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The Executive Committee and Other Codex Committees (Agenda Item 2a)
Other International Organizations
UN/ECE Standards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (Agenda Item 2c)

The Executive Committee and Other Codex Committees (Agenda Item 2a)[2]

5. The Committee noted that the document was primarily presented for information only, and that specific issues contained therein would be further discussed under the relevant agenda items.

6. The Committee was informed that the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission adopted draft Codex Standards for Guavas, Chayotes, Longans, Pineapples (revised), Limes, Pummelos and Grapefruits at Step 8. In addition, proposed draft Codex Standards for Mexican Limes and Ginger were adopted at Step 8 with the omission of Steps 6 and 7.

7. The Committee noted that the proposed draft Codex Standards for Tiquisque (White and Lilac), Yellow Pitahayas and Papaya were forwarded to the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 5/8, with the omission of Steps 6 and 7. However, the Commission decided not to omit Steps 6 and 7 and only adopted these Standards at Step 5 as the products were relatively new to some countries in temperate regions, time was needed to further consider all aspects of the standards, and there was no particular urgency in their finalization.

8. The Committee was informed that the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission adopted proposed draft Codex Standards for Asparagus, Cape Gooseberry and Oranges (including the Guide for Use in Scoring Freezing Injuries) at Step 5 for circulation and comments at Step 6.

9. The Committee noted that the Commission approved the elaboration of proposed draft Codex Standards for Apples, Table Grapes and Tomatoes as new work, and encouraged the CCFFV to perform this task in close collaboration with the UN/ECE as it had already elaborated standards for these products.


10. In regard to pineapple, the Committee noted the decision of the Commission to adopt the Revised Draft Standard at Step 8 with the understanding that the soluble solids content would be further discussed at the present session of the CCFFV. The Commission made this decision so that the CCFFV could consider proposals made by some delegations, including the delegations of India and Malaysia, at the Commission to reduce the Brix level from 12 to 10 degrees.

11. In consideration of the extensive discussions and the consensus reached on this issue at previous sessions of the CCFFV, and in view of the fact that no delegations supported changing the Brix level at the current meeting, the Committee decided to retain the current value of 12° Brix in the Revised Standard as this value was the minimum necessary to ensure the maturity of the fruit.

Other International Organizations

- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)
- Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)


- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)

12. The Representative of the UN/ECE informed the Committee of discussions held at the 45th and 46th Sessions of the Specialized Section on Coordination of Standardization of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and the 55th Session of the Working Party on Standardization of Perishable Produce and Quality Development.

13. The representative of the UN/ECE stressed that the Specialized Section did not disagree with the CCFFV’s decision to start work on the standardization of apples, table grapes and tomatoes but that some members informed the Specialized Section that they regretted this decision in view of the unfinished work on these products in the UN/ECE. In addition, the 46th Session of the Specialized Section regretted that the Proposed Draft Codex Standards for these products were not harmonized with the existing UN/ECE Standards although those had been provided to the Codex Secretariat.

14. With regard to the development of an UN/ECE Standard for Pineapples, the UN/ECE Representative pointed out that differences with UN/ECE Standards should be justified taking into account that they already represented a consensus reached among a significant number of countries of the UN/ECE Region and beyond, since all United Nations Member States could participate at UN/ECE meetings with the same rights. It was further clarified that the Specialized Section did not specify which text would be taken as a starting point for the new UN/ECE Standard for Pineapples but that the Working Group would have to justify changes to the existing Codex Standard for Pineapples.

- Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

15. The Committee took note of the information provided by the Representative of the OECD regarding discussions that had taken place at the 57th, 58th and 59th Sessions of the Plenary Meeting of the OECD Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables and regarding OECD Council Decision C(99)10/FINAL. The OECD Representative stated that document CX/FFV 00/3 was not completely accurate as regards the OECD activities and made clarifications, with particular regard to the Promotion of the Establishment of one Single International Grade Standard Setting Body. The OECD Representative stressed that the objective of the Scheme, as stated in Council Decision C(99)10/FINAL, was ‘to promote’ and not ‘to establish’ such a body nor to be the sole international standard setting body. The OECD Representative stressed that the word used in OECD Council Decision C(99)10/FINAL was neither “international organization” nor “international organism” but “international setting body” which had a more general meaning. Lastly, the Plenary Meeting of the OECD Scheme gave the Chairperson and the Secretariat of the Scheme a mandate to initiate informal contacts with the UN/ECE and the Codex Alimentarius in order to obtain from those Organizations their recognition and commitment to the following:

UN/ECE Standards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (Agenda Item 2c)[4]

16. The Committee noted that the UN/ECE standards contained in the document were made available as references for the elaboration of similar Codex standards as directed by the Executive Committee. The Committee agreed that the UN/ECE standards would be taken into account under the relevant agenda items.

[2] CX/FFV 00/2 and comments submitted by EC (CRD 1); Philippines (CRD 7); and, Costa Rica (CRD 8).
[3] CX/FFV 00/3 and comments submitted by the EC (CRD 10).
[4] CX/FFV 00/4 and CX/FFV 00/4-Add.1.

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