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The following represent the main references for this guide

Bakuramutsa, M., 1982 Why do our cooperatives in Africa fail? Ideas Action Bull. FFHC/Action Dev., Rome, (146):4–8

Ben-Yami, M., 1964 Report on the fisheries in Ethiopia. Jerusalem, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ben-Yami, M., 1980 Community fishery centres and the transfer of technology to small-scale fisheries. Proc.IPFC, 19(3):936–48

Ben-Yami, M., 1980a Questions and answers on community fishery centres. (Notes for lectures and discussions). Paper presented at the National Seminar on integrated artisanal inshore fisheries. Ilorin, Nigeria, 11 p. (mimeo)

Ben-Yami, M., 1982 Fishermen's cooperatives - flexible approach. (Notes for lectures and discussions). Paper presented at the Commonwealth Secretariat Workshop on marketing and distribution of fish in the South Pacific, Hong Kong, 7 p. (mimeo)

Ben-Yami, M., 1983 Fishermen's organizations and their special needs. Artisanal and Inshore Fisheries Development. Rome, FAO, NIR/77/001:14 p. (mimeo)

Bhasin, K., 1978 Breaking barriers. A South Asian experience of training for participatory development. Report of the Freedom From Hunger Campaign/Action for Development, Regional Change Agents Programme, March-May 1978. Bangkok, Thailand, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 116 p.

Christy, F.T. and M. Ben-Yami, 1982 Special problems of small-scale fisheries. Paper presented to the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission, Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the South China Sea, Second session, Manila, Philippines, 19–22 May 1982, IPFC:DM/SCS/82/5:17 p. (mimeo)

Dibbs, J.L., 1975 Extension teams as a method of developing the inshore fisheries at the village level. Indonesia. Fisheries development. FI:DP/INS/72/064 Working paper (mimeo)

Eddie, G. and M.T. Nathan, 1980 Pre-feasibility study of a floating fish receiving and distribution unit for Dubla Char, Bangladesh. Madras, FAO Bay of Bengal Programme, Development of small-scale fisheries, GCP/RAS/040/SWE, BOBP/REP/8: 26 p

FAO, 1975 Report of the Expert Consultation on small-scale fisheries development. Rome, 8–12 September 1975. FAO Fish.Rep.,(169):16 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

FAO, 1977 Community fishery centres. Paper presented at the third session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa. Bujumbura, Burundi, 21–26 November 1977. Rome, FAO, CIFA/77/6 (mimeo)

FAO, 1978 Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, Small farmers development manual. Vol.1. Field action for small farmers, small fishermen and peasants. Bangkok, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, RAFE(36):206 p.

FAO, 1979 Report of the World Conference on agrarian reform and rural development. Rome, July, 1979. Rome, FAO, WCARRD/REP, 67 p.

FAO, 1981 The WCARRD approach to agrarian reform and rural development: operational guidelines. Rome, FAO (Draft MS)

FAO, 1984 Report of the FAO World Conference on fisheries management and development. Rome, 27 June to 6 July 1984. Rome, FAO, 82 p. Issued also in French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese

Grofit, E. 1980. and FAO Fisheries Technology Service, The fishing technology unit (FTU). A guide for the planning, establishment and operation of national fishing technology services in developing fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap.,(199):48 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Hamlisch, R. and M. Hotta, 1980 What happened in Hokkaido. Proc.IPFC, 19(3):395–401

Hartmann, W.D., 1978 Mobilization and stagnation in a fishing community - the case of Bandaravanipeta. Colombo, FAO/UNDP Indian Ocean Programme/Small-Scale Fisheries Promotion in South Asia, RAS/77/044, Working paper 20:11 p. (mimeo)

Heck, B. van, 1979 Participation of the Poor in Rural Organizations. Rome, FAO, Rural Organizations Action Programme (ROAP), 98 p.

Johnson, J., Introduction to FAO strategy for integrated development in small-scale fishing communities. Rome, FAO (in preparation)

Kurien, J., 1982 Technological change in fishing: its impact on fishermen. Trivandrum, Kerala, India, Centre for Development Studies, 115 p.

Lawson, R.M., 1977 New directions in developing small-scale fisheries. Mar.Policy,1(1):45–51

Lisac, H., 1979 Some technical aspects of small-scale fish landing facilities. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/79/WP/81:32 p.

Lupin, H.M., 1981 Communication (“extension”) for the improvement of production and knowledge (Related to fish handling and utilization). Paper presented to the FAO/DANIDA Workshop on fish technology and quality control. Georgetown, Guyana, June/July 1981. Rome, FAO, FII:TFTG/81/26:16 p. (mimeo)

May, R.C., 1982 I.R. Smith and D.B. Thomson (eds), Appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries. Proceedings of the ADB-ICLARM Workshop on appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries. Manila, Philippines, 21–26 February 1981. ICLARM Conf.Proc., (8):215 p.

McGoodwin, J.R., 1984 Some examples of self-regulatory mechanisms in unmanaged fisheries. FAO Fish.Rep.,(289)Suppl.2:41–61

Ruckes, E., 1980 Marketing aspects of the development of small-scale fisheries. Proc.IPFC, 19(3): 955–63

Schmidt, U.W., 1982 Selected socio-economic aspects of coastal aquaculture in tropical regions with respect to planning and implementation. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA,(9): 129–41

South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, 1976 Report of the consultative group meeting on small-scale fisheries development in the South China Sea region. 13–15 December 1976 Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/GEN/76/9:140 p.

Talarczak, K. and L. Haling, 1978 Planning of fish handling facilities for a rural fishery centre. Dakar, CECAF Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic, CECAF/TECH/78/9:19 p. (mimeo)

Thomson, D.B.,1979 Marine fisheries extension. Paper presented to the ASEAN Seminar/workshop on Fisheries Extension. Manila, Philippines, South China Sea Development and Coordinating Programme, 18–25 February 1979. 15 p. (mimeo)

Wignaraja, P., 1981 Participation of the rural poor in development. Development, Soc.Int.Dev., Rome, 1981(1)

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