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Nomination of the Coordinator (Agenda Item 11)[22]

92) The Committee noted that the Rules governing the nomination of the Coordinator had been amended by the 23rd Session of the Commission and that the Committee had to nominate a member country as Coordinator for appointment by the Commission. The Committee noted that Spain had held the Coordination for the two past sessions and was not therefore eligible under Rule II. 4 to hold another term.

93) The Committee expressed its warm appreciation to Dr Felipe Mittelbrunn García for his excellent Chairmanship of the Committee and his efforts to promote coordination in the region since his appointment as Coordinator in 1997, and expressed its thanks to the Government of Spain for hosting the session twice in Madrid.

94) The Delegation of Hungary, supported by all delegations, proposed to nominate the Slovak Republic for appointment as Coordinator for Europe by the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and until the end of the 25th Session of the Commission. The Slovak Republic accepted the nomination and expressed its wish to work with all countries in the region to prepare a successful meeting of the next Coordinating Committee.

[22] CX/EURO 00/15

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