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ANNEXE I - List of participants/Liste des participants/Lista de participantes

Bjørn Røthe Knudtsen
Directorate of Fisheries
Region Trøndelag
7462 Trondheim, Norway
Phone: +47 73 545181
Fax: +47 73 545199
Email: bjorn-rothe.knudtsen@th.


Dr. Juan Carlos Blanco
Coordinatión de Pesca
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad
Agroalimentaria (SENASA)
Paseo Coloñ N° 367
Bueno Aires - Argentina
Phone: +0054 11 4345 4110-4112 int. 1610/12
Fax: +0054 11 4342 6209
Email: [email protected]


Ms. Jennifer Barnes
Principal Science Officer
Australian Fisheries Forestry and Agriculture
Box 858,
Canberra Act 2600, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6272 3509
Fax: +61 2 6272 4568
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Lic. Jeannine Noyen
Head of Section
Institute Veterinary Inspection
Wetstraat, Rue de la loi, 56
B 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 2870263
Fax: +32 2 2870201
Email: [email protected]


Guilherme Antônio da Costa Junior
Director of The Fish and Fishery Product
Insepection Service - Ministry of Agriculture and Supply
Department of Inspection of Animal Origin Products
Esplanada dos Ministérios - Anexo A
Salas 441/447 - Cep.: 70.043-900
Phone: +61 218 2775/218 2778
Fax: +61 226 9850/218 2672
Email: [email protected] (in mission) [email protected]


Mr. Cameron Prince
Head of Delegation
Director, Fish, Seafood and Production Division
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Nepean, Ontario K1A 0Y9 Canada
Phone: +613 225 2342 ext. 4212
Fax: +613 228 6648
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Ross Thompson
Deputy Director
Fish, Seafood and Production Division
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Nepean, Ontario K1A 0Y9, Canada
Phone: +613 225 2342 ext. 4571
Fax: +613 228 6648
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Anthony Sangster
National Manager, International Programs
Fish, Seafood and Production Division
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Nepean, Ontario K1A 0Y9, Canada
Phone: +613 225 2342 ext. 4551
Fax: +613 228 6648
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Régis Bourque
Executive Director, Atlantic Area
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1081 Main Street
PO Box 6088
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1C 8R2, Canada
Phone: +506 851 7670
Fax: +506 851 2911
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Dominic Cheung
Technical Officer
Fish, Seafood and Production Division
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1050 Courtneypark Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2R4
Phone: +905 795 9666 ext.231
Fax: +905 795 9673/9673
Email: [email protected]

Mr. John Emberley
Fisheries Council of Canada
9 Josteen Drive
Kemptville, Ontario
K0G 1J0, Canada
Phone: +613 258 7023
Fax: +613 258 0514
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Ralph Drew
Technical Services
Canadian Fishing Company
1 Gore Avenue
Vancouver, British Colombia V6A 2Y7
Phone: +604 681 0211
Fax: +604 681 3277
Email: [email protected]


Ing. Ruth Alarcón G.
Coordinadora Normas Codex
Departamento de Sanidad Pesquera
Servicio Nacional de Pesca
Victoria 2832
Valparaiso, Chile
Phone: +56 32 819202/819203
Fax: +56 32 819200
Email: [email protected]


Mr. Li Zhenmin
Technical Officer
Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Bureau of The People’s Republic of China
No. 81 Renmin Road Dalian 116001
Phone: +86 411 2637725-4553
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Chen Haiyang
Veterinary Officer
Department for Supervision on Certification
State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and
Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China
10A, Chaowai Street
Beijing, 100020, China
Phone: +86 10 65994612
Fax: +86 10 65994568
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Ding Baohua
Deputy Director
China Certification Center for fish and fishery Products Quality
No. 150, Qingta cun, Yongding Road, Fengtai District
Bejing, 10003q, China
Phone: +86 10 68673907
Fax: +86 10 68671130
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]

Wang Lianzhu
National Center for Quality Supervision & test of Aquatic Products
106 Nanjing Road, Qingdao 266071
Phone: 86 532 5821813
Fax: 86 532 5821514
Email: [email protected]


Heriberto Díaz Pérez
Lic. Bioquimica
Ministerio de la Industria Pesquera
Dirección Aseguramiento de la Calidad
5TA Ave. y 248, Barlovento
Playa, C. Habana, Cuba
Phone: + 297294
Fax: +249168
Email: [email protected]


