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  Page No.
1.Social groups in a fishing community and some options for their organizations7
2.Community fishery centres (CFC) (Check list for selection of components)13
3.Ownership pattern in a fishery centre15
4.Fisheries Development Unit (FDU) - its functions and responsibilities18
5.Preparatory planning with and without a joint planning group at the community level40
6.Deliberations over integration of Micro-plans into a Master Plan43
7.Steps in the selection of typical “Micro-plans”44
8.The CFC planning process46
9.Some alternatives for CFC components48
10.Selection of size and capacity of equipment and facilities at the same technology level51
11.Mobile trading units: orientative specifications for displacement-hull vessels57
12.Sources of capital for CFC development programmes61
13.Possible roles for the FDU in small-scale fisheries credit schemes64
14.Participatory supervision and direction of CFC operation70
15.Fisheries development unit (FDU) - outside connections72
16.Assessment of training needs77
17.Possible functions of Fishermen's Cooperatives Fishery Centres81
18.Possible ownership patterns in Community Fishery Centres85

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