Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture Foodcrops and Shortages
Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture
September/October 2000


AFRICA: In eastern Africa, persistent drought conditions continue to undermine production in large areas, while war and civil strife in parts have severely limited farming activities. The number of people facing serious food shortages has increased to more than 20 million. In Southern Africa, the recent escalation of the civil conflict in Angola has resulted in fresh waves of displaced people who face severe food shortages. In the Great Lakes region, the food situation of the internally displaced people remains precarious as distribution of humanitarian assistance is hampered by insecurity.

ASIA: Millions of people in Asia have been affected by heavy and extensive monsoon rains and floods.The worst affected countries include Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Also a number of countries have been hit by a severe drought, particularly Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the CIS countries, the food supply situation is extremely tight in Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan due to drought.

LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN: In Central America, an unusually long and severe summer dry spell ("canicula") has affected the 2000/01 first season cereal and bean crops in El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, and below-average outputs are anticipated. In the Caribbean, foodcrops have also been seriously affected by drought in Haiti and Jamaica. In South America, prospects are unfavourable for the 2000 wheat crops in Brazil and Bolivia, as a result of adverse weather.

EUROPE: The 2000 cereal crops in many central and eastern countries of the region have been struck by widespread drought lasting from the spring right through the summer. As a result, yields of cereals, especially the spring/summer crops, have been well below normal. Particularly sharp reductions are reported in Poland and Romania, normally the two largest producers among these countries. Elsewhere, in the CIS, larger crops are being gathered in the Russian Federation but output in the Ukraine and Moldova was affected by hot and dry weather.

NORTH AMERICA: In the United States, total wheat production in 2000 is unchanged from last year's crop but is below the average of the past five years. By contrast, coarse grains output is set to rise thanks to a record maize crop expected. In Canada, where the harvest is just starting, wheat output is set to fall below the 1999 level and the average of the last five years. The coarse grains crop could rise marginally.

OCEANIA: The 2000 winter grain harvest is getting underway in some parts of Australia and early prospects are favourable. Total wheat output is forecast at some 22 million tonnes, which would be down from last year's record output but above the average of the past five years. A potentially damaging locust plague is being monitored very closely so that timely control measures can be taken.

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