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In this Guide we have tried to explain the idea of community fishery centres in general and to provide some options for CFC and its components structure, establishment and operation. We have emphasized the necessity of the involvement of the participating fishermen and other villagers in all stages of planning, implementation and operation of their future services, facilities and institutions. We have presented some hints on problems that development agents may encounter in a fishing community and on ways of dealing with them.

We hope that this Guide will be useful as a reference book, handbook for training courses and development studies and as a field manual for practical purposes.

We also hope that the readers would match their experience and practice against the contents of the Guide and contribute their own comments, additions, corrections and ideas to a future, improved edition of this Guide. Your contributions would be most welcome. Please send them to the Fishing Technology Service, Fishery Industries Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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