Map of crop prospects and food supply situation


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Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Russian Federation Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Moldova, Rep. Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Belarus Estonia Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Albania European Union EC Poland Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Slovenia Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. Hungary Czech Rep. Slovakia Europe sensitive map

Unfavourable prospects for current crops Food supply shortfall in current marketing year requiring exceptional assistance Unfavourable crop prospects and food supply shortfall


EUROPE: The 2000 cereal crops in many central and eastern countries of the region have been struck by widespread drought lasting from the spring right through the summer. As a result, yields of cereals, especially the spring/summer crops, have been well below normal. Particularly sharp reductions are reported in Poland and Romania, normally the two largest producers among these countries. Elsewhere, in the CIS, larger crops are being gathered in the Russian Federation but output in the Ukraine and Moldova was affected by hot and dry weather.


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