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Risk Analysis Principles and Methodologies
Other Legitimate Factors in the Framework of Risk Analysis

5. The Committee noted matters arising from the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, 14th and 15th Sessions of the Codex Committee on General Principles, 32nd Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants, and 12th Session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods.

Risk Analysis Principles and Methodologies

6. The Committee agreed that the Chairperson, in collaboration with the Codex Secretariat, would prepare a brief paper on risk analysis principles and methodologies so far applied or used in the work of this Committee for consideration at the next session so as to enable this Committee to report the development and application of risk analysis to the 24th Session of the Commission in 2001. The Committee also agreed that wherever possible, it would appoint a co-author(s) from a developing country(ies) for discussion papers, where the main author was from a developed country.

7. The Committee noted that the following recommendations had already been taken into consideration or currently worked on by this Committee and JMPR: consideration of developing quality criteria for data used for risk assessment; consideration of acute aspects of dietary exposure; risk assessment based on global data including that from developing countries; and consideration of the feasibility of risk management options in developing countries.

8. The Committee supported the recommendation concerning the need for increased interaction and communication between expert bodies, such JECFA and JMPR, and the Codex Committees and for their cooperation along the principles of risk analysis.

Other Legitimate Factors in the Framework of Risk Analysis

9. The Committee recalled that the Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) was currently considering the role of “other legitimate factors relevant for the health protection of consumers and for the promotion of fair practices in food trade” in relation to risk analysis. In order to facilitate discussions on general issues, the CCGP requested the Committees involved in risk analysis to identify the relevant factors that had been or were currently being taken into account in their work related to risk analysis. It was clarified that the Committee was requested to provide information on the weight or to what extent these factors were applied along with examples of their application. The Codex Committees on Food Hygiene, on Food Additives and Contaminants, and on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods had already considered this issue.

10. The Committee had a brief exchange of views. It concluded that it was not in a position to provide information to the CCGP at this time and agreed that a drafting group (Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, New Zealand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States of America, European Community, Consumers International) led by Australia would prepare a discussion paper for consideration by the Committee at its next Session with an objective to report the conclusion of the Committee to the 16th Session of the CCGP. The discussion paper should include factors other than science applied in the past or being applied currently in all elements of risk analysis; and how, when and to what extent they were used and examples of their application. It was considered that a list of factors prepared by the USA might serve as a starting point for the preparation of the paper.

[2] CX/PR 00/2, CX/PR 00/2-Add.1 (CRD 4).

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