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Two major organizational types can be described which provide the basis for a general typology of organizations of forest owners:

1. Informal organization type, where no organizational body and therewith no central control or disposition of resources exists.

The following subtypes can be identified:

2. Formal (corporate) organization type with various levels of central control and disposition of resources.

The main subtypes are:

The corporate type can be classified according to the main function, differentiating between organizations with mainly an economic motive, organizations with a mainly political purpose, and organizations with mainly an information sharing purpose.

In economic interest associations the economic activities are limited to joint marketing and/or supply purchase. The members still manage their properties on their own and the individual ownership of land remains. This is also the case for production associations. However, in general, forest management covers the borders of individual properties though larger parcels may be still managed individually.

In the case of Corporate Forest / Community Forest the individual ownership is transferred into shares for members. The entire membership area is then jointly managed.

Annex 2 builds a general organization typology by sorting existing organizational options for small forest owners by their major functions and level of forest management co-operation. The typology is derived from the basic data on forest owners’ organizations in 17 countries in Europe which are listed in detail in Annex 1.

Annex 3 describes the advantages and disadvantages of each organization type from the forest owners’ perspective.


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