Ms. Thyra Bjergskov
Head of Delegation
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Mørkhøj Bygade 19
DK-2860 Søborg
Phone: +45 33 956000
Fax: +45 33 95 6001
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Dánial Klein Christiansen
Fish Quality Officer
Fishery Division
Food and Environmental Agency
FO-100 Torshavn
Faroe Islands, Denmark
Phone: +298 31 5300
Fax: +298 31 0508
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Ahmed Fawzy
Minestry of Commerse & Trade
Assis. Maneger of General
Organization for import & export control
7El Ensherah, El Sagir, El Mohandsen
Geza, Egypt
Phone: +202 3456293/202 5758848
Fax: +202 5778376


Ms. Pia Mäkelä
Senior Veterinary Officer
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
PO Box 232
00023 Valtioneuvosto
Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 9 1603388
Fax: +358 9 1603338
Email: [email protected]


Henri Loréal
Head of Delegation, Senior scientist
Rue de l’Ile d’Yeu B.P. 21105
44311 Nantes Cedex 03, France
Phone: +33 24 037 4152
Fax: +33 24 037 4071
Email: [email protected]

Cécile Bigot
Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche - DPMA
3, place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris 07 SP
Phone: +01 49 55 8251
Fax: +01 49 55 8200
Email: [email protected]

Francois Falconnet
Secrétaire général
Confédération des Industries de Traitment
Des Produits des Pêches Maritimes
44, rue d’Alésia
75682 Paris Cedex 14
Phone: +33(0) 153 914464
Fax: +33(0) 153 91 4470
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Eric Grande
42, rue Rieussec
78223 Viroflay Cedex
Phone: +33 1 34 586618
Fax: +33 1 34 585426
Email: [email protected]

Daniel Hulaud
Ministére de l’économie et des Finances
59, boulevard Vincent Auriol
75703 Paris Cedex
Phone: +01 44 972353
Fax: +01 44 973048
Email: [email protected]

Sonia Litman
44, rue d’Alesia
75682 Paris Cedex 14
Phone: +33 15 3914465
Fax: +33 15 3914470
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Achim Viereck
Deputy Head of Unit
Federal Ministry of Agriculture
Rochusstrabbe 1
D-53123 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 529 4498
Fax: +49 228 529 4410
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Jörg Oehlenschläger
Deputy Director
Federal Research for Fisheries Centre
Palmaille 9, D-22767 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 38905151
Fax: +49 40 38905262
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Reinhard Schubring
Senior Scientist - Federal Research Centre for Fisheries
PalEmaille 9
D-22767 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 38905181
Fax: +49 40 38905262
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Günter Klein
Senior Scientist - Federal Institute for Health
protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
D-12277 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 1888 4122107
Fax: +49 1888 4122951
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Matthias Keller
Managing Director
Federal Association of German Fish processors and Fish wholesalers
Grobbe Elbstrabbe 133, D-22767 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 381811
Fax: +49 40 3898554
Email: [email protected]


Halldór Ó Zoëga
Head of Department
Fiskistofa, Directorate of Fisheries
Quality Management Department
Ingólfsstræti 1 - 101 Reykjavik
Phone: 354 569 7900
Fax: 354 569 7991
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Made L. Nurdjana
Directorate General of Fisheries
Department of Sea Exploration and Fishery
Jalan Harsono R.M. No 3, Jakarta
Phone: +62 21 7890552
Fax: +62 21 5747044

Dr. Sumpeno Putro
Agriculture Counsellor
Indonesian Mission to EC
Boulevard de la Woluwe 38, Brussels 1200
Phone: +32 2 7790915
Fax: +32 2 7728190
Email: [email protected]

Rodjudin Abdul Kadir
Counsellor, Indonesian Embassy
Gange Rolvs gt. 5
0244 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22 441121
Fax: +47 22 553444


Mr. Michael O’Driscoll
Head of Delegation
Sea Fisheries Officer
Dept. of the Marine and Natural Resources
Leeson Lane
Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 6622410
Fax: +353 1 6761306

Mr. Peter Whelan
Contracts Manager
Food Safety Authority of Ireland
Abbey Court, Lower Abbey St.
Dublin 1, Ireland
Phone: +353 8171394
Fax: +353 8171301
Email: [email protected]

