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B. Request for Comments and Information

Proposed Draft Principles at Step 3

2. Proposed Draft Working Principles for Risk Analysis (para. 73, Appendix III)

Governments and international organizations are invited to provide comments and proposals on the Working Principles as follows: 1) the application of precaution in risk management (paras. 34 and 35); and 2) the other Working Principles

Governments and international organizations wishing to submit comments on the above document should do so in writing to the Secretary, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, with a copy to the Codex Contact Point for France, SGCI/CODEX, Carré Austerlitz, 2 Boulevard Diderot 75703 Paris Cedex 12, Fax. 33 (0)1 4487 16 04, Email: [email protected] for point 1) before 1 July 2000 and for point 2) before 15 January 2001.

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