et dissémination des statistiques forestières

Echanges (au niveau national et international) des statistiques forestières et rôles des points focaux nationaux

Groupe de travail

Revue des données pays par pays

utilisation du questionnaire électronique de la FAO

revue des anciennes données nationales

Items for review in parallel sessions

Forest Resources

Forest Resources Information

Methodology (definitions, model, etc.)

Means of dissemination

Needed Forest Resource Information

Forest area: Type, disturbance, species group, availability for wood supply, ownership and management, eco-floristic zone, protection status, change

Forest Plantations: Area, species, ownership, function, etc.

Volume and biomass: Biomass, growing stock, commercial volume, increment, losses, felling and removals, change

Forest health, forest fires

Non-wood forest products

Trees outside forests

Needed Model data

Sub-national units, Population data

Classification systems

Local, FAO

Review of local data availability

Country by country

Review of constraints

Forest Products

Informal Sector

Statistics on Fuelwood

Statistics on non-wood forest products

Survey methods

Working Group

Formal Sector

Production and trade statistics of industrial roundwood, sawn-wood, wood residues, panels, pulp and paper

Yearbook of Forest Products

Capacity & price statistics, conversion factor

Working Group

Forestry Statistics and IT today

Data structure, classification and definition

Collection, processing and dissemination of forestry statistics

Demonstration: National and international. exchange of forestry statistics and the role of national focal points

Working Group

Country by Country data review

Hands on use of FAO electronic questionnaires

Historical country data review

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