Mr. David Garforth
Fish Quality Officer
Irish Sea Fisheries Board
Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co
Dublin, Ireland
Phone: +353 21 375611
Fax: +353 12 841123
Email: [email protected] ([email protected])


Mr. Hamid Reza Shahmohammadi
General Director of Marketing & Fisheries Industries of Iran Fisheries Co
Shilat, Fatemi e Gharbi Str.
PO Box 14155-6411
Tehran - Iran
Phone: +98 21 6941673
Fax: +98 21 6941674
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Singer Herbert
Director of the Veterinary Department
Food Control Service
Ministry of Health
14 Haarabah St., Tel Aviv 61203
Phone: +972 3 5634843
Fax: +972 3 5625769
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Ciro Impagnatiello
Ministry of Agriculture
Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 - Roma
Phone: + 39 06 466565016
Fax: + 39 06 4880273
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Pier Luigi Feliciangeli
Ministero Della Sanita
Dip. Alimenti e Nutrizione E Sanita
Pubblica Veterinaria
Ple Marconi 25
0014 Roma, Italy
Phone: + 39 6 59 943943
Fax: + 39 6 59 943865
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Shoji Miyagawa
Deputy Director
Veterinary Sanitation Division
Environmental Health Bureau
Ministry of Health and Walfare
100-8045 - Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3 3595 2337
Fax: +81 3 3503 7964
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Hiroyuki Sasaki
Section Chief
Fishery Processing Industries Division
Fisheries Agency
1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3 3501 5988
Fax: +81 3 3508 1359
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Katsuhiro Nakamura
Specialist, Jas Standards
Standards and Labelling Division
Food and Marketing Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3 3502 8111 ex. 4859
Fax: +81 3 3502 0438

Mr. Naoki Takatori
Technical Adviser
Japan Fisheries Associations
1-9-13 Akasaka, Minato-ku
109-0052 Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3 3585 6985
Fax: +81 3 3582 2337
Email: [email protected]


Ms. Rasa Šliyte
Senior Specialist
Fishery Department
Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania
Gedimino pr. 19, 2520 Vilnius
Phone: +370 2 391184
Fax: +370 2 391176
Email: [email protected]


Ahmad Hazizi Bin Aziz
Head of Marine Extension
Department of Fisheries
8th floor, Wisma tani
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin
50628 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone: + 603 2982011 x. 4618
Fax: +603 2910305
Email: [email protected]


Carlos Giménez
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico
Embassy of Mexico in Norway
Karenslyst alle 2
0244 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +22 431165
Fax: 22 444352
Email: [email protected]


Mr. Mohamed Majdi
Chef de la Division de la Répression des Fraudes Départemént de l’Agriculture
Avenue Hassan II, Station Dbagh
BP 4495 Rabat, Maroc
Phone: +212 7 298150
Fax: +212 7 297544
Email: [email protected]

Prof. Larbi Hachimi
Directeur du Laboratoire Official d’Analyses el de Recherches (LOARC)
Chimiques Départemént de l’Agriculture
25 Rue nichakra pahal
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 302196,302198, 302007
Fax: +212 2 30 1972
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Hassan Bouayoune
du Laboratoire d’Analyses et de Recherches
Véterinaires Départemént de l’Agriculture
45 Rue Nichikra Rahel
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 305766
Fax: +212 2 305532
Email: [email protected]

Najib Mikou
Directeur Developpement
Etablissement Autonome de Contrôle et de
Coordination des Exportations
72 boulevard Mohamed Smiha
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 305104
Fax: +212 2 305168
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Hassan Tagafait
Chef du Departement de Infrastructures Techniques
Etablissement Autonome de Contrôle et de
Coordination des Exportations
72 Rue Med Smiha
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 308339
Fax: +212 2 305168
Email: [email protected]

Zakia Driouich
Chef de Division
Direction des Industries de la pêche
Ministère des Pêches
BP 476 Agdal, Rabat
Phone: +212 7 688272
Fax: +212 7 688294
Email: [email protected]

Abdelkrim Berrada
Chef de Service
Direction des Industries de la pêche
Ministeres des Pêches
BP 476 Agdal, Rabat
Phone: +212 7 688272/78
Fax: +212 7 688294
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Souad Kifani
de l’Institut National de Recherche Halicutique
Département des Pêches Maritimes
Inrh 2, Rue Tiznit
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 220249
Fax: +212 2 266967
Email: [email protected]

