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(a) Single-laboratory Validation of Methods of Analysis and Sampling
(b) Revision of the List of Methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues

151. The Chairperson of the ad hoc Working Group of Methods of Analysis and Sampling, Dr P. van Zoonen (The Netherlands), presented the report of the Group.

(a) Single-laboratory Validation of Methods of Analysis and Sampling[34]

152. The Committee noted that a Joint AOAC/FAO/IAEA/IUPAC Expert Consultation on Single-Laboratory Validation on Analytical Methods for Trace-Level Concentrations of Organic Chemicals[35] had been held in Miskolc, Hungary, in November 1999 as a follow-up action to the Joint FAO/IAEA Expert Consultation on Validation of Analytical Methods for Food Control held in Vienna in 1997. The Committee was informed of the key concepts for single-laboratory method validation developed by the Miskolc Consultation. These concepts included the identification of performance verification (Internal Quality Assurance) as an important continuing aspect of the validation process and consequently the concept of the Lowest Calibrated Level (LCL) was introduced. The Committee noted the need for the classification “screening methods” in addition to quantitative methods. It was agreed that these concepts could be used for enhancing harmonization between this Committee and the CCRVDF and should form the basis for a new set of criteria for the assessment of the suitability of analytical methods for Codex purposes.

153. The Committee agreed that:

154. The Committee endorsed the view of the Working Group that although the verification of extraction efficiency could ideally be determined by experiments with radio-labelled compounds, a limited number of laboratories had the facilities to conduct these experiments. Therefore alternative approaches, e.g., through proficiency testing, robustness experiments or multiple extraction schemes, might be appropriate.

(b) Revision of the List of Methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues[36]

155. The Committee agreed that the list should be revised after a full agreement was reached on the parameters and criteria applied to methods. The Committee agreed to the following procedure for revising the list:

(i) The circular letter referred to in para. 153 above should also request relevant validation information on methods of analysis for some of those compounds that entered the Codex system in recent years. This information should be provided in accordance with the criteria to be developed by the drafting group mentioned above and to be included in the same circular letter.

(ii) Subsequently an assessment should be made of the validation data received.

(iii) If a suitable list of parameters and criteria is developed to support the selection of recommended methods, the existing list of recommended methods should be revised accordingly.

156. The Committee agreed that an ad hoc working group on methods of analysis and sampling should convene at its next session under the chairmanship of Dr van Zoonen.

[34] CX/PR 00/11, CRD1 (report of the ad-hoc working group on methods of analysis and sampling).
[35] Report of the AOAC/FAO/IAEA/IUPAC Expert Consultation on Single-laboratory validation of Analytical Methods for Trace-level Concentration of Organic Chemicals (
[36] CX/PR 00/12, CRD1 (report of the ad-hoc working group on methods of analysis and sampling).

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