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Summary and Conclusions

The summary and conclusions of the 15th Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles are as follows:

Matters for consideration by the Commission:

The Committee:

- recommended an amendment of Rule VI.4 of the Rules of Procedure to clarify that the request for a roll-call vote was subject to Rule X.2 that refers to the adoption of standards by consensus (para. 73, Appendix II)

Other matters of interest to the Commission

The Committee:

- agreed to return to Step 3 for further comments the Working Principles for Risk Analysis (para. 73, Appendix III)

- Agreed to return to Step 3 for further comments the Proposed Draft Revised Code of Ethics for International Trade in Foods (para. 108)

- agreed on Measurable Objectives to Assess Consumer Participation in Codex work (para. 110)

- proposed practical measures to facilitate consensus (paras. 68-69)

- agreed to consider further the composition of the Executive Committee and related matters, including an alternative proposal to hold the Commission on an annual basis (para. 84)

- agreed to consider further the role of "other legitimate factors" in relation to risk analysis at its next session (para. 95)

- agreed that the concept of "food safety objectives" could be developed further by other relevant committees and that it was premature to generalize it with a specific definition at this stage (paras. 65-66)

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