Majid Joundy
Union Nationale des industries de la conserve de poisson
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 365106

Mohamed El Jamali
Union Nationale des industries de la conserve de poisson
Phone: +212 2 241985
Fax: +212 2 402437
Email: [email protected]

Moncef Kabbaj
Union Nationale des industries de la conserve de poisson
Km11 Route des Zenaras
Rue L AIN Sebaa
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 350310
Fax: +212 2 351294
Email: [email protected]

Jean Siegel
Union Nationale des industries de la conserve de poisson
Villa Angela - rue TarIK Ibn Ziad
Sofi - Maroc
Phone: +212 4 462420/21
Fax: +212 4 622633
Email: [email protected]

Abderrafie Megzari
Union Nationale des industries de la conserve de poisson
62 Boulevard d’Anfa
Casablanca, Maroc
Phone: +212 2 277077
Fax: +212 2 201087


Ms. Luísa M. S. R. Arthur
Head of Fish Inspection Department
Ministry of Fisheries,
Rua. Consiglieri Pedroso
N° 367, PO Box 1723
Maputo, Mozambique
Phone: +258 1 431266
Fax: +258 1 309605
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Maria Luiz Fernandes
Head of Laboratory of Fish Inspection on Service Province
Rua Consiglieri Pedroso, N° 347
P.O.Box 1723
Maputo, Mozambique
Phone: +428194 +258 1 428194
Fax: +258 1 309605
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]


Mr. Ton Ijlstra
Head of Delegation
Ministry of Agriculture
Fisheries Department
PO Box 20401
2500 EK The Hague
Phone: +31 70 3784234
Fax: +31 70 3786452
Email: [email protected]

Mr. L. Zijp
Senior Policy Secretary - Dutch Fish Board
PO Box 72
2280 AB Rijswijk
Phone: +31 70 3969609
Fax: +31 70 3999426
Email: [email protected]

Mr. A. L. de Kok
Ministry of Agriculture
Fisheries Department
PO Box 20401
2500 EK The Hague
Phone: +31 70 3784848
Fax: +31 70 3786452
Email: [email protected]

Drs. G. L. Roessink
Senior Scientific Officer
Ministry of Public Health
Inspectorate for Health Protection
PO Box 202,
7200 AE Zutphen
Phone: +31 575 588100
Fax: +31 575 588200
Email: [email protected]


Dr. John Lee
Programme Manager (Animal Products)
MAF Food Assurance Authority
95 Mc Gregor Road,
RD2, Papakura
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 2929131
Fax: +64 9 2929131
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Rachel Harvie
Executive Officer
New Zealand Seafood Standards Council
Private Bag 24901
Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 385 4005
Fax: +64 4 385 2727
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Marie McDonald
Quality Manager
Southfish Limited
PO Box 143
Bluff, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 212 8726
Fax: +64 3 212 8267
Email: [email protected]


Geir Valset
Head of Delegation - Adviser
Department of Quality, Control and Regional Management
Directorate of Fisheries
PO Box 185
5804 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 238000
Fax: +47 55 238090
Email: [email protected]

Aksel R. Eikemo
Director General
Department of Quality, Control and Regional Management
Directorate of Fisheries
PO Box 185
5804 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 238000
Fax: +47 55 238090
Email: [email protected]

Gunnar Tertnes
Acting Head of Division of Quality and Environment
Department of Quality, Control and Regional Management
Directorate of Fisheries
PO Box 185
5804 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 238000
Fax: +47 55 238090
Email: [email protected]

Knut-Roger Sivertsen
Specialist Executive Officer
Department of Quality, Control and Regional Management
Directorate of Fisheries
PO Box 185
5804 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 238000
Fax: +47 55 238090
Email: [email protected]

Marit Fallebø
Specialist Executive Officer
Department of Quality, Control and Regional Management
Directorate of Fisheries
PO Box 185
5804 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 238000
Fax: +47 55 238090
Email: marit.fallebø

Friede Andersen
Department of Quality, Control and Regional Management
Directorate of Fisheries
PO Box 185
5804 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 238000
Fax: +47 55 238090
Email: [email protected]

Helge Hove
Head of Section
Sentral Laboratory
Department of Quality, Control and Regional Management
Directorate of Fisheries
Po Box 185
5804 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 238000
Fax: +47 55 238090
Email: [email protected]

