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The Establishment of Size Tolerances (Agenda Item 5a)
Definitions for Terms used in Codex Standards (Agenda Item 5b)

The Establishment of Size Tolerances (Agenda Item 5a)[19]

106. The 8th Session of the CCFFV agreed that the Discussion Paper on the Establishment of Size Tolerances should be circulated for comments in order to further consider this issue at its next session.

107. In view of the Committee´s decision that a drafting group lead by the United States, with assistance provided by the European Community, would undertake the consideration and revision of Provisions Concerning Sizing in the Draft Codex Standard for Oranges and in the Codex Standards for Grapefruit, Limes and Pummelos (see paras. 57, 59, 62 and 64) by 1 July 2001, the Committee discontinued the consideration of the establishment of general size tolerances.

Definitions for Terms used in Codex Standards (Agenda Item 5b)[20]

108. The 8th Session of the CCFFV decided to invite comments in order to provide definitions for those terms listed in the Discussion Paper on Definitions for Terms Used in Codex Standards for further consideration at its current meeting.

109. In view of the importance of the harmonization of qualitative terms used in Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables, the Committee accepted the offer of the United States to provide proposed definitions for such terms for circulation, comment and further consideration at the 10th Session of the CCFFV.

[19] CX/FFV 00/17 (not issued).
[20] CX/FFV 00/18 (not issued). Comments submitted by India (CRD 2).

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