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IV. Marketing

There are basically two types of markets for NWFP: (i) the formal market, which is located in villages or towns. This type of market mainly deals with medicinal plants, wild meat, wild foods, baskets and furniture; and (ii) the non-formal market, widely spread in the country. Both types of marketing involve people of both sexes, including children and elders. Children usually are specialized in wild fruits gathering and selling along the main roads, while women on wild foods gathering or trading. Most men (elder people included), with the help of children, are involved in hunting, beekeeping, palm tree wine production, weaving of baskets and furniture. In big towns like Maputo, Beira and Nampula, baskets and other palm tree goods are made by the home guards during watching time. The gathering and marketing of medicinal plants is more complex since it involves very specialized people. In most parts of the country, the knowledge of medicinal plants is a family property. The transport of most of NWFPs is either by road or by train.

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