Dan Aarsand
Head of Section of Inspection and Control
Directorate of Fisheries,
Rogaland Region
PO Box 43
4291 Kopervik, Norway
Phone: +47 52 845607
Fax: +47 52 853091
Email: [email protected]

Sverre O. Roald
Regional Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Directorate of Fisheries
Møre og Romsdal Region
PO Box 1323, Sentrum
6004 Ålesund, Norway
Phone: +47 70 101207
Fax: +47 70 101201
Email: [email protected]

Trygg Barnung
Head of Laboratory
Directorate of Fisheries
Møre og Romsdal Region
PO Box 1323, Sentrum
6004 Ålesund, Norway
Phone: +47 70 101244
Fax: +47 70 101201
Email: [email protected]

Karin Bloch-Hansen
Senior Veterinary Officer
Norwegian Food Control Authority
Section of supervision
PO Box 8184 Dep
0034 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22 246754
Fax: +47 22 246699
Email: [email protected]

Unni Røst
Deputy Director General
Ministry of Fisheries
PO Box 8118 Dep.
0032 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22 246470
Fax: +47 22 249585
Email: [email protected]

Gunnar Kolbeinsson
Project Manager
Federation of Norwegian Fishing Industry
PO Box 514 Sentrum
6001 Ålesund, Norway
Phone: +47 70 124560
Fax: +47 70 123002
Email: [email protected]

Nils A. Berg
Man. Quality Assurance
Norway Seafoods ASA
PO Box 195 - 1325 Lysaker
Phone: +47 67 524600
Fax: +47 67 524700
Email: [email protected]

Jorulf Straume
Federation of Norwegian Fishing Industry
PO Box 318 Sentrum
6001 Ålesund, Norway
Phone: +47 70 124560
Fax: + 47 70 124543 - +47 70 123002
Email: [email protected]

Per Henrik Prante
Institute Manager
-R&D in Food Processing
PO Box 327 - 4001 Stavanger
Phone: +47 51 844610
Fax.: +47 51 844650
Email: [email protected]


Ing. Paula Ramirez García
Directora de Protección de los Alimentos
Email: [email protected]

Ing. Daniel Percy Rojas Hurtado
Gerente de Operaciones de la empresa
Acuicultures Pisco S.A
Comisión para la Aprobación de
Exportaciones PROMPEX
Ministerio de la Presidencia del Peru
Av. Belen no. 323
Dpto. 404, San Isidro - Lima, Peru
Phone: +511 3495 624,
Fax: +511 3495 624
Email: [email protected]

Ing. Maria Estela Ayala Galdós
Directora de Investigación y desarrollo
Tecnológico Pesquero (ITP), y
Presidente de la Comisión del Codex de Pescados y Productos Pesqueros del Peru
Carretera Ventanilla km, 5.200, Callao 1, Lima Peru
Phone: +511 577-3130
Fax: +511 577 3130
Email: [email protected]


Ms. Jolanta Hillar
Sea Fisheries Institute
Department of Fish Processing Technology
Kollataja 1 Street
81-332 Gdynia
Phone: +48 58 620 17 28 ext. 156
Fax: +48 58 620 28 31
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Slawomir Pietrzak
Deputy Director
Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection
32/34 Zurawia St.
00-950 Warsawa
Phone: +48 22 621 64 21
Fax: +48 22 621 48 58
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Lidia Kacalska - Bieñkowska
Head of Division
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Fisheries Department
30, Wspólna Str.
00-930 Warsaw
Phone: +48 (22) 623 25 66
Fax: +48 (22) 623 22 04
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Gilberto M. Silva
D.G.V. - Direcção Geral de Veterinária
Rua Elias Garcia, 30-Venda Wova
2700 Amadora
Phone: +351 21 4767400
Fax: +351 21 4746238
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Pedro B.Dargent
D.G.P.A. - Direcção e Aquicultura
Edificso Vasco da Gama
Cais de Alcantara - Mar
1350 Lisboa
Phone: +351 21 3914309
Fax: +351 21 3979790
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Lucijan Cencic
Undersecretary, Ministry of agriculture, forestry and food
Dunajska 56-58
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: 386 61 178 9026
Fax: 386 61 178 9055
Email: [email protected]


