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The 9th Session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables reached the following conclusions:


The Committee:

  • Agreed to advance the Draft Codex Standards for Tannia, Papaya (revised), Asparagus and Cape Gooseberry to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 8 (paras. 23, 33, 45 and 74);
  • Agreed to advance the provision on Minimum Juice Content of the Codex Standard for Limes to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 8 (para. 61);
  • Agreed to advance the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Cassava to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 5 (para. 92). In addition, specific comments on the inclusion of bitter varieties of cassava in the Standard and figures on international trade of these varieties were requested in order to ensure that the consumption of these varieties did not present a threat to consumers (paras. 82-85).
  • Agreed to retain the current value of 12°Brix as an indicator of maturity in the Revised Codex Standard for Pineapples since the Committee felt that this value was the minimum necessary to ensure the maturity of the fruit (para. 11);


The Committee:

  • Took note of the OECD Council Decision C(99)/10/FINAL related to the Establishment of one Single International Grade Standard Setting Body promoted by the Plenary Meeting of the OECD Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables and acknowledged the mandate of the Secretariat of the Scheme to initiate informal contacts with the Codex Alimentarius regarding a course of action to minimize duplication of work in this area (para. 15);
  • Agreed to return the Draft Codex Standard for Yellow Pitahaya to Step 6 for redrafting to include other varieties of pitahayas traded internationally, circulation, comments and further consideration by the 10th Session of the Committee (para. 25);
  • Agreed to return the Draft Codex Standard for Oranges, including Guide for Use in Scoring Freezing Injury to Step 6 for circulation, comments and further consideration by the 10th Session of the Committee. In addition, it decided to establish two drafting groups that will work by correspondence namely (para 57):

    • Drafting Group on Maturity Requirements, led by Cuba with the assistance of Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the European Community, with a view to revising the minimum juice content and other maturity requirements related to oranges and their green varieties that would be subsequently incorporated in the Draft Standard prior to its circulation for comments at Step 6;
    • Drafting Group on Sizing, lead by the United States with assistance of the European Community, with a view to revising the sizing provisions for oranges that would be subsequently incorporated in the Draft Standard prior to its circulation for comments at Step 6. This Drafting Group would also take care of the revision of the sizing provisions in the Codex Standards for Limes, Pummelos and Grapefruits (see paragraph below).

  • Agreed to return Section 3 - Provisions concerning Sizing of the Codex Standards for Limes, Pummelos and Grapefruits to Step 6 for circulation, comments and further consideration by the 10th Session of the Committee (paras. 59, 62 and 64);
  • Agreed to discontinue the consideration of the main body of the Draft Code of Practice for the Quality Inspection and Certification of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables since it was already covered by other texts elaborated by the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems and inform the Executive Committee and the Commission accordingly. The Annexes of the Code were returned to Step 2 for redrafting as a Proposed Draft Guide for the Quality Control of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables since they were specific to the inspection and certification of fresh produce. The Proposed Draft Guide will be circulated for comments at Step 3 and consideration by the 10th session of the Committee (paras. 77-78);
  • Agreed to return the Proposed Draft Codex Standards for Apples, Table Grapes and Tomatoes to Step 2 for redrafting, circulation, comments at Step 3 and further consideration by the 10th session of the Committee (paras. 98, 101 and 104);
  • Agreed to discontinue the discussion on Size Tolerances in view of the establishment of a Drafting Group on Sizing (para. 107);
  • Agreed to circulate Definitions for Terms used in Codex Standards for comments and further consideration by the 10th session of the Committee (para. 109);
  • Agreed to continue to request comments on proposals for amendments to the Priority List for the Standardization of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (para. 112).

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