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Date and Place of the Next Session (Agenda Item 12)

95) The Committee was informed that the next session of the Committee was tentatively scheduled to be held in the Slovak Republic in September 2002. The exact date and venue would be determined in consultation between the Codex Secretariat and the host country, subject to confirmation by the Commission.


Subject Matter


Action by

Document Reference in ALINORM 01/19

Proposed Draft Revised Regional Standard for Mayonnaise


24th CAC

paras. 38-40

Proposed Draft Revised Regional Standard for Vinegar


24th CAC

para. 44

Nomination of Coordinator

24th CAC

para. 94

Exchange of information on Food Legislation and Food Control, Cooperation and Training

Governments 23rd CCEURO

para. 79

Activities of Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees

Governments 23rd CCEURO

paras. 80-81

Consumer Participation

Governments 23rd CCEURO

paras. 82-90

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