Mr. Gideon J. Joubert
Manager - Food & Associated Industries
Regulatory Services
SA Bureau of Standards
Private Bag X191
Pretoria 0001
Phone: +27 12 428 6086
Fax: +27 12 428 6466
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Terry Bennett
Group Technical manager
Irvin & Johnson Ltd
PO Box 1628
Cape Town 8000
Phone: +27 21 402 9232
Fax: +27 21 402 9276
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Pieter J. Truter
Subject Specialist
SA Bureau of Standards
PO Box 615
Cape Town 7701
Phone: +27 21 689 5511
Fax: +27 21 689 6128
Email: raubenv%[email protected]


Micaela García Tejedor
Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
Direccion General de salud publica y Consumo
Paseo del Prado, 18-20
28014 Madrid, Spain
Phone: 34 91 5961993
Fax: 34 91 5664487
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Jesús Carrión
Jefe de Area de Comercialitacion Pesquera
Secretaria General Pesca Maritima
C/Corobon de Maria 8
28002 Madrid, Spain
Phone: 91 347 3689
Fax: 91 347 3740
Email: [email protected]


Mr. Alkhatri Aziz Hamed
Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
Sultanate of Oman
Phone: 00968 - 740061/740062
Fax: 00968 - 740159


Mr. Pontus Elvingson
Chief Government Inspector
National Food Administration
Box 622
75126 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: +46 18 171424
Fax: +46 18 105848
Email: [email protected]

Bengt Ahlstrom
Quality manager
Abba Seafood AB
S456 81 Kungshamn
Phone: +46 523 39000
Fax: +46 523 31662
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Roland Charrière
Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Service food of animal origin
CH-3003 Bern
Phone: +41 (0)31 323 3104
Fax: +41 (0)31 322 9574
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Sitdhi Boonyaratpalin
Head of Delegation - Deputy Director General
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
Department of Fisheries
Kasetklang Chattuchak
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Phone: +66-2 562 0524, 562 0600 Ext.3205
Fax: +(66-2) 562 0554

Ms. Sirilak Suwanrangsi
Chief - Fish Inspection and Quality Control Division
Department of Fisheries
Kasetklang, Chattuchak
Bangkok 10900
Phone: +662 562 0552-3
Fax: +662 579 6687
Email: [email protected]

Miss Kalayanee Deprasirtvong
Food Specialist
Food Control Divison
Food an Drug Administration
Tiwanon Rd., Nonthaburi
Phone: +662 590 7214
Fax: +662 591 8476

Vichien Chantayasakorn
Director - Thai Frozen Foods Association
160/194-y, 13th Floor, ITF Bldg., Silom Road
Phone: +662 02 235 5623
Fax: +662 02 235 5625

Mr. Poonkeite Thangsombat
Chairman of Seafood Packers Group
Thai Food Processors’ Association
170/22 9th Floor, Ocean Tower 1
Radchadapisek Road, Klong Toey
Bangkok 10110
Phone: +(662) 261 2684-6
Fax: +(662) 261 2996-7
Email: [email protected]

Miss. Naruemon Neramitmansook
Secretary of Seafood Packers Group
Thai Food Processors’ Association
170/22 9th Floor, Ocan Tower 1
Radchadapisek Road, Klong Toey
Bangkok 10110
Phone: +(662) 261 2684-6
Fax: +(662) 261 2996-7
Email: [email protected]

Mrs. Pearmporn Boonswang
Standard Officer
Thai Industrial Standard Institute, Ministry of Industry
Rama VI - Bangkok 10400
Phone: +(662) 202 3442
Fax: +(662) 248 7987
Email: [email protected]


Besta Mehrez
Ministère de l’Agriculture
Direction générale de la pêche et de l’aquaculture
30 Rue Alain Savary
1002 Tunis
Phone: +216 1 786833
Fax: +216 1 799401


Hüseyin Dede
Section Director
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
General Directorate of Protection and Control
Fisheries Department, Fishery Product Hygien and
Fish Diseases Control Section
Akay Cad. No. 3
Phone: +90 312 4255013
Fax: +90 312 4198319
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Mark Woolfe
Head of Branch - Food Labelling, Standards & Consumer Protection Divison
Food Standards Agency
PO Box 31037, Ergon House
London SW1P 3WG
Phone: +44 20 7238 6168
Fax: +44 20 7238 6763
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Kevin Hargin
Food Labelling, Standards & Consumer Protection
Food Standards Agency
PO Box 31037, Ergon House
London SW1P 3WG
Phone: +44 20 7238 5987
Fax: +44 20 7238 6763
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Cliff Morrison
Technical Consultant
Young Bluecrest Seafoods Ltd.
Ross House
Grimsby DN31 3SW
Phone: +44 (0) 1472 365950
Fax: +44 (0) 1472 365170
Email: [email protected]


