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The following references are suggested for further reading

ACMRR 1983 Working Party on the Management of Living Resources in Near-shore Tropical Waters, Report of the ACMRR Working Party on the management of living resources in near-shore tropical waters. Rome, 28 February-4 March 1983. FAO Fish.Rep., (284):78 p. Issued also in French and Spanish.

ALexander, P., 1980 Customary law and the evolution of coastal zone management. ICLARM Newsl., 3(2):8–9

Baum, 1976 G.A. and J.A. Maynard, Paniqayan, Lampinigan, Baluk-baluk, Manangal. A socio-economic study on four fishermen's communities affiliated to the Basilan Fishing Association (BFA Isabela in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/76/WP/23:62 p.

Black-Michaud, J. and J. Johnson, Small-scale fishery development - a participatory approach to planning and implementation. Rome, FAO (in preparation)

Donaldson, W., 1980 Enterprise and innovation in an indigenous fishery: the case of the Sultanate of Oman. Dev.Change, 11(1980):479–95

Emmerson, D.K., 1976 Biting the helping hand: Modernization and violence in an Indonesian fishing community. Land Tenure Cent.Newsl. Madison, Wisc., (51):1–15

Emmerson, D.K., 1980 Re-thinking artisanal fisheries development: western concepts, Asian experiences. World Bank Staff Work.Pap., (423):83 p.

FAO/SIDA, 1980 Report of a Workshop on social feasibility in small-scale fisheries development. Madras, India, 3–8 September 1979. Madras, Bay of Bengal Programme, Development of Small-Scale Fisheries, GCP/RAS/040/SWE, BOBP/REP/5:22 p.

Firth, R., 1966 Malay fishermen: their peasant economy. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 398 p. 2nd ed. rev.enlarged

Forman, S., 1970 The raft fishermen: tradition and change in the Brazilian peasant economy. Bloomington, Indiana, University Press for International Affairs Center, 158 p.

Gulland, J.A. (ed.), 1971 The fish resources of the ocean. West Byfleet, Surrey, Fishing News (Books) Ltd. for FAO, 255 p. Rev.ed. of FAO Fish.Tech.Pap.,(97):425 p. (1970)

Henderson, 1974 H.F. and R.L. Welcomme, The relationship of yield to morpho-edaphic index and number of fishermen in African inland fisheries. Relation entre la production, l'indice morpho-edaphique et le nombre de pêcheurs des pêcheries des eaux continentales d'Afrique. CIFA Occas.Paper/Doc.Occas.CPCA,(1):19 p.

Kurien, J., 1980 Fishermen's cooperatives in Kerala: a critique. Madras, FAO/SIDA Bay of Bengal Programme, Development of Small-Scale Fisheries, BOBP/MIS/1:26 p.

Kurien, J., 1981 Socio-economic conditions of the traditional fishermen. CMFRI Bull.,Cochin,, (30–):45–53

Kvaran, E., 1964 The mechanization of the inshore fisheries and relationship to fisheries development in Ceylon. Bull.Fish.Res.Stn.Ceylon. 17(2):298–310

Laopao, M.L. and E.M. Latorre, 1979 Small-scale fishing in Leyte Province: a socio-economic survey. Econ.Res.Rep.Bur.Agric.Econ.Quezon City, (8):41 p.

Laxenaire, M., 1973 Introduction to accounting and management for sea fishermen. Manual for extension workers. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap.,(127):44 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Lawson, R.M. and E. Kwei, 1974 African entrepreneurship and economic growth: a case study of the fishing industry of Ghana. Accra, Ghana Universities Press, 262 p.

Librero, 1979 A.R. and W.L. Collier, (eds.), Economics of aquaculture sea fishing and coastal resource use in Asia. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Meeting of the Agricultural Economics Society of Southeast Asia, November 1977. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines.

McGoodwin, 1979 J.R., Pelagic shark fishing in rural Mexico: a context for cooperative action. Ethnology, 18(4):325–36

Meeren, A., van der, Improvement of fish processing and transport on Lake Chad Project, Nigeria. A socio-anthropological analysis of the fisheries of Lake Chad. Field document 1. Rome, FAO,

Meynell, 1984 P.J., Small-scale fisheries cooperatives - some Lessons for the future. Rome, Committee for the Promotion of Aid to Cooperatives, COPAC Occas.Pap.,(2):53 p.

Myers, 1981 M., Planning and engineering data - 1. Fresh fish handling. FAO Fish.Circ.,(735): 64 p. Issued also in French

PoLLnac, R.B. (ed.), 1977 Panamanian small-scale fishermen: society, culture and change. Mar.Tech.Rep.Int.Cent.Mar.Resour.Dev.,R.I.,(44):88 p.

Pollnac, R.B., 1981 Socio-structural aspects of developing small-scale fisheries. World Bank Staff Work.Pap.,(490)

Pollnac, R.B., 1984 Social and cultural characteristics in small-scale fisheries development. In Putting people first: sociological variables in development projects, edited by M. Cernea. Oxford, Oxford University Press

Roy, N.R., 1982 Integration, application and management of energy activities at the community level: technology transfer and communication. ICLARM Conf.Proc., (8):167–84

Ruppin, R., 1979 Introducing fishery education to schools serving fishing communities. Rome, FAO, Indian Ocean Programme, IOP/TECH/79/33:66 p.

Ruppin, R. and J. Johnson, 1979 Guide to fisheries extension in small-scale capture fisheries. Rome, FAO (in preparation)

Schmidt, U.W., Some socio-economic and cultural determinants of inland fisheries and aquaculture development in rural Africa: considerations for policy-makers. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA (13) (in preparation)

Welcomme, R.L., 1975 The fisheries ecology of African floodplains. CIFA Tech.Pap..,(3):51 p. Issued also in French

Williams, C. and D. Evans, n.d. Fishing economics for artisanal fishermen and fish farmers. A Department of Fisheries training manual. Lusaka, Zambia, Fisheries Service, 52 p.

Yap, C.L., 1977 Trawling: its impact on employment and resource use on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. In Small-scale fisheries development: social science contribution, edited by B. Lockwood and K. Ruddle. Honolulu, East-West Center

Yap, C.L., 1980 Women in fisheries. Proc.IPFC, 19(3):964–77

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