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Barros, A, y Uhl, C, 1995, Logging along the Amazon River and estuary: patterns, problems and potential, Forest Ecology and Management, Vol 77, pp 87-105.

Brown, C, 1999, The outlook for future wood supply from forest plantations, Global Forest Products Outlook Study Working Paper GFPOS/WP/03, FAO, Roma.

Contreras-Hermosilla, A, 1999, Towards sustainable forest management: an examination of the technical, economic and institutional feasibility of improving management of the global forest estate, FAO/FPIRS/01.

Dupuy, B, Maître, H -F, y Amsallem, I, 1999, Tropical forest management techniques: a review of the sustainability of forest management practices in tropical countries, FAO/FPIRS/04. (También disponible en francés).

Hagner, S, 1999, Forest management in temperate and boreal forests: current practices and the scope for implementing sustainable forest management, FAO/FPIRS/03.

Southgate, D, 1998, Tropical forest conservation: an economic assessment of the alternatives in Latin America, Oxford University Press, Nueva York.

Spears, J S, 1994, Conditional lending experience in World Bank financed projects, Report No 13820, Operations Evaluation Department, Banco Mundial, Washington DC.

Whiteman, A, Brown, C, y Bull, G, 1999, Forest product market developments: the outlook for forest product markets to 2010 and the implications for improving management of the global forest estate, FAO/FPIRS/02.

Whiteman, A, (editor), en preparación, The potential for technological change to influence future wood supply and demand, Global Forest Products Outlook Study Working Paper GFPOS/WP/04, FAO, Roma.

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