Reflecting favourable growing conditions, a good harvest is anticipated. Following abundant rains in late July and early August which caused localized flooding, there was a significant decrease in mid-August. In late August rains picked up and remained widespread over the entire country in September. Cumulative rainfall is above normal except in the south. Maize, millet and sorghum are being harvested in the south and are flowering/maturing in the north. Rice is heading/flowering in the south and developing well in the centre and north. Crop conditions are satisfactory. With continuing rains in early October, early estimates point to another above average or record crop.

Pastures are abundant except in Tambacounda and Louga areas where they have been affected by reduced rains. Grasshopper attacks have been reported in the north and centre-north, and treatments have been undertaken.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission is scheduled from 9 to 13 October to estimate the 2000 cereal production.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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