Mr. Philip C. Spiller
Director - Office of Seafood
Food and Drug Administration
200 C Street, S.W. (HFS-400)
Washington, D.C. 20204
Phone: +202 418 3133
Fax: +202 418 3198
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Richard V. Cano
Deputy Director
Seafood Inspection Program
National Marine Fisheries Service
NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commercial
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: +301 713 2355
Fax: +301 713 1081
Email: [email protected]

Dr. George P. Hoskin
Director - Division of Science and Applied Research
US Food and Drug Administration
Office of Seafood HFS-425
200 C Street, S.W.,
Washington, DC 20204
Phone: +202 418 3172
Fax: +202 418 3196
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Timothy Hansen
Chief - Policy Guidance Branch
Office of Seafood USFDA HFS-416
200 C Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20204
Phone: +202 418 3146
Fax: +202 418 3198
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Johnny E. Braddy
Consumer Safety Officer
Policy Guidance Branch
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Office of Seafood
200 C Street, S.W., (HFS-416)
Washington, DC 20204
Phone: +202 418 3157
Fax: +202 418 3196
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Syed A. Ali
Staff Officer
U.S. Codex Office
Food Safety and Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: +202 205 7760
Fax: +202 720 3157
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Bob Collette
National Fisheries Institute
1901 N. Fort.Myer Dr., Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: +1 703 524 8880
Fax: +1 703 524 4619
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Randy Rice
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
311 North Franklin Street, suite 200
Juneau, AK 99801-1895
Phone: +907 465 5567
Fax: +907 465 5572
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Lisa M. Weddig
Senior Scientist
Food Safety Programs
National Food Processors Association
1350 I Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: +1 202 639 5988
Fax: +1 202 639 5991
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Martha Wiberg
Manager Quality & Regulatory Affairs
Gorton’s Seafood
128 Rogers Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Phone: +978 281 7349
Fax: +978 281 5416
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Tran Thi Dung
Fish Processing Technologist
Department of Science & Technology
Ministry of Fisheries
10 Nguyen Cong Hoan
Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Phone: +84 4 8354517
Fax: +84 4 7716702



Mr. Klavs Skovsholm
Secretariat General of the Council of European Union
Rue de la loi, 175
1048 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 285 8379
Fax: +32 2 285 7928
Email: [email protected]


Dr. M. Isabel Sanz Calzada
European Commission
Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General
Rue de la loi, 200
1049 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 2963414
Fax: +32 2 2996302
Email: [email protected]

Ms Cristina Laso Sanz
European Commission
Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General
Rue de la loi 86, room 7/21
1049 Brussels
Phone: +322 296 5735
Fax: +322 296 2792
Email: [email protected]


Ms. Maggi Mikaelsson
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development and Food
100 12 Stockholm
Phone: +46 70 - 671 0364
Fax: +46 8 21 33 53
Email: [email protected]

A.C.P. GENERAL SECRETARIAT (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States)

Heléne Fiagan
Trade and Custom cooperation Division
Avenue Georges Henri No 451
1200 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +322 743 06 34
Fax: +322 735 5573
Email: [email protected]

I.A.F.I. (International Association of Fish Inspectors)

Mr. John Emberley
Executive Direcor
International Association of fish inspectors
9 Josteen Drive, Kemptville, Ontario KOG IJO
Phone: +613 258 7023
Fax: +613 258 0514
Email: [email protected]


Ing. Selma H. Doyran
Food Standards Officer
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
FAO - Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06 570 55826
Fax: +39 06 570 54593
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Jeronimas Maskeliunas
Food Standards Officer
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
0100 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06 570 53967
Fax: +39 06 570 54593
Email: [email protected]


Ing. Hector M. Lupin
Senior Fishery Industries Officer
(Safety and Quality)
Fishery Industry Division FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Phone: +39 06 570 56459
Fax: +39 06 570 55188
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Hajime Toyofuku
Technical Officer
Programme of Food Safety
Department of Protection of Human Environment
World Health Organization
20, Avenue Appia
CH-1211, Geneva 27
Phone: +41 22 791 3556
Fax: +41 22 791 4807
Email: [